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Cold survey!


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Okay guys, so you might already know this, but I'm trying to get sick. You can read my logs about it here:


It's kind of like a personal experiment that I've been trying off and on for years. But now I'm determined not to give up, and I want to do everything I can to try to make it work. I'm also just really interested in the immune system and it would be fun for me to see how everyone's experience differs, so I came up with a survey :P also sorry for typos, I typed this up on my phone lol.

I would love to read all of your answers if you're interested! It would help me out and I hope that it can be somewhat fun for you to answer :) so if you want to, just copy and paste the questions below and fill in your answers. I know some of the questions seem kinda obvious, but I've met some people with pretty odd opinions and wanted to include as much as I could :P

Thanks so much for all of the support and advice you guys have given me already! Hope you enjoy.

When was the last time you had a cold?

Do you know how / whom you got it from or have any theories?

Did you receive it from or pass it on to anyone else?

What do you think is the main reason that causes colds (example: breathing in germs, touching germs and touching your face, cold temperatures, unhealthy lifestyle, lack of sleep, malnutrition, etc)?

Have you ever tried to catch a cold intentionally (even if it was just out of curiosity)?

How often do you get sick (how many times a year, for instance)?

Do you like or dislike being taken care of?

If you really wanted to get a cold (let's say you we're being paid a ton of money), what would you do to try to get one?

Did you get sick often as a child?

How long do your colds usually last?

What time of year do you usually get a cold?

Have you ever gotten a cold after being exposed to the cold weather?

Do you have any suspicions about what could cause someone to catch colds frequently (like why their immune system is bad, from malnutrition or genetics or lack of hygiene, etc)?

Do you get colds more or less often than other people in your family?

Are you germaphobic?

Is your family germaphobic?

Anything else you want to include, any words of advice or if you have a story you want to share, I'd love to head it :) thanks so much for participating!

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When was the last time you had a cold? Six months ago.

Do you know how / whom you got it from or have any theories? I let my sick SO fall asleep with his head on my chest.

Did you receive it from or pass it on to anyone else? I suspect I got it from him, but I am paranoid about infecting anyone else and I clean like a maniac when I am sick, so hopefully not.

What do you think is the main reason that causes colds? For me, usually touching my face, although lack of sleep foretells whether it is two days vs two weeks long.

Have you ever tried to catch a cold intentionally (even if it was just out of curiosity)? No.

How often do you get sick (how many times a year, for instance)? Once or twice a year.

Do you like or dislike being taken care of? I like some aspects of it. I am a rather difficult patient and just want to sleep half the time.

If you really wanted to get a cold (let's say you we're being paid a ton of money), what would you do to try to get one? The things I wouldn't do for money these days, lol.... Honestly? If it was a lot of money, probably rub someone's tissues and then rub my eyes. Or, for the long game, take a job at a day care.

Did you get sick often as a child? Not any more or less than anyone else, really. I have a lot of siblings, so whatever was going around the house at the time usually caught up to me eventually.

How long do your colds usually last? Three to five days, unless it hangs out in my sinuses... Then, forever.

What time of year do you usually get a cold? The first few weeks of hayfever season, because of that whole touching the face thing. Or December, because of exhaustion combined with people around being ill.

Have you ever gotten a cold after being exposed to the cold weather? No, but I have certainly had one get worse/feverish two days in.

Do you have any suspicions about what could cause someone to catch colds frequently? Genetics, poor overall health, environment.

Do you get colds more or less often than other people in your family? The same, perhaps less. Certainly less severely, or maybe I'm just not a whiner.

Are you germaphobic? Only about the Big Bads that one uses universal precautions about.

Is your family germaphobic? If so, not prominently enough to notice.

