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Sneeze Fetish Forum

heavyrocer's youtube channel disappeared

greek sneeze

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"YouTube account heavyrocer has been terminated because we received multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement "

from claimants, including:

  • Mod note: We do not support outing people from other sites and do not allow their details to be posted here.

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Well clearly ***** (Mod note: Name redacted) objected to her sneezes being fetishized and she let Heavy know on one of those videos. And how did Heavy respond to it? By saying "catch cancer you stupid Asian loser".

Edit: Perhaps I was wrong to include a personal insult- but if you respond like this, surely it's not surprising that the channel is taken down... and this is the kind of thing that gives sneeze fetishists a very bad name.

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Well clearly ***** (Mod note: Name redacted) objected to her sneezes being fetishized and she let Heavy know on one of those videos. And how did Heavy respond to it? By saying "catch cancer you stupid Asian loser". It sucks that a lot of classic clips have disappeared in an instant, but anybody who says such vile and racist crap deserves to have their channel terminated.

Okay that is fucked up and SO not okay with me.

*deserves to have their channel terminated over and over again

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I fail to see how that comment could be taken out of context. That said, please keep in mind that this is not the SnakePit. In addition, this site does not support the appropriation and reposting of copyrighted material (à la KimFox24). Nor will we support the distribution or proliferation of these materials now that YouTube has decided against Heavyrocer.

Please keep all comments civil and within the rules. Otherwise, this thread will be locked.

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In fairness a channel with videos of schoolgirls sneezing on it intended to gratify the sexual fetishes of this community is really not something that Youtube should allow to continue. Don't get me wrong, a good resource is lost and it's a shame, but there were a lot of videos on there that definitely shouldn't have been.

Admittedly it's far less bad than SFHOF in this regard.

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It's a sad loss for the community but most of his videos will inevitably resurface if they haven't already been uploaded by someone else.

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yeah guys,but we do not put cameras in their homes and in their rooms without permission.all these peolpe in videos of heavyrocer publicly displayed in the Internet community and they should expect the consequences of their public life.

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Well clearly ***** (Mod note: Name redacted) objected to her sneezes being fetishized and she let Heavy know on one of those videos. And how did Heavy respond to it? By saying "catch cancer you stupid Asian loser". It sucks that a lot of classic clips have disappeared in an instant, but anybody who says such vile and racist crap deserves to have their channel terminated.

Wow, that is so far beyond vile. I'm pretty happy I know this, though, because now I know to avoid this person at all costs.

yeah guys,but we do not put cameras in their homes and in their rooms without permission.all these peolpe in videos of heavyrocer publicly displayed in the Internet community and they should expect the consequences of their public life.

No, that's not how this works. They didn't consent to somebody ripping their videos and putting them up for other people to fetishize, and telling them to just deal with the consequences is wrong.

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I feel there is a definition to be made between underage sneezers on YouTube and those of age who post videos and then object to being 'fetishized'. Certainly videos should not be ripped directly from the original uploader, but this community has always rather embraced the posting of links to videos of 'of age' uploaders sneezing, regardless of whether they consent to the fetishization (if that's a word...) of their video.

I suppose the moral conundrum here is; is it OK to fetishize 'of age' YouTube sneezers as long as they don't know they're being fetishized...?

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im gonna put in my two cents and say that heavyrocer is a racist bastard who has reposted things that some people REALLY did not want to remain public, and people like him dont deserve the respect of this community

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im gonna put in my two cents and say that heavyrocer is a racist bastard who has reposted things that some people REALLY did not want to remain public, and people like him dont deserve the respect of this community

Seems a lot of people don't know what racism is...

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Lynne reminded everyone to please keep this discussion civil and within the rules (Forum guidelines ban flaming other members and promote 'if you don't have something nice to say...').

Regardless of the morality of the issue in question, I'm locking this thread and any further discussion of the matter can be continued in the SnakePit. Thank you.

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This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies.

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