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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Way(s) to get infrequent sneezers to sneeze?!?


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Ok so i've been dating my lovely pretty beautiful girlfriend for 4 months now. She's the real deal to me, the whole package. She has a great warm caring personality, great looks, and a nice family/friends and all...She even has a huge nose which turns me on just to look at! However, SHE HAS YET TO SNEEZE!!! >:(

I've indirectly brought up sneezing in the past, and she's told me she rarely sneezes -_____-

I've tried every single thing possible to try to make her have to sneeze: examples- brought her to a perfume store to smell different scents up to her nose, put a bit of extra pepper on her food, constantly changed the car's interior heat/air temperature from hot to cold, pinching her nose and rubbing it quickly when cuddling or making out (she doesn't know about the fetish I have...,) and i've even tried to make her look at the sun even though she's not photic. As well as using my home duster to make the dust particles flow through the air.......AND NOTHING!!! =0

------------So please tell me fellow sneeze causers/experts~ What can I do to cause her to sneeze?!?

She doesn't have any allergies, and the only cold she had lasted a day or two with no sneezes that I was there for. :/

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Haha aww this is a cute post :)

Hmm well... You could always talk to her about your fetish and see how she feels about inducing. But I know that would be asking a lot and it may be too soon. But if you think she would understand and your relationship would grow from it, it's something to consider.

Otherwise... Lets see, she has to eventually... I always sneeze more in the morning. Idk if everyone is like that, but I always sneeze in the morning lol. Get some febreze for the car and use it to keep it nice and fresh lol, my bf has febreze in his car and it makes me sneeze everyyyy time. Hmm... Dare her? Joke about how you've never heard her sneeze and you bet she can't. See if you can get her to induce with something like a q tip to prove that she can to you lol. Make a bet with her about it, even if you know you'll lose. Bet her that she can't make herself sneeze, and if she can you'll get something for her or take her somewhere, etc.

Best of luck! I hope you get a sneeze from her :) just remember, don't lose hope, it'll happen eventually. And hopefully it'll be worth the wait :)

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Does she want to sneeze for you? I have some ideas, but if you are intentionally involving her in your kink by attempting to provoke a reaction without consent... In good faith, I can't share them.

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Firstly, congratulations on finding a wonderful girlfriend :)

There are moral implications of trying to make someone sneeze without their consent. It may appear to be harmless, but her well being needs to be at the forefront of your mind.

Trying to provoke a reaction from her can be very dangerous, and it's not something that I would recommend. You could cause her severe discomfort, or worse.

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I'm with Puddin and rhombohedron on this one.

I would also say that people without the fetish are typically pretty chill when it comes to the idea of a sneezing fetish, at least in my experience. Unless she has severe issues with germs, or some kind of hatred for sneezing, I think you'd be okay to sort of just ask her what her sneeze sounds like. Or even ask her to do one for you. Or tell her about the fetish. I know that's a scary step, and it could be a while before you're ready for it. But I personally wouldn't try to make her sneeze covertly.

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I also would not recommend trying to "make" her sneeze without her consent. However, if you aren't ready to tell her about the fetish, you could try and persuade her to willingly make herself sneeze. My only idea is to bring up the "pepper challenge," where you use pepper to see how many times you can make yourself sneeze. You could suggest to try it with her for fun? Make it into a silly game.

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I don't think trying to "make" her sneeze without her consent is automatically evil. Unless you were physically forcing her like sticking something up her nose or pressuring her to do something she didn't want to do.

If it were something like "how can I get my modest girlfriend to dress like a slut" or something obviously and sexually wrong, I wouldn't approve at all. But wanting to see someone sneeze? It may turn you on, but that doesn't make it wrong. It's like when a mans wife takes him shopping through the baby section even though they don't have kids. Is she trying to manipulate him into wanting to start a family? She could be. But it's harmless to encourage the idea of starting a family, unless one of the parents refuses and isn't ready... But you're not trying to force her to do something she doesn't want to do. You're encouraging here to do something that's natural and that makes you happy. That doesn't make you a jerk, don't feel too bad.

As long as you don't take it too far or continue to try knowing that she's uncomfortable. I like when a guy knows what he wants and isn't afraid to pursue it (as long as it's appropriate lol).

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But trying to make someone sneeze isn't harmless, and it isn't just putting an idea in their head. It's attempting, without the other person's knowledge or consent, to provoke a biological reaction through physical means. The fact that said biological response is likely to cause a sexual response in the person causing it just makes it worse, but isn't the sole point at all. It is NEVER okay to try to make someone sneeze unless you have their full, stated consent.