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When was the last time you had a cold? Getting over one now. No sneezing, just very congested.Do you know how / whom you got it from or have any theorie? IDK how I contracted itDid you receive it from or pass it on to anyone else? No and NoWhat do you think is the main reason that causes colds (example: breathing in germs, touching germs and touching your face, cold temperatures, unhealthy lifestyle, lack of sleep, malnutrition, etc)?breathing in germs, touching germy surfaces and then touching your face.Have you ever tried to catch a cold intentionally (even if it was just out of curiosity)? noHow often do you get sick (how many times a year, for instance)? rarelyDo you like or dislike being taken care of? dislikeIf you really wanted to get a cold (let's say you we're being paid a ton of money), what would you do to try to get one? yes.Did you get sick often as a child? not a cold, but the yearly stomach bugHow long do your colds usually last? a week, maybe or longer...? I feel better with in a few days, but symptoms go on for daysWhat time of year do you usually get a cold? winterHave you ever gotten a cold after being exposed to the cold weather? no?Do you have any suspicions about what could cause someone to catch colds frequently (like why their immune system is bad, from malnutrition or genetics or lack of hygiene, etc? low immune system, lack of hygieneDo you get colds more or less often than other people in your family? my family does not pass around their illnessesAre you germaphobic? kind of. more yes than noIs your family germaphobic? IDK

Edited by flowerpower67
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When was the last time you had a cold? Getting over one atmm. Do you know how / whom you got it from or have any theorie? IDK but student accommodation is full of germs. Did you receive it from or pass it on to anyone else? probably and yes, two of my flatmates What do you think is the main reason that causes colds (example: breathing in germs, touching germs and touching your face, cold temperatures, unhealthy lifestyle, lack of sleep, malnutrition, etc)?being exposed to many sick people, touching germy surfaces and an unhealthy lifestyle, not eating properly, (not very much more than junk), lack/minimal sleep (ruined sleeping patterns), drinking too much & smoking, not wearing too much out in the cold..Have you ever tried to catch a cold intentionally (even if it was just out of curiosity)? no How often do you get sick (how many times a year, for instance)? rarely! Except this year I've been ill almost constantly on and off since september eep. Do you like or dislike being taken care of? not sure, probs like If you really wanted to get a cold (let's say you we're being paid a ton of money), what would you do to try to get one? all the above that I said makes you ill/ hang around sick people all the timeee.Did you get sick often as a child? no! Never. How long do your colds usually last? a few days, usually two, until September came -_-What time of year do you usually get a cold? summer Have you ever gotten a cold after being exposed to the cold weather? don't think so it could be a factor??Do you have any suspicions about what could cause someone to catch colds frequently (like why their immune system is bad, from malnutrition or genetics or lack of hygiene, etc? bad immune system, smoking...poor sanitation. Do you get colds more or less often than other people in your family? much less often than some members Are you germaphobic? ermm yes, but not really tbh. Is your family germaphobic? Nah!

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Why not :P

When was the last time you had a cold?: Like, two years ago? A looong time ago anyway.

Do you know how / whom you got it from or have any theories?: No clue.

Did you receive it from or pass it on to anyone else?: Not to my knowledge.

What do you think is the main reason that causes colds (example: breathing in germs, touching germs and touching your face, cold temperatures, unhealthy lifestyle, lack of sleep, malnutrition, etc)?: Touching germs

Have you ever tried to catch a cold intentionally (even if it was just out of curiosity)?: Nope

How often do you get sick (how many times a year, for instance)?: Hardly ever

Do you like or dislike being taken care of?: I like it in a sense, but it also kind of makes me uncomfortable.

If you really wanted to get a cold (let's say you we're being paid a ton of money), what would you do to try to get one?: Let somebody sneeze on me, naturally ;)

Did you get sick often as a child?: Nope

How long do your colds usually last?: A week or so

What time of year do you usually get a cold?: Winter

Have you ever gotten a cold after being exposed to the cold weather?: Nope

Do you have any suspicions about what could cause someone to catch colds frequently (like why their immune system is bad, from malnutrition or genetics or lack of hygiene, etc)?: No, I just always figured they had weak immune systems, never really thought about why.

Do you get colds more or less often than other people in your family?: Less.

Are you germaphobic?: Slightly.

Is your family germaphobic?: I don't think so.

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When was the last time you had a cold?: Honestly I don't even remember five years ago? xD

Do you know how / whom you got it from or have any theories?: No idea at all.

Did you receive it from or pass it on to anyone else?: No not at all.

What do you think is the main reason that causes colds (example: breathing in germs, touching germs and touching your face, cold temperatures, unhealthy lifestyle, lack of sleep, malnutrition, etc)?: Personally I think stress bad eating habits not enough sleep and exposure to germs.

