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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Itching and itchiness and related h/c fetish?


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I don't know why, but I've been really into scenarios involving itching lately (and inspired some cool people to write story snippets about it, muahahaha.)

Particularly intimate situations where one person has an itch for whatever reason and another person teases them by scratching but not quite enough, before finally giving in - helplessness, desperation/begging, vulnerability, etc and that little edge of caring sadism on the part of the person doing the teasing.

I guess it plays into my interest in grody body horror and my tendency to find 'ugly' things beautiful, too, weirder the better. Standard rashes aren't very exciting, but there's this picture (http://viivus.tumblr.com/post/59848230699/eh) (which reminds me of a thing from a petsite game I play, heh, but that's a digression) that I find I can't stop staring at and fantasizing about. (Mild trypophobia warning.)

Anyone else find this interesting?

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*raises hand slowly*

This is something I didn't realize I was into until... just now, really. I always knew I liked itchiness but that scenario you described, with the teasing... omg.gif That's something I never thought of but reading it I find it extremely hot.

I'm also a huge fan of rashes. When I got mono and developed a rash I was so excited. Even if they're not itchy there's just something sexy about them, idk what it is.

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(I have nothing to add on this topic, but I just wanted to ask, is it compulsory to be called some variation of Anonymous to comment in this thread? No?........ok, carry on :P )

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Ahahahaha OH SO GLAD there are other people out there...

So anyway, the silly petsite game I'm talking about is Flight Rising, in case anyone is wondering (it is not currently open for new players) and players are divided into elemental factions and there's a Plague one (which I'm not in but totally should have joined when I joined up, and there's rumors that there'll be a way to switch over)

And there are dragon genes that look kind of rashy, speckle/freckle and gembond. I have put them on several dragons and sent them over to breed at my friends' Plague clan so they'd come out as Plague dragons, heh. :D Gembond, rather like that piece of art, looks like a rash of precious stones stuck all over the dragon. It's nifty and hits that morbidly-fascinating/fetishy oooh button in my head.

Anyway, here is me kinkblogging about itching (and reblogging things other people wrote in response!) in the Homestuck fandom -


(the stuff on that immediate page is not 18+ but there are some NSFW things linked, all labeled, so proceed with caution)

I started blogging about it because there was a rash (ha) of parasitic-fungus body horror stories just before that and it made me believe people might be receptive to my weirdness :D

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The sight of rashes, eczema and other similar skin conditions has always made me very uncomfortable and squicked out, my feelings bordering on phobic, but I do still have a deep fascination with itchiness and the... act of relieving itchiness (scratching, rubbing and so on). I tend to list "Itch" as my favourite fetish-y word. I don't know, I have some vivid childhood memories of watching cartoons with scenarios that involved itching powder, for example, and I was definitely turned on by those.

Nowadays I'm mostly interested in allergic itchiness of the nose and eyes, but itchiness in general is still fascinating to me. It's an irritation-desperation-relief thing, I think. The more intense, outdrawn and unbearable the sexier better. Like I said, I'm not a fan of rashes at all, but I have nothing against redness or a bit of mild swelling.

It's interesting to think about, how many of us share some additional turn-ons connected to the sneezing fetish.

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Wow, I've never heard of that! TBH, it kind of squicks me, but I think the fact that other people get off on it is pretty awesome. :P If that makes sense.

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  • 1 year later...

Now that I think about it, I've always had a slight thing for itchiness, too. Specifially, back scratching scenarios. The thought of someone wriggling and squirming around with a terrible itch on their back that they just can't reach is adorable. I agree it's the desperation and vulnerabilty of it that makes it so appealing, along with the caretaking angle of being able to be the one to scratch for them and bring about their relief.

Rashes, though, I'm afraid I can't agree on that. Not at all. yay.gif

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