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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Is That Weird?


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Just a little game I came up with when watching MTV's Girl Code. Sometimes they have this little segment of them taking about something they do that they think might be weird but is kind of relatable in real life.

Anyway, just describe a quirk you have (just one though), then at the end you ask "Is that weird?" and the next person to comment says yes/no, explains why, then says their own quirk.

I know we already have a lot of these games already but in every one that I see people make lists of their quirks and then the game only lasts for about 4-5 pages before people stop participating. If we only say one quirk at a time I think the game will stay active for much longer.

Okay, so since no one has gone before me I have no quirk to say if I think it's weird or not so I'll just say my quirk.

When I go through old posts that I've made and I find a typo, I can't help but fix it, even if it's like a year or two old, so the post won't have a typo anymore but it'll say something like "Posted Jan. 26, 2012" and then at the bottom have "Edited by VividBubbles! June 17, 2013".

Is that weird?

Okay guys, so your turn. :)

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No, that's awesome! Man, I need to ask for writer's group access so I can do that too!

When I go shopping and I use a trolley (not sure how well this translates? Do you call them trolleys outside of the UK? The metal wheely things you put your shopping in) and I go take it to the place where you put your trolleys back, if they're not all stacked up then I have to use my trolley to collect all of the other trolleys so they're all together, but you have to do it in one movement, you can't start and stop. And I get really excited when I get the opportunity to play the game but really disappointed if I don't win.

Is that weird?

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Well, maybe a bit, but it's a wonderful, awesome, quirky kind of weird and I like it a lot. Now I'm tempted to play that game...

As for my quirk...well, I'm not sure if you lot have noticed, but I have this fetish for sneezing... laughing.gif Kidding, kidding. Hmm...when I'm at home I find it really hard to fall asleep if there's any light or noise at all, but whenever I'm away from home I can fall asleep just about anywhere. Like, I take a seat by the window on a bus and within minutes I'm out like a light. I have no idea why this is the case...

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I don't know if it's weird, but the definitely is interesting. My sleep habits are a bit strict too, total darkness, white noise, and cool--not super cold, but cool temperature.

Whenever I hear or read something really exciting or mind blowing I can't not react. I drop my mouth open and yell at the screen, like--NO! F--ing way!! REALLY? YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!! I can't not react when I read something angers me or excites me in the media.

Is that weird?

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No! Not at all! I try not to do it in front of people but if I'm alone I do exactly the same thing. Fictional characters really can piss me off.

When I watch or read something with an argument I disagree with that night I'll sit in my room and just talk to myself about why I disagree and why I'm right until I have my argument completely perfect just in case someone ever brings up the thing I disagree with in real life so I can argue why it's wrong.

Is that weird?

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Not at all....I do too...Sometimes u have to think outloud to get your thoughts across ya know? XD

Hmm...I have to have a snack before watching criminal cases at night...

Is that weird? :hyp:

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That's not weird, I sometimes watch shows where people are being operated on while I'm having my tea :laugh:

I have to make sure all the light switches in my house are in the "off" position when the lights aren't on. It sometimes means I have to go upstairs in the dark and turn the light on to go back downstairs to turn it off again.

Is that weird?

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That's not weird, that's logical! It doesn't make sense for a light to be off but the switch to be in the on position.

I naturally produce such a high amount of static electricity that every time I touch a live plug I get electrocuted.

Is that weird? :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not at all! That is actually really cool!

Well, a quirk I have, is when I'm thinking to myself alone, all of a sudden I find myself pacing super fast and talking laugh.png ! Sometimes I can't control it in front of others its embarrassing. Why can't I just keep my mouth shut? shutup2.gif

Is that weird? (As if I have to ask, lol)

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Pffft nah that happens to me too sometimes...

When I'm listening to music and have to pause it, like when I have to get off the bus or something, I have to find the exact spot where I paused the song and then finish listening from there. I can't just listen to the full song from the beginning, it has to be from the exact second where I last paused it.

Is that weird? (It probably is :D )

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hope not. I used to do it too...

I strip totally naked, coat my entire body in motor oil, and run through crowded streets singing the chorus to "Pop in an oak" by Rednex over and over with my arms stretched out like plane wings every Thursday night...is that weird?

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Lmao!!!!!!!! Ha hell no thats awesome!!!

Uh..i try to give people honest advice or help care for another...when it turns to me...im a complete dunderhead..XD is that weird...? (U know it! XP)

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Nah girl, I get the same way when it comes to that: easy to listen to other people but oddly difficult to talk about your own issues. We're not very alone in that either, I don't think.

I'm not a coffee person or a tea person - both just taste 'okay' to me at best.

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Haha, that's only a little weird to me, because I'm obsessed with both. But I know people who dislike coffee and tea, so I'm sure it's not super uncommon.

I measure the lengths of things in songs because I always have music playing.

For instance, when I listen to music in the shower, I'll finish and be like "Wow! That shower was so quick! Only 3.5 songs long!" (I take pretty long showers, sooo...)

Or when I drive places, I'll measure the distance by lengths of songs. It sometimes gets really elaborate ("The first song was probably about 3 minutes, but the second song was more like 4.5, and then I got through about half of the third song, so that drive to the grocery store was probably 8.5 minutes long...) even if the length doesn't really matter at all, I just like knowing.

Is that weird?

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No! Because I do that with running and it's really helpful! Usually I run for thirty minutes, and I like to have a marker of how far along I am without checking my phone (because I would be checking it alllll the time and time goes so slowly when I run - at first at least), but with songs, they're playing anyway and I can go. That was three songs, so that's about nine minutes. I always guess that they're three minutes as well, and they're usually longer so it makes for a pleasant surprise when I finish sooner than I'm expecting.

Doing it with everything must be a lot of calculating though!

I have to wash up in a particular order, It goes left to right, and up to down if things are stacked, but then there are other rules as well. Like... you can wash several plates in one sitting but certain things - like glasses or knives you have to wash on their own, and I imagine all the cutlery and crockery is queuing up waiting to be washed, and I get really upset if people want me to wash it in a different order.

Is that weird?

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