Have you ever tried to catch a cold intentionally (even if it was just out of curiosity)? : Never and I don't plan to

How often do you get sick (how many times a year, for instance)? I never get sick

Do you like or dislike being taken care of?: Hate being taken care of, like taking care of others though!

If you really wanted to get a cold (let's say you we're being paid a ton of money), what would you do to try to get one? : As much as I would never do this, probably kissing someone who was ill.

Did you get sick often as a child?: Never

How long do your colds usually last?: A day but its a rare occurnce when it happens. (lol i hope I didn't jinx myself)

What time of year do you usually get a cold?: If I do, anytime doesn't matter.

Have you ever gotten a cold after being exposed to the cold weather? Nope.

Do you have any suspicions about what could cause someone to catch colds frequently (like why their immune system is bad, from malnutrition or genetics or lack of hygiene, etc)? : genetics, stress, bad eating habits, bad sleeping patterns.

Do you get colds more or less often than other people in your family? Much less.

Are you germaphobic? Yes a huge one.

Is your family germaphobic? No not at all.

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When was the last time you had a cold?

This past summer...

Do you know how / whom you got it from

or have any theories?

Stress...we're great buddies. :D

Did you receive it from or pass it on to

anyone else?

No and i dont want anyone getting my colds from hell.

What do you think is the main reason that

causes colds (example: breathing in

germs, touching germs and touching your

face, cold temperatures, unhealthy

lifestyle, lack of sleep, malnutrition, etc)?

All of the above....

Have you ever tried to catch a cold

intentionally (even if it was just out of


Oh hell no...

How often do you get sick (how many

times a year, for instance)?

Uh.....:/ maybe once or twice a year?

Do you like or dislike being taken care of?

I actually wouldnt mind but i always feel guilty so i tough it out.

If you really wanted to get a cold (let's say

you we're being paid a ton of money),

what would you do to try to get one?

Not sleep or eat properly and be around sick people.

Did you get sick often as a child?


How long do your colds usually last?

Sometimes a week...

What time of year do you usually get a


Winter and sometimes the occassional summer cold.

Have you ever gotten a cold after being

exposed to the cold weather?

Yes but I was really stressed too.

Do you have any suspicions about what

could cause someone to catch colds

frequently (like why their immune system

is bad, from malnutrition or genetics or

lack of hygiene, etc)

Well i know for me its stress and lack of sleep. Maybe genetics play a part too.

Do you get colds more or less often than

other people in your family?

I think it about the same tho they all had the flu and not me.

Are you germaphobic?


Is your family germaphobic?


So you want a story eh? Well lets see...i was a senior in college. I was an art major...we were pressured to be perfect...We also get critiqued every month...mines were bad. I was also interning and helpin my family so no sleep. Sobfore the holidays....we all were critiqued...mines was the worse...and i failed the class plus a science class... prior to this i was sleeping for months...the longest was 30-to a half an hour rest...my body was always jumpy because of it. So even tho i failed my teacher gave me another chance..over the winter break i was to do character designs in order to pass...welll i did but i gotten a really bad headcold...im talking high fever painful coughing and sneezing...etc...And i still was working on stuff...so i did get sick on christmas...but i passed the class and graduated. But yeah...it was really bad...

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When was the last time you had a cold? Sometime around this past May.

Do you know how / whom you got it from or have any theories? I have no idea who I might have caught it from, but I suspect that I was susceptible as a result of overwork. It was one of those "Oh good! I finally have down time. *crashes and burns*" type situations.

Did you receive it from or pass it on to anyone else? Not that I'm aware of, but presumably I caught it off someone, even if indirectly.

What do you think is the main reason that causes colds (example: breathing in germs, touching germs and touching your face, cold temperatures, unhealthy lifestyle, lack of sleep, malnutrition, etc)? Exposure to germs, without question, but I don't know whether breathing them in or touching them and then your face is worse. Or better, I suppose, depending on your perspective.

Have you ever tried to catch a cold intentionally (even if it was just out of curiosity) Nope. I usually try to avoid them.

How often do you get sick (how many times a year, for instance)? 1-2 a year, sometimes less, never more.

Do you like or dislike being taken care of? This depends entirely on who is doing the care taking and what they're style of care taking is. In principle, yes, but I'm very picky. I absolutely do not like being fussed over or coddled, but snuggles and tea and greatly appreciated.

