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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Where Do You Draw The Line?

Ali Marie

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I know that some of you out there also have a fear of germs & I'm a little intrigued about the extent that you're willing to go in terms of your fetish. You see, my best friends says that she has a fear of germs. She won't share fluids or eating utensils & won't she eat food once somebody else has touched it. That's pretty reasonable & solid, right? Makes perfect sense to me. cool.png

Here's what's got me thinking: One day I was in the bathroom of our theater, sobbing hysterically & she had gotten some toilet paper to wipe the mascara trails of my cheeks. Well, like I said, I was basically blubbering & my nose was running. 1.gif She actually wiped my nose for me. I mean she legitimately wiped the snot off of my face. (Sorry if that's at all vulgar.) puke.gif Now even I'm not comfortable doing that! Sure, I daydream about doing it to hot male celebrities all the time, but would I actually do it? NO WAY!!!

I have also made a few other posts on here about how it's difficult for me to blow my nose. I just can't do it & I don't know why. I get light headed & nothing ever comes out. Well, one day before one of my big magic shows, I was having really bad attack hay-fever & I could not blow my nose. I didn't want to go out there & have to wipe my nose every five seconds in front of the audience, so I was pretty much panicking. Well, my friend took the handkerchief from me & held it up my nose, trying to get me to blow. (Somehow assuming it would fix my dilemma; which it didn't.) jealoussmiley.gif

Now I know that there are different levels of discomfort & fear for people with phobias of any kind, but to me that was definitely a strange & unexpected experience. I'm sorry, but when she refused to give a sip from her water bottle so that I could swallow a pill, I naturally assumed that she would want nothing to do with the secretions of my nose.

Now for those of you out there who have this fetish as well as a fear of germs, what is your limit? How far are you willing to go? Where do you draw the line?

Edited by Alexandra Marie
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Haha wow that is really strange to me too!

I used to be really germaphobic is a kid. My whole family is, and whenever someone is sick they were quarantined. I hated that and as a kid I always felt like I needed to avoid getting sick at all costs or try to keep it a secret or people wouldn't want me to be around them xP so I was so obsessive about washing my hands, not being around sick people, not touching my face or sharing drinks or food...

But once I got older I kind of realized that other people wouldn't treat me like that and in my opinion, it's kind of selfish to refuse to be around a friend just because they're sick... Sick people need friends! Lol. So now I'm like the opposite. My immune system is SO strong tho, even though I always avoided being sick when I was younger. I actually want to get sick. Because I haven't experienced it much and I want to be taken care of rather than outcasted. When I was in Germany a few years ago, I got SO sick haha. When I do get sick, I'm sometimes embarrassed like to cough around people so I try to hold it in and got bronchitis and pneumonia several times because of that xP so living with my friend in Germany, she's like my sister, her parents are my German parents lol. I love them. I was like coughing until I threw up and was soooo embarrassed and they took care of me and wanted me around even when I tried to hide to protect them from getting sick xP they still wanted me to help prepare the food and stuff even haha. Everyone there isn't germaphobic like a lot of people are here, and I grew to be so comfortable with that. I don't mind who touches my food, if I accidentally use somebody's toothbrush, whatever. It won't kill me. I never get sick and I'm so comfortable with people.

It makes me suspect that the way to be healthy is to let what doesn't kill you make you stronger haha.

I sure wish I could get sick though. I'm trying so hard xP

I like myself a lot more as a non germaphobe haha. I feel like I can accept anyone, be comfortable and not anxious, and just care free. Maybe that grosses some people out, but I am considerate of others because I know not everyone is comfortable about it. And I'm a clean person as far as showering every day and brushing my teeth and washing my hands, etc. but I don't obsess about protecting myself from other people's germs. I'll use your fork, I'll finish your soda. I may not wipe your nose unless you ask me to lol, but only because I wouldn't want someone to be grossed out by me doing that.

My bf wipes my nose with his sleeve or shoulder or sometimes even his hand. It used to gross me out or like surprise me but now I'm pretty much used to it haha. I just don't like him to do it in public xP

Super long reply sorry lol

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Omg. My browser froze and I hit reply like half a dozen times. I'm so sorry xP can someone please teach me how to delete / edit a post?? Or can I??

