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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Have you guys told anyone about your fetish?

Watercolor Daydreams

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If so, how did you bring it up? Was it difficult? How did the person/people you told it to react?

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I once told a friend of mine, who I've known for years, after he told me about one of his unusual fetishes. He's the only person I ever told. He thought it was odd but overall he was pretty cool about it. That was a few years ago. He hasn't mentioned anything about it since so I'm guessing he's probably forgotten about it by now.

Edited by Heavy-Chevy
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The only person I've told is my boyfriend. It was so freaking hard... but he actually likes it, and all in all I'm glad I told him :D I don't think that I'd ever tell anyone else, though. It was just too humiliating to admit more than once.

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I made a post about this when it happened over a year ago, but my fiance sort of found out about it accidentally. After he had, obviously I did need to actually admit it. He accepted it shockingly well, in fact he even thought it was cute >///<

But as for telling someone directly who didn't already find out ahead of time, I've constantly been far too embarrassed about that. Even being back on here is a risk sometimes nowadays, cause my roommate has no idea, but he uses the laptop on and off. I don't think I'd ever have the courage to outright say it to someone .-.

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I've told my two best friends. Both were totally cool about it, and one of them has been genuinely interested and intrigued and have indulged me lots ever since I told her about 6 years ago.

I'm constantly discussing sex with these friends, so bringing up the subject of fetishes wasn't difficult at all. Actually saying the words "sneeze fetish" out loud is always very embarrassing to me, but my friends were very curious and really wanted to know, so in the end I simply forced myself to spit it out. :laugh: I've never regretted it.

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I've never told anyone. I've almost told a few boyfriends in the past, but I'm so glad I didn't, as we are not together anymore. I've always been afraid of someone betraying me and telling others. Maybe one day I'll tell someone, but for now, it's good enough to talk to people on here.

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Oh no...no...im too embarassed to do so...They just know I love caring for others..but I've been like that for years. Im scared people will see me differently.

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for a long time, I didn't--it was always the one thing that felt like it was just supposed to be "my secret." I think maybe because I was aware of my fetish from the time I was 3 years old; and I really do remember the feelings of shame/embarrassment when I realized it wasn't like that for anyone else, only me. when you have a visceral reaction to something like that at such a young age, it gets hardwired into you or something.

but, then, by the time I finished grad school and had been living in NYC for a few years...it just stopped seeming freaky to me. like, at ALL. there are so many bigger, freakier fish in the sea. especially around here. so, even though I still wasn't talking about it, it started to feel less like a secret. and then the one time I told anyone, it was because it just sort of came up organically. I was out having a beer with a bunch of my friends (like 8 people?), and we were talking about that new show "masters of sex," about those human sexuality researchers who followed after kinsey (I'm sorry if this is boring or confusing to anyone-- me and my peeps are a bunch of gender studies majors, queer social workers and social theory geeks!). so, basically we were talking about social theory of sexuality. and one of my friends randomly says, "I wish I had a fetish for something. I think it would make me more interesting."

...so, I figured, hell, I'm never gonna get a better opening than that." so I basically came out to them with my fetish. but, I said it like it was no big deal (which only felt like a tiny bit of a fib...when I was younger it would've been a HUGE lie). and they took it as casually as I presented it. they were intrigued in more of an academic way than anything else. they asked me a few questions, and then we moved on to talking about sex toys and whether the babeland in park slope is as good as the babeland in soho. yeah. so you can see how in this context, it's not really that big of a deal after all! I have to admit it felt good to tell peoples. but, I don't think you should force yourself to tell anyone before you feel ready or comfortable. it doesn't define you, it's not the only important thing about you, and you're not lying to anyone by choosing to keep it to yourself. I definitely wouldn't have told anyone when I was your age, for what it's worth. I mean, obviously, I didn't tell anyone until I was almost 30. sorry for rambling on a bit, hope this helps!


Edited by wannablessedbe
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i told my best friend i was so nervous but luckily it turned out she has it to :D we are now closer then ever bonding over our love of sneezing <3 she'll maybe be joining the forum soon and i told my cousin she is very understanding but whenever she sneezes she says 'what you think was it cute'? and yep thats all i won't be telling my parents any time soon

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One of the only people I've told is my best friend, though it was slightly under duress. She kept talking about how she reckoned I was hiding something from her (and it's difficult to keep anything from her, we've been friends for pretty much our whole lives so we know each other way too well). Eventually I just thought hey, whatever, I'm just gonna tell her, it might be nice to tell someone anyway. I was really nervous about telling her but she was totally cool with it. It's quite nice because she actually takes an interest in it, and she's really helpful when I need another person's opinion on a fic that I'm writing. It was difficult to tell her, but in the end I'm glad I did.

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  • 2 weeks later...

has anyone had a bad reaction when telling somebody luckily everyone seems to have taken it pretty well

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Hah, in a skype chat we ended up talking about weird stuff we did as a kid, and someone talked about that thing where a sneeze is an eight of an orgasm, so they tried to make themself sneeze 8 times, and right after that the discussion turned to weird fetishes we had, so I let it slip :o They all teased me about it, but I teased them back because they had some pretty outlandish ones too ^_^ But it was all in good fun! So about ten people online know of it, haha.

Though one actually approached me, linking to this site joking about how they can probably find me here...My heart nearly jumped outta my chest...Then I told them that I don't like going on forums, so they dropped the subject. I can't help but wonder if any of them even remember I have the fetish... (Hopefully they dont!!!)

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I told my mum but I cried for like 5 minutes. Although she was fine with it and said it was cute. I am never telling anyone else but my mum.

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