If you really wanted to get a cold (let's say you we're being paid a ton of money), what would you do to try to get one? I'd probably just go to one of those research centers...

Did you get sick often as a child? Nah, I was a pretty healthy kid.

How long do your colds usually last? A thoroughly obnoxious length of time. At least a week, usually more.

What time of year do you usually get a cold? I've noticed no relation to the time of year, more how many people I'm around on a regular basis and what sorts of things I'm doing.

Have you ever gotten a cold after being exposed to the cold weather? No, this is a common fallacy. Being cold may inhibit your immune system to some extent, making you more vulnerable to getting sick, but you still need exposure to a bacteria or virus to actually come down with something.

Do you have any suspicions about what could cause someone to catch colds frequently (like why their immune system is bad, from malnutrition or genetics or lack of hygiene, etc) A poor immune system and lack of hygiene seem the most likely to me.

Do you get colds more or less often than other people in your family? About the same.

Are you germaphobic? Very slightly.

Is your family germaphobic? Not particularly.

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Hey! I have nothing else to do, so why not answer a few questions if it makes you happy, BubbleTea? :)

When was the last time you had a cold?

- Right now. Urgh. It all started last Wednesday, though, so it's been almost a week...

Do you know how / whom you got it from or have any theories?

- Honestly. Either my mom or my best friend. (Both possibilities freak me out!)

Did you receive it from or pass it on to anyone else?

- Yeah. Received from my mom/ my friend. I think I didn't pass it on, but my boyfriend coughed a few times this morning... :/

What do you think is the main reason that causes colds (example: breathing in germs, touching germs and touching your face, cold temperatures, unhealthy lifestyle, lack of sleep, malnutrition, etc)?

- For me, it's often being really cold (like, out in the rain or something), probably in combination with touching germs and my face.

Have you ever tried to catch a cold intentionally (even if it was just out of curiosity)?

- Yup. Once. It took me a week, but then it worked.

How often do you get sick (how many times a year, for instance)?

- Hm... I get like, 5-8 colds a year, I guess?

Do you like or dislike being taken care of?

- I LOVE IT!!! <3<3<3

If you really wanted to get a cold (let's say you we're being paid a ton of money), what would you do to try to get one?

- Easy. Get my hair wet and take a walk outside. Make sure the air in my room is really dry. Touch door knobs and not wash my hands afterwards.

Did you get sick often as a child?

- Not really. Never anything serious, anyways.

How long do your colds usually last?

- Usually at least a week, often two weeks...

What time of year do you usually get a cold?

- I feel like they hit me completely randomly, but I suppose spring is especially bad. It's still kind of cold, so you wear lots of stuff, then you sweat and get cold again... I hate that. Constantly taking off jackets and hats, then putting them back on...

Have you ever gotten a cold after being exposed to the cold weather?

- Yes. Most certainly. Often in combination with rain.

Do you have any suspicions about what could cause someone to catch colds frequently (like why their immune system is bad, from malnutrition or genetics or lack of hygiene, etc)?

- Hm... lack of hygiene is a risk factor, I guess. Malnutrition... um... if that was the case then I would be sick constantly. I have horrible eating habits, lol. I think that stress plays a huge part as well, actually.

Do you get colds more or less often than other people in your family?

- I'd say, more. But just a little.

Are you germaphobic?

- No, not at all. I guess I should care a little more, but I really don't. Germs don't really gross me out, either. Guess I'm weird that way.

Is your family germaphobic?

- Nope, not even slightly. My mom has the disgusting habit of shoving used (!!) tissues up her sleeve to use them again later. Yuck!

Hope that helps you somehow! (:

- Sophie

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Have you ever gotten a cold after being exposed to the cold weather? No, this is a common fallacy. Being cold may inhibit your immune system to some extent, making you more vulnerable to getting sick, but you still need exposure to a bacteria or virus to actually come down with something.

