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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Never sneeze again?


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Ok so this might sound weird to all of you who like to induce but if I could I would make myself never sneeze again in my life. I hate it so much xD. Is anyone else like me? Would any of you be happy if you never sneezed again?

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Nah, I quite like sneezing myself. It doesn't always do anything for me (although it can) but I still enjoy the feeling in general.

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I would hate it! I enjoy sneezing more than I enjoy watching someone else sneeze lol. I just like to feel it. I'm not really a sights person. I would hate to be forced I always just see and never feel or experience a sneeze again D:

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I think it is very unusual for a sneeze fetishist to feel that way... but hey, we're all different and there's nothing wrong with that. :)

I personally enjoy the feeling of my own sneezes- but not in public, and I don't get turned on by them.

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I have to agree with Heathcliff in that it is very unusual for a sneeze fetishist to hate their own sneezes so much to the point where they'd wish they could never sneeze again.

Personally, I wouldn't want to not sneeze again, I enjoy it way too much. :)

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sweatdrop.gif uhm, I mean, everyone has their own personal preferences, and that is totally cool.


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I love sneezing hehe that would be awful for me.

But let me ask you this, do you hate sneezing when people can hear you or just in general?

I used to be SO embarrassed by my sneezes so I can get that. :)

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I certainly would have agreed when I was younger -- but a few years ago, I began inducing, and it's just so much fun. :P Of course, inducing is the only time I enjoy sneezing. So I totally see where you're coming from if you feel this way and don't like inducing.

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sweatdrop.gif uhm, I mean, everyone has their own personal preferences, and that is totally cool.


Temporary thread jack: this reminds me of a time when i was in 4th grade and my teacher was complaining about sneezing or said she hated it or something and this kid in my class was like "why? sneezing is so fun!" and i was like "Yes! Yes it is totally fun, I agree with that!" and he was like "I was joking." and I was embarrassed for the rest of my life.

Now returning you to your previously scheduled thread, already in progress:

Yeah, I would be mega mega unhappy if this were to happen to me. As it is i'm looking for ways to sneeze more frequently. Never sneezing again ever sounds like hell on earth.

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this reminds me of a time when i was in 4th grade and my teacher was complaining about sneezing or said she hated it or something and this kid in my class was like "why? sneezing is so fun!" and i was like "Yes! Yes it is totally fun, I agree with that!" and he was like "I was joking." and I was embarrassed for the rest of my life.

AHAHAHAHAHA :lol: thats funny

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I don't sneeze much at all as it is. :( but I love the feeling of it (not like that)!! If I could never sneeze again, it probably wouldn't change my life much, sadly.

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