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Symptoms depend on the strain?


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Although prefer allergy sneezes, with pollen season months away, my thoughts have turned to colds. wink2.gif

I haven't made a study of this, but the few times my wife and I have ended up with the same cold, it has seemed like the symptoms each of us had depended more on the strain itself, then it did on either of us. In other words, neither of us is generally more sneezy than the the other when it comes to colds in general, but rather that some colds seem to be more head colds, and others are more chest colds for both of us, if that makes sense.

Also, it seems like the progression of any given strain takes the same track for both of us, and that track can be different for each strain.

Has anyone else noticed any patterns which would support either the "cold symptoms vary according to the person" hypothesis or the "cold symptoms vary according to the strain" hypothesis?

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Hmmmm...thats interesting...maybe it depends on the person? Like when im sick, im more sneezy. When my friend is sick, he coughs more. But our other symptoms like headache, congestion were the same. Note he gave me his cold because i was helping him out and was more concerned for his well being. Its funny because i got sicker then him. And it lasted longer.

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Although prefer allergy sneezes, with pollen season months away, my thoughts have turned to colds. wink2.gif

I haven't made a study of this, but the few times my wife and I have ended up with the same cold, it has seemed like the symptoms each of us had depended more on the strain itself, then it did on either of us. In other words, neither of us is generally more sneezy than the the other when it comes to colds in general, but rather that some colds seem to be more head colds, and others are more chest colds for both of us, if that makes sense.

Also, it seems like the progression of any given strain takes the same track for both of us, and that track can be different for each strain.

Has anyone else noticed any patterns which would support either the "cold symptoms vary according to the person" hypothesis or the "cold symptoms vary according to the strain" hypothesis?

Yeah, I have no idea haha. I don't know if it's just because I have asthma and stuff, but my colds always turn into chest colds. And my boyfriend never gets chest colds. When I caught a cold from him hears ago, it was mostly just stuffy nose for him, and for me, it just went straight to my chest haha. And when he caught mine, it was like one or the worst colds for me. It was full on head / chest cold and I was sneezing allll the time, but it was disgusting because of all the phlegm and stuff. Bleh. For him, he got a little congestion and a little more sneezy but it never got bad. Haha. I think the strain probably has something to do with it. Like there are different viruses that cause the cold, about half being from the rhinovirus. And others are caused by like the coronaviris. And I think the rhinovirus is the most mild from what I've read, so maybe it's the one that causes just stuffy / runny noses. Or you can catch multiple strains at a time and maybe only pass on one strain. Maybe I had multiple strains that made mine more severe, but my boyfriend was only infected by one of the strains so it was mild for him. Who knows lol, it's all kind of interesting for me to think about this kind of stuff :P

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