Mod Note- Took care of it for you, BubbleTea :) You are unable to delete posts and you can't edit them until you're a full forum Member. It's always okay to PM or ask a mod to delete something for you! - Dusty15

Edited by Dusty15
Removed double postings
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See, wiping somebody else's nose for them wouldn't bother me at all (unless I was totally turned off by the person themself), but doing so with toilet paper would f*cking do me in (or having someone wipe my nose with toilet paper). So I def. draw the line at anything that has come anywhere near excrement. Ugh.

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Omg. My browser froze and I hit reply like half a dozen times. I'm so sorry xP can someone please teach me how to delete / edit a post?? Or can I??

Mod Note- Took care of it for you, BubbleTea :) You are unable to delete posts and you can't edit them until you're a full forum Member. It's always okay to PM or ask a mod to delete something for you! - Dusty15

Thank you so much! :)

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Mmm~ This is a tricky question. I'm a little germaphobic/creeped out by anyone's sneeze spray except my own, but I think my boyfriend would be the only one I could deal with it from. I wouldn't mind catching his sneezing in a tissue, or maybe wiping his nose for him, but no spray on me plz > <..... xDDD

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Hmm.. I am totally fine with spray, snot or sharing drinks with someone if I know that they're not sick, but as soon as I hear the words "I have a cold" I am so outta their vicinity like you wouldn't believe. I even refuse to share a bed with a partner if their sick. I'm not a serious serious germ freak I swear. like I'll be around someone sick if I have to or I'm going to appear completely heartless if I don't.. but I will feel extremely uncomfortable and won't be able to get away fast enough when I'm able. Also I really hate others being around me when I'm sick because I hate the spread of germs, and snot is just gross to me, on anyone, even myself.

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I'm kind of germophobic (hate touching things like door handles, money, don't want to be within a mile of a sick person) but I don't mind sharing food/drinks/eating utensils with someone who doesn't display signs of illness even though I know that doesn't necessarily mean they're not carrying something contagious. Even if it's someone I'm not super close with, I don't mind as long as I don't find them gross. I wouldn't really want to share something like lipstick, lip balm, mascara though... I guess because that's generally used many times... feels like it has so many more dead skin cells clinging to it haha and mascara is kind of dangerous to share!

As for wiping/blowing someone's nose for them: in theory, I wouldn't mind if it's for someone who's just been crying/allergies, but if it's someone sick - no thanks. I suppose someday if I was a mother and it was my own child I'd do it though. However, in reality since nose-blowing boarders on fetish territory for me, I probably couldn't do it even for a not-sick person. It would be too "sexual" for me uhhuh.gif. My boyfriend wipes my nose for me all the time and I'm OK with that since obviously we're romantically involved. However, a few times he's told me to blow and I just couldn't. I was way too embarrassed. He laughed and asked me how we could ever get married if I couldn't blow my nose in front of him. I couldn't wipe his nose or hold a tissue for him to blow though because of the kind of dominance that suggests to me and the fact that he isn't very receptive to being taken care of. If he ever did change his mind and ask me to do it though, of course I would ^_^

So, to sum up:

A.) Yup, germs are GROSS - keep them the heck away from me!!- but not quite so gross from someone I love romantically. Food sharing is OK as long as it's just regular germs and not cold/flu germs.

B.) For me nose blowing/wiping is more limited by the fetish factor than germs.

Edited by cherry
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I'm kind of germophobic (hate touching things like door handles, money, don't want to be within a mile of a sick person) but I don't mind sharing food/drinks/eating utensils with someone who doesn't display signs of illness even though I know that doesn't necessarily mean they're not carrying something contagious. Even if it's someone I'm not super close with, I don't mind as long as I don't find them gross. I wouldn't really want to share something like lipstick, lip balm, mascara though... I guess because that's generally used many times... feels like it has so many more dead skin cells clinging to it haha and mascara is kind of dangerous to share!

That's exactly me when it comes to things not related to the fetish.

When it comes to fetish-related stuff, I definitely don't like spray getting on me. I don't think I would mind holding a tissue to a significant other or wiping their nose. I guess as long as there's no direct contact with snot or spray or anything, then it's okay with me. But I would definitely feel embarrassed if a significant other were to wipe/blow my nose blushing.gif

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