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Christmas Tree Nightmare (long)


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This Thursday my boyfriend and I decided to pick up christmas trees for our apartments. This is always one of my favorite parts of the holiday season, and this was the first year I wouldn't be pulling out my fake tree!

We started off and drove to a near by tree lot. It was really cold outside, and within minutes of looking around, my nose began to run. We looked at tons of different trees. "what about this one?" My boyfriend asked, shaking out a small tree.

My nose was running to the point of dripping, and a sharp tickle startled my senses. "EhxISHOOO! -ISHOOO! Eh-EHISHOOO" *sniff* The sneezes were so itchy and strong. "looks good!"

"bless you!" My boyfriend looked stunned. We picked up two trees, and i was eager to get back to the warmth of the car. *snifff*

Once back at my boyfriend's, he unloaded the tree and i more or less stood there like an idiot trying to help rolleyes1.gif . Once we got the tree upright inside, my nose began to run again! Sniffling, I started stringing it with lights. "heh..hehISHOOO! ISHOOO! TSCHOOO!" I covered my irritated nose with my sleeve to prevent snot from pouring out. The itch was so intense and my eyes began to water. "HEHISHOOO! ISHOOO! EHISHOOO! *snifff* heh....HEHISHOOOOO!" my boyfriend passed me a tissue box which I eagerly took.


"BLESS you..." But my nose was obviously not finished. "ISHOO! ISHOOO! ISHOOOOO! EH-EHISHOOOO!- ugh what's wrong with by nose?!- ISHOOOOO!"

"you were sneezing at the lot...maybe you're getting a cold?'

"EHISHOOOOO! I blew what seemed like a gallon of thick, clear snot from my nose. "I-*sniff* I have no clue! HEHISHOOO! ISHOOOO!"

"poor thing, sit down and i'll finish"

I sat down on the couch and continued to sneeze and blow my nose all night, filling a whole wastebasket with soaked tissues.shy.gif He drove me home that night, and I was still all stuffed up even after my shower. I'm going over to my boyfriends tonight, but I'm worried I'm allergic to the tree! Is that even possible? I have no other cold symptoms......

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It's possible! I can't have real trees because I'm allergic and I get respiratory infections. :-( I hope you're not, though, because they're really nice otherwise.

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It's possible. See how you react when you're near the tree vs. away from it. If you feel better when you're away from it then start sneezing again when you're near it, then there's a good chance you could be allergic to it.

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CONCLUSION: I am most definitely, DEFINITELY, miserably allergic to christmas trees. sad2.gif

So last night I drove over to my boyfriend's place. (Let's call him J btw). So aside from the dryness under my nose from all the blowing and sniffling on thursday, I haven't had any signs of a progressing cold. SO our job last night was to move the 2nd tree we had bought for me to my place and get it set up. Joy.... When I pulled up to his place, J was already outside with the tree. *note: I had taken some allergy meds as a preventative measure:)

"I think you got the better tree haha! You ready to strap this baby on? " J smiled.

"Yep!" I was honestly terrified of this tree at this point....uhhuh.gif

We started to lift it onto my car and strap it down, and within minutes I'm sniffling.

"ok, it seems pretty sturdy." *Sniff*

We got in the car and pretty soon all I'm focussed on is suppressing the intense itch in my nose. I felt so bad because we had already bought the tree, and it's not like I could return it!

In between conversations, a sudden double surprised me "Hishiew! EhISHOO!"

"bless you!"

"Tha- ehISHOO! ug, thadnks"

"You getting a cold, boo?"

"*sniff* probably" I lied. I must have sneezed ten more times on the drive alone, and my nose was plugged and practically overflowing when we pulled into my place. We unloaded the tree, and I'm lucky it was dark out because my nose dripped like 3 times...


"geez boo, cold's gone straight to your nose huh?"

"ICHOOO! *snifffff* I guess so..."

My nose was on fire, and getting the tree up was nearly impossible. J passed me tissues all night, and suggested I take a decongestant multiple times. He even started calling me rudolph because of my red nose....