So, I'm a huuuuge supporter of the fact that it's a virus that causes a cold, not the temperature. I was such a stickler for that fact lol, but once I started reading experiments and studies, it made me have doubts lol. The problem is, most people reference the studies where they expose everyone to the virus before or after they expose them to the cold, and there's not a differing number in how many chilled people develop a cold vs how many of the control group get a cold. But in these cases they're literally infecting the people with the virus, dropping it down into their nose. No matter what, the people get the virus. The numbers depend on who develops symptoms, so basically those are the people that haven't been exposed to that specific strain before. But how can you tell if the temperature makes a cold more likely when you're literally giving everyone a cold?? Lol. The few studies that I have read where they didn't actually infect the people with a virus, and instead experimented by letting them go back to their normal lives and come participate in the experiment every day, the people that were exposed to cold temperature (by something like foot baths in ice water, for instance) were the ones that developed colds on their own. But a lot of official sites don't recognize these experiments as valid because the people at outside sources, as in they weren't kept at a facility, quarantined for a week. I think that makes them a lot more valid, because you see how it affects normal life and normal exposure to viruses rather than forced infection...

Though I still think that it's the virus that causes the cold. I think the cold temperatures can make you a lot more likely to catch one. I think there's a reason it's associated with cold temperatures and isn't just a made up excuse that people back in the day believed. Since I moved to southeast Texas where it's almost never below freezing, I've gotten one cold lol, and it didn't last for long and was right after I returned from a work trip that was in a different, colder state. But I used to get sick more when I lived in Idaho, and got really sick when I was in Germany. They're way old fashioned there and believe the cold temperature is like the most substantial cause for the virus but... I still think the virus has a lot to do with it.

Anyway, I just find it interesting and I'm the kind of person that really looks into the cause in practical, realistic experience when I hear something lol. Even if what's being said sounds very obvious and logical, I like to know if the explanation is still true when it's put to the test ;)

Thanks so much for answering everyone!! I'm having an awesome time reading all of the answers! And hearing what everyone has to say definitely helps me with my own little experiment :)

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Hope that helps you somehow! (:

- Sophie

I just wanted to call you out specifically and say... Your answer was so helpful! Thank you for taking the time to write all of that. I haven't tried going outside in the cold with wet hair much... It's soooo unpleasant lol, it's not cold where I am often except occasionally very late in the night. I can barely get myself to stay outside for half an hour before I'm bored and give up xP and usually I only wet my hair slightly. But im going to give this another shot. I always discredited cold weather as being factual at all and I want to see if it'll help me to include all of those "old wives tales" that were convincing enough to name the disease after lol. So thanks so much for the detailed answer!

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Well, cold weather also means more people congregating in closer proximity to each other as everyone moves inside. And like I said, exposure to cold temps can lower the immune system, making people more susceptible, but ultimately a cold is a rhinovirus. No virus, no cold.

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Well, cold weather also means more people congregating in closer proximity to each other as everyone moves inside. And like I said, exposure to cold temps can lower the immune system, making people more susceptible, but ultimately a cold is a rhinovirus. No virus, no cold.

I've heard that too. But, with that logic, in the summer where i live when it's insanely humid and the temperature is well over a hundred, no one goes outside. Everyone just hangs out together at the movies or stores or anywhere else inside. And yet there's no "summer cold" epidemic at all.

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Sorry I don't mean for it to sound like I'm debating with you or something. I agree with you, like I said, I'm a supporter of the virus being more responsible. But viruses are everywhere, they're not like sperm or something where they die outside the human body. You can have the virus inside you and not show any symptoms (subclinical infection), and I think that the cold weather is associated with the virus is a cliche view for a reason. Whether that be because the virus thrives more in the cold or that the immune system is lowered by the cold, etc, I don't know, but I do think that it there is a very valid reason that colds are associated so strongly with the temperature. Also a little less than half of colds are caused by the rhinovirus, there are several others that cause colds as well (I think the second most common one is called the corona virus..?). So there are plenty of viruses to come in contact with, whether or not they take hold and cause symptoms may depend on other factors... So I'm trying to look at those factors, because I can absolutely ensure that I've had these viruses in me when family and friends are sick and I've gone to great lengths to try to catch their virus. But I never got symptoms. So I need to figure out what else needs to happen for me to actually show symptoms...

Like I said, I agree with you. I just wanted to share my research and opinion :) and share why I don't think it's just as simple as the virus alone. No virus no cold. I agree completely. But I don't think that means every virus causes a cold. I think the person needs to be vulnerable to the virus, and I think cold weather is a very valid factor and shouldn't be considered a total fallacy.