That said, I agree with those pointing out that one needn't be "out" about their fetish in order to state a desire to see someone sneeze. Creating a contest of some sort or even just mentioning that it's something you've never seen are both ways to open the subject without fully showing your hand. And, while I do believe that you should think long and hard before doing something like that (I recommend asking yourself how your partner will feel if she finds out later why you wanted to see her sneeze), I also believe that sneezing is something common enough that you're not necessarily morally obligated to tell your partner why you want to see her sneeze.

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Ditto on what the others have said about "making" someone sneeze being a no no. (That being said... my boyfriend, who is not a fetishist, has tried to make me sneeze before... and tickles my nose all the time...). It's like his thing.

The "bet you can't sneeze" idea is cute - but if you later wanted to tell her later on it might be embarrassing! I'd say wait til you get to that point that you feel comfortable telling her (if you think that point will ever come). I've found even after over a year I still can't tell my boyfriend... but I think it's because of the nature of our relationship to each other. Your relationship with your girlfriend will obviously be different smile.png so feel her out. Perhaps she might not be so weirded out after all! I started by asking my guy if there's anything he fantasizes about.. any fetishes he has... what turns him on.. what I could do to make it more exciting for himboth during imtimate and non intimate times. By showing him my willingness to do things he might enjoy I was hoping to get the offer back. It didn't come buuuuuuut... you know... maybe someday, haha.

Edited by cherry
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But trying to make someone sneeze isn't harmless, and it isn't just putting an idea in their head. It's attempting, without the other person's knowledge or consent, to provoke a biological reaction through physical means. The fact that said biological response is likely to cause a sexual response in the person causing it just makes it worse, but isn't the sole point at all. It is NEVER okay to try to make someone sneeze unless you have their full, stated consent.

That said, I agree with those pointing out that one needn't be "out" about their fetish in order to state a desire to see someone sneeze. Creating a contest of some sort or even just mentioning that it's something you've never seen are both ways to open the subject without fully showing your hand. And, while I do believe that you should think long and hard before doing something like that (I recommend asking yourself how your partner will feel if she finds out later why you wanted to see her sneeze), I also believe that sneezing is something common enough that you're not necessarily morally obligated to tell your partner why you want to see her sneeze.

Hmm, yeah I see how it can be wrong based on intentions. Like using her to satisfy a sexual desire. But I don't think sneezing is dangerous or as serious as some factors as long as its within a boundary... Making her sneeze constantly might be unsafe and unpleasant for her, but I don't think wanting to satisfy the curiosity once should be treated with equal disapproval... Idk. Haha. If my boyfriend had a thing for like hiccups and I never got the hiccups, I wouldn't be mad at him for being sneaky and trying to get me to have the hiccups. I would think it's kind of cute that he wanted to fulfill a little dream of his with me and I wouldn't mind that he didn't ask for consent...

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Have you tried the power of positive thinking? I know this is probably gonna sound dumb to a lot of you and maybe it kind of is, but ypu can always hope and I think your best bet is to just wait for it. Besides, am I wrong for feeling that a sneeze is always more sexually exciting when its unexpected? If you really need to see her sneeze imidiately you always have the option of asking her, perhaps while drunk or something? Women are usually more open to sexual ideas when a little drunk. (Speaking of personal experience here guys :|) just don't force her or anything, that'd be kind of like sneeze rape...

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If it were something like "how can I get my modest girlfriend to dress like a slut" or something obviously and sexually wrong, I wouldn't approve at all.

But the thing is, for us, it IS sexual. It's not obviously sexual to HER because she doesn't know he has a fetish for it, but it's still tricking someone into doing something for his sexual enjoyment. Which as far as I'm concerned makes it totally immoral.

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Women are usually more open to sexual ideas when a little drunk. (Speaking of personal experience here guys :|) just don't force her or anything, that'd be kind of like sneeze rape...

Whereas getting her drunk first isn't anything like the sneeze fetish equivalent of date rape :rolleyes:

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If it were something like "how can I get my modest girlfriend to dress like a slut" or something obviously and sexually wrong, I wouldn't approve at all.

But the thing is, for us, it IS sexual. It's not obviously sexual to HER because she doesn't know he has a fetish for it, but it's still tricking someone into doing something for his sexual enjoyment. Which as far as I'm concerned makes it totally immoral.

