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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sick Boyfriend


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*SQUEALING!!!!* My boyfriend, J, is sick and holy mother of god this is happening as I type. He said he's, and I quote, "Sneezing like it's my job" but he won't video chat! ASFGTYDGRCBVBYC!! DANG IT! I'll update again if I can convince him to video chat...

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No video :( BUT I'll share some nice words from our chat convo :D and my skype name is Jiah Winchester here just so ya know

[5:17:19 PM] Jiah Winchester: yes more coddles *coddles and glomps*

[5:18:19 PM] J: WOOOOOOOOOOO Im friggin sneezing like its my job

[5:27:45 PM] Jiah Winchester: *nuzzle* crazy sick joe

[5:28:34 PM] J: Wow I really dont feel good (sick)

[5:34:51 PM] Jiah Winchester: alrighty *squeezes* what if you're not better by tomorrow?

[5:35:42 PM] J: Well Ill try to suck it up but Ill be fine dont worry

Aaaand that's it. Damn him for making me miss his sneeziness but I really do hope he doesn't feel too crappy tomrrow...

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He's gonna try to suck it up if he doesn't feel better tomorrow...

And we know what that means...

It means cute sick boy trying to act all fine with sneezes and adorableness!

I LOVE cute sick boys trying to act all fine! It's so cuuuuuuute!

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He's gonna try to suck it up if he doesn't feel better tomorrow...

And we know what that means...

It means cute sick boy trying to act all fine with sneezes and adorableness!

I LOVE cute sick boys trying to act all fine! It's so cuuuuuuute!

Hell yes!!!

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Alrighty this was posted just before he went a bit upstate and the next day... WOAH. Girls, I don't think I have seen anyone look so cute over a frickin' video chat! When I get on the chat I see his nose is bright Rudolf red and he looks a bit pale. He still smiles at me when I get on and yells "Hershey!" the second he sees me. We chat for a bit and I can just barely catch how clogged his nose sounds. Unfortunately he's very practiced at hiding the fact he can't pronounce some things correctly. >_> Sneeky J.

Anyway a bit into our conversation he's listening to me and then pinches his nose shut with his first finger and thumb. Pretending to look confused I ask him what's wrong and of course he shakes his head and goes "Nothing, babe, keep talking." But he's got this derpy little pre-sneeze face on and I can't even form words. Suddenly he flops completely backwards on his bed with a loud sneeze. Now this boy's sneeze is flippin' redeculous because it's loud as heck and makes you jump but it's so cute when he makes these unhappy little whineing and sniffling noises that you just want to squeeze him till his head pops off. With my eyes wide from his sneeze I yell a bless you to try and match how loud his sneeze was. We're both laughing for a bit and there are a few more sneezes afterward (Not even gonna attempt to spell his sneezes) before he had to go because I told him to plant his butt in bed to get some rest. Poor thing looked more tired after each sneeze. So that's that. I'm videoing him tonight again to ask how he was for the rest of the weekend and if he's still sick I'll put up more.

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