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My point, ultimately, is really only that cold temperatures alone are not going to give someone a cold. Whatever role it may or may not play, the virus still has to be present. Being a factor and being a cause are two totally different things and I was only referring the latter claim.

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My point, ultimately, is really only that cold temperatures alone are not going to give someone a cold. Whatever role it may or may not play, the virus still has to be present. Being a factor and being a cause are two totally different things and I was only referring the latter claim.

I never claimed that temperature alone could cause a cold. And I completely agree with you :) I think most people do. Though I still wanted it as one of the questions because I know that it is an opinion of some, however old fashioned it may be considered.

Really, this question isn't about my opinion. I just don't want you to misunderstand me, I think we're arguing the same point lol. And everyone's answers are very helpful and interesting to me :)

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I didn't think of it as really arguing in the first place :lol:

Haha good :D Lol I was too focused on saying what I meant to say that I hardly realized we were saying practically the same thing, I suck at being clear sometimes haha xD

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  • 3 months later...

I'll give it a shot.

When was the last time you had a cold? A few weeks ago.

Do you know how / whom you got it from or have any theories? My best friend had one.

Did you receive it from or pass it on to anyone else? No i stayed inside locked in my room

What do you think is the main reason that causes colds (example: breathing in germs, touching germs and touching your face, cold temperatures, unhealthy lifestyle, lack of sleep, malnutrition, etc)? I think it's share of saliva- either through the air or on something.

Have you ever tried to catch a cold intentionally (even if it was just out of curiosity)? Yes.

How often do you get sick (how many times a year, for instance)? 3 on average

Do you like or dislike being taken care of? Like if its not from family.

If you really wanted to get a cold (let's say you we're being paid a ton of money), what would you do to try to get one? I would touch doorknobs and put my fingers in my mouth, talk to sick people, breathe air after someone sneezes.

Did you get sick often as a child? No.

How long do your colds usually last? A week.

What time of year do you usually get a cold? Cold months.

Have you ever gotten a cold after being exposed to the cold weather? No.

Do you have any suspicions about what could cause someone to catch colds frequently (like why their immune system is bad, from malnutrition or genetics or lack of hygiene, etc)? Genetics I guess.

Do you get colds more or less often than other people in your family? Less.

Are you germaphobic? No.

Is your family germaphobic? Yes.

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Ooh, a survey thread. How did I miss this one? And in the name of Science, too! Here goes:

When was the last time you had a cold?

Some time in late December or early January.

Do you know how / whom you got it from or have any theories?

I got it from an ill co-worker, who was mouth-breathing and exhaled in my direction as I happened to pass by on an inhale. ((I'm going to stop trying to edit this sentence for clarity now, as all of the words are beginning to seem less like words. I hope this is comprehensible?))

Did you receive it from or pass it on to anyone else?

Received from coworker, passed it on to supervisor. (Though to be perfectly honest she may have gotten it from coworker, too.)

What do you think is the main reason that causes colds (example: breathing in germs, touching germs and touching your face, cold temperatures, unhealthy lifestyle, lack of sleep, malnutrition, etc)?

Pathogens! Pathogens entering the body and overtaking it ^_^ It does lower the body's defenses, however, to run on a severe lack of sleep in a high-stress environment. I, personally, more often come down with something aerial, but that isn't to say others do as often.

Have you ever tried to catch a cold intentionally (even if it was just out of curiosity)?

Hahaha, yes, I did try, years and years ago. It had been a long time and I was beginning to have trouble remember in what having a cold even really felt like! So I decided to try and catch one. I was unsuccessful.

How often do you get sick (how many times a year, for instance)?

Once or twice a year, for the last four years.

Do you like or dislike being taken care of?

I love it if it is anyone besides my parents/family. If it is my parents/family, I hate it.

If you really wanted to get a cold (let's say you we're being paid a ton of money), what would you do to try to get one?

Find someone with a cold (which wouldn't be hard to do, one of my coworkers, at the least, is usually stricken) and breathe very near to them, or share a food with them.

Did you get sick often as a child?

Oh good lord yes, how I ever got an elementary school education, between the sick days and the near constant moving, is beyond me.

How long do your colds usually last?