The second he left I darted for the shower and emptied my nose. I had a small ft in the shower, but they were really tired sounding and so messy. "HItcheiw! huhItchiew! Itchoo! huh....huhItchoo!.....huTchoo!"

Now I'm quarantined in my room with a box of tissues at my feet, still sneezing my guts out. SMILIE_AV_VISA_CITY.GIF I cant get rid of this tree and I have no clue what to do!! Guess I'll be "sick" until Christmas...

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what i would do ( i don't have any allergies so i may totally be wrong on this) but i would still take allergy meds to lessen your reaction to it and maybe after a couple days (like 2-4) tell your BF that you think your allergic to the tree because you are fine when your not around it and you haven't had any other cold symptoms, so your being "sick" doesn't effect your christmas plans and just leave the tree up until after christmas (unless you prefer to take it down before then) but i would let him know because it would totally suck to ruin your holiday plans just to pretend to be sick and to keep it up year after year if you weren't going to tell him at all and I'm sure he would understand and maybe you too can buy a fake tree together ;) i hope you feel better

hugs <3

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what i would do ( i don't have any allergies so i may totally be wrong on this) but i would still take allergy meds to lessen your reaction to it and maybe after a couple days (like 2-4) tell your BF that you think your allergic to the tree because you are fine when your not around it and you haven't had any other cold symptoms, so your being "sick" doesn't effect your christmas plans and just leave the tree up until after christmas (unless you prefer to take it down before then) but i would let him know because it would totally suck to ruin your holiday plans just to pretend to be sick and to keep it up year after year if you weren't going to tell him at all and I'm sure he would understand and maybe you too can buy a fake tree together wink.png i hope you feel better

hugs <3

Good idea! I'm going to try stronger meds and tell my boyfriend tomorrow:) Next year didn't even cross my mind until you mentioned it so I'm going to tell him soon! thanks:)

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Wow! Yup, it's hard to argue that your not allergic to christmas trees. I so feel your pain as it's a favorite tradition in our house, too. As much as I wish I had allergies to other things, christmas trees would not be one of them! I second akalei's advice. Hopefully your boyfriend will suggest taking down the tree right away and replacing it with a fake one. No reason to be miserable over the holidays!

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Wow! Yup, it's hard to argue that your not allergic to christmas trees. I so feel your pain as it's a favorite tradition in our house, too. As much as I wish I had allergies to other things, christmas trees would not be one of them! I second akalei's advice. Hopefully your boyfriend will suggest taking down the tree right away and replacing it with a fake one. No reason to be miserable over the holidays!

Hahaha, thanks:)

I'm probably going to rough it until mid-week and see what happens...

But in the meantime there may be some good obs ;)

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Awesome obs! ^^ I think you do have allergies... *o*

Your boyfriend sounds nice. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you told him. Especially if it will make your holiday better! :3 But regardless of if you do, I wish you the best of luck! ;)

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Aw thanks all!!

This tree is definitely giving me a run for my money. I am completely bunged up; no air getting through my sinuses whatsoever! Its impossible to blow and yet i feel like my nose swollen from all the gunk inside! Somehow though, my nose manages still to run and drip like a faucet.... And DEAR LORD the sneezing! I must have sneezed on the upwards of 200 times today. NOT exaggerating... If anyone wants specific obs i will write them;)

Also i sound like Donald duck. Or should I say, "My dose is so bugged up, I soudd like Dodald Duck"blushsmiley.gif

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Wow, bless you. Yeah, I would love to read your obs of them. I would love being a fly on your wall when you around the tree.

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A wonderful self obs! Those sneezes sound delightfully girly, and the mess even more so.

But you can't go on disguising your allergy; in fact I can't understand why you would want to, However do I not recall that there is some sort of spray that can coat a tree and stop the needles dropping; would it not also stop the spreading of the allergens?

Of course if it were me I would keep a branch hidden somewhere for "private use"....

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Heck yeah I want specific obs, if you feel like writing them. ^_^ Keep us posted! Thank yooouu!

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I've certainly known people who have been allergic (in the sneezy sense) to pine scented air freshener, so it would not surprise me to hear that people could be allergic to the real thing. Love the way you describe the torture this tree seems to be doing to your nose... 4.gif

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