Yeah that's true lol. I guess I'm just trying to look at it from her side, like I wouldn't mind as long as it wasn't something degrading to me, even though the intent is sexual. But I'm also a ridiculously easy going person and not her, so yeah it wouldn't be right to just assume she's okay with pleasuring someone like that.

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Whereas getting her drunk first isn't anything like the sneeze fetish equivalent of date rape

I meant more like choose a time when their drinking to tell her about the fetish, not like get her wasted and be like "I want you to sneeze for me"

I didn't mean it like some kind of ass hole who uses alcohol go get women loose then take advantage.

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Whereas getting her drunk first isn't anything like the sneeze fetish equivalent of date rape

I meant more like choose a time when their drinking to tell her about the fetish, not like get her wasted and be like "I want you to sneeze for me"

I didn't mean it like some kind of ass hole who uses alcohol go get women loose then take advantage.

Ah, gotcha, I misunderstood. My bad!

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In my limited experience... telling a significant other is pretty much the best idea EVER lol. First off, I personally wouldnt feel comfortable making someone sneeze for my sexual pleasure without their knowlesge. (fantasies dont count lol) But you've gotten enough responses on that matter already, methinks. :P

Honestly, my girlfriend is surprisingly okay with it! We were talking about how people do weird stuff in bed, and I waslike, "Welll... I'm not one to judge..." Which obviously provoked the question, "Why, what weird stuff are you into?" It took a few months, but now a days she'll actually induce for me. And its awesome because I know she's doing it JUST for me, if that mashes sense.

Bobby pins work especially welll, neither of us have allergies, and sneeze infrequently, like your lady, it sounds like. :)))

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yeah you know what? shoot for the damn moon, TELL HER lol. most people really are more understanding about this fetish than youd think. usually they either think its cute, or just dont care at all and forget about it. i know if i were ever with someone and i told them about this fetish, and they gave me crap about it, id dump their asses...because if someone cant accept someone for who they are, theyre not worth it IMO.

and while it seems harmless trying to get someone to sneeze, thats not the point entirely. its that youre trying to trick them into doing something for your sexual gratification, uknowingly to them. THATS what makes it wrong....and creepy kinda :P

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wow im very surprised and pleased to see a ton of responses! thanks guys!!

No offense, but i thought some people would actually answer my question of how to get an infrequent sneezer to sneeze........

So I totally understand the fact that it's innapropriate to an extent, to make her sneeze without permission, in order to make myself sexually pleasured...however, she now knows about my fetish, and a few days ago, sniffed some pepper for me. :) Unfortunately, there was no sneezes even after blowing her nose a few times (which im not really turned on by.) So recently i brought up her sniffing a bit of pepper to turn me on when we were alone, and she didnt feel like it because my parents were coming home within a half hour or so... -___-

So basically this question was to find out what indirect scenario I can have my girlfriend be in, to cause her to sneeze, without me making it forceful/obvious. but yea you guys get the point...5 months of dating her and she hasnt sneezed yet!!!!!!!!!!!!! im going crazy omg she better sneeze asap

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ishoo, I'm sorry, but I think you're still missing the point: even if your girlfriend knows about your fetish, unless she has given you EXPLICIT blanket permission to make her sneeze whenever you want (in other words, saying to you "You may make make me sneeze whenever you want, period."), it's still REALLY not okay to try to make her sneeze without her consent. Part of being in a relationship is accepting that your partner's boundaries are not always going to be what you wish they would be, and respecting them anyway.

Try to focus on how lucky you are to have a partner who's willing to try to sneeze for you, rather than on your frustration over her not succeeding yet. Instead of trying to secretly make her sneeze, why don't you try building upon what you have? You say that she's tried to induce for you by sniffing black pepper, but it didn't work. Okay, that makes sense; it's not like it is in the cartoons. But it means that she's willing to indulge you. Take advantage of that! Ask her if she wouldn't mind spending an afternoon--in private!--seeing if she can find something that makes her sneezy. Make a game of it: gather a bunch of common inducing tools and take turns trying them. Or, if you're not comfortable with your own sneezes, take turns a different way: every time she tries to induce--whether or not it works!--do something for her, something that she likes.

Overall, try to keep in mind that you're lucky to have a partner who's willing to indulge your fetish, but that if you take advantage of that, she'll very likely stop being willing to indulge you...or possibly to be your girlfriend at all. Trust is the key here: if she feels like she can't trust you with her nose, she's not likely to trust you with anything else, either.

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