Three days to one week, usually. Two, if it's something particularly nasty and I haven't been taking care of myself as I should.

What time of year do you usually get a cold?

Oh any ol time of year, there's no pattern for me.

Have you ever gotten a cold after being exposed to the cold weather?

Not directly like that, no. It's cute in fiction, but in all practicality I've never seen nor heard of this happening to real life people.

Do you have any suspicions about what could cause someone to catch colds frequently (like why their immune system is bad, from malnutrition or genetics or lack of hygiene, etc)?

One of my supervisors suspects she's always sick because she doesn't like, or ever drink, tea. I'm not sure if it's that or if it's some of her other lifestyle choices. She's friendlier than some of he rest of us, which could very well lend to more pathogen-exposure.

Do you get colds more or less often than other people in your family?

I think less? I'm not sure, really, I try to pay as little attention to my family getting colds as legitimately possible.

Are you germaphobic?

I am not mysophobic.

Is your family germaphobic?

My dad is getting there. He never used to be bothered but as he ages he's getting more and more obsessive with not being near germs. If he continues on this trend without plateauing, he will probably become mysophobic at some point.

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When was the last time you had a cold? January '13.

Do you know how / whom you got it from or have any theories? Sick friend who had returned to school from northern China after the Christmas holidays. I think she was later hospitalised for a continuous high fever lasting several days. :E

Did you receive it from or pass it on to anyone else? I don't think I passed it on to anyone, not that I know of; but interestingly, another friend of mine caught the cold as well wink.png

What do you think is the main reason that causes colds (example: breathing in germs, touching germs and touching your face, cold temperatures, unhealthy lifestyle, lack of sleep, malnutrition, etc)? Breathing in germs. However, unhealthy lifestyle, lack of sleep, malnutrition could all lower your immune system, making you more susceptible to falling sick when you are exposed to the cold virus.

Have you ever tried to catch a cold intentionally (even if it was just out of curiosity)? No

How often do you get sick (how many times a year, for instance)? 1-2 times a year

Do you like or dislike being taken care of? I like being taken care of, just not by my parents :S

If you really wanted to get a cold (let's say you we're being paid a ton of money), what would you do to try to get one? Spending time with someone with a cold who doesn't care/mind sharing germs

Did you get sick often as a child? Yeah, bronchitis, asthma, the yucky lot.

How long do your colds usually last? A week, then it triggers my asthma and drags on forever.

What time of year do you usually get a cold? November - January, march-april

Have you ever gotten a cold after being exposed to the cold weather? Yes. It was very windy, too.

Do you have any suspicions about what could cause someone to catch colds frequently (like why their immune system is bad, from malnutrition or genetics or lack of hygiene, etc)? Lack of hygiene

Do you get colds more or less often than other people in your family? More, probably because I'm the youngest in the family, and they say you get sick less often as you age

Are you germaphobic? Not really, but I don't want to get sick because I live with my parents

Is your family germaphobic? My mom and my brother are huge germaphobes.

I thought I'd add that my brother used to study abroad and as a result had to travel back and forth more often than he would have liked. He did come down with colds after his flights; he said it was because he had to sit next to or near a very inconsiderate passenger.

Edited by cielity
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When was the last time you had a cold?

I caught it around two/three weeks ago but it took until earlier this week to clear up completely.

Do you know how / whom you got it from or have any theories?

I'm almost certain I got it from my best friend who was really ill and I slept in the same bed as him so~

Did you receive it from or pass it on to anyone else?

I think I passed it on to a girl in my friendship group who has passed it back to my best friend again so looks like we're going in circles.

What do you think is the main reason that causes colds (example: breathing in germs, touching germs and touching your face, cold temperatures, unhealthy lifestyle, lack of sleep, malnutrition, etc)?

I think a combination of infection and contagion are probably primarily to blame though I've heard being stressed out or tired can make the likelihood of catching a cold higher.

Have you ever tried to catch a cold intentionally (even if it was just out of curiosity)?


How often do you get sick (how many times a year, for instance)?

More recently, about four/five/six times. Mostly they're mini-colds which last a couple of days though.

Do you like or dislike being taken care of?

This is a weird one because I only like it with certain people. I can't stand my parents taking care of me; I can barely stand them knowing I'm sick. But I love when my best friend comes over and watched films with me and just cuddles me. It's nice.

If you really wanted to get a cold (let's say you we're being paid a ton of money), what would you do to try to get one?

I'd get on a train. Everybody seems to be sick on trains.

Did you get sick often as a child?

Oddly enough, no. I was never sick when I was younger. I didn't miss a single day of primary school though I was occasionally forced in with the sniffles. When I got to around 14, I just started catching colds all the time and I couldn't tell you why.

How long do your colds usually last?

Usually about a week.

What time of year do you usually get a cold?

I get them usually around this time of year, late winter/early spring.

Have you ever gotten a cold after being exposed to the cold weather?

Yes. I remember one time having a water fight outside when I was about eight. It was during the summer holidays and suddenly the weather just turned and we were caught out in the rain and it was freezing and windy out of nowhere. I had a really bad cold for a couple of weeks after that. I don't know where the actual virus came from, though.

Do you have any suspicions about what could cause someone to catch colds frequently (like why their immune system is bad, from malnutrition or genetics or lack of hygiene, etc)?

For some people, I imagine it has something to do with parenting. Hear me out, okay? Kids are supposed to get sick. They get sick on average something like five or six times a year, I think. But you have some parents who are either germophobic or think they're doing the best for the kid who sterilise everything. It's not good for them because then they don't build up an immunity to anything.

Do you get colds more or less often than other people in your family?

Less often. Far less often.

Are you germaphobic?

No but I have OCD and my obsessions are beginning to stray into that area. I really don't want that because I love care taking.

Is your family germaphobic?


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When was the last time you had a cold? last month

Do you know how / whom you got it from or have any theories? outbreak at school

Did you receive it from or pass it on to anyone else? dunno

What do you think is the main reason that causes colds (example: breathing in germs, touching germs and touching your face, cold temperatures, unhealthy lifestyle, lack of sleep, malnutrition, etc)? touching germs then your face

Have you ever tried to catch a cold intentionally (even if it was just out of curiosity)? not i haven't

How often do you get sick (how many times a year, for instance)? maybe 4 times a year

Do you like or dislike being taken care of? i love it

If you really wanted to get a cold (let's say you we're being paid a ton of money), what would you do to try to get one? have someone sneeze on me

Did you get sick often as a child? yes

How long do your colds usually last? 3-5 days

What time of year do you usually get a cold? late summer, winter

Have you ever gotten a cold after being exposed to the cold weather? yes

Do you have any suspicions about what could cause someone to catch colds frequently (like why their immune system is bad, from malnutrition or genetics or lack of hygiene, etc)? never thought about that

Do you get colds more or less often than other people in your family? less

Are you germaphobic? no

Is your family germaphobic? some of them are

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Ohh such fun!

When was the last time you had a cold?

-Maybe two months ago?

Do you know how / whom you got it from or have any theories?

-I work with special needs kids and adults, colds and what not go around all the time.

Did you receive it from or pass it on to anyone else

-To my surprise, I did not manage to give this one to any of my SO's.

What do you think is the main reason that causes colds (example: breathing in germs, touching germs and touching your face, cold temperatures, unhealthy lifestyle, lack of sleep, malnutrition, etc)?'

-It's a combination of all factors. For me, stress has a lot to do with my immune system failing me.

Have you ever tried to catch a cold intentionally (even if it was just out of curiosity)?

-No, I don't like being sick.

How often do you get sick (how many times a year, for instance)

-Once to twice a year.

Do you like or dislike being taken care of?

-I adore it but I like being the caretaker more.

If you really wanted to get a cold (let's say you we're being paid a ton of money), what would you do to try to get one?

-Little sleep, greasy food, lots of stress and tons of exposure to the virus.

Did you get sick often as a child?


How long do your colds usually last?

-Depends. I have asthma so that can cause complications which take longer to get over.

What time of year do you usually get a cold?


Have you ever gotten a cold after being exposed to the cold weather?


Do you have any suspicions about what could cause someone to catch colds frequently (like why their immune system is bad, from malnutrition or genetics or lack of hygiene, etc)

-Genetics although hygiene is a big factor.

Do you get colds more or less often than other people in your family?


Are you germaphobic?


Is your family germaphobic?

-Not to my knowledge.

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