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Sneeze Fetish Forum

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Okay so today I found out that a friend of a friend of a friend is meeting a certain Cumberbatch tonight which I was insanely jealous of. I told my parents, to which my dad replied, "Maybe you can ask him to sneeze into a tissue and send it to you!"



Edited by AppleBlossom
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Well, that was... uh...

I don't know if I would have laughed or shuddered or done some kind of hysterical combination of the two. Wow. :fear:

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Maybe ur dad was joking..




Yeah! Ur father was joking....like i guess he meant that it would be something from the place since u cant go...


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Have you been clearing your internet history carefully enough...? Scary stuff, and as if parents talking about sneezing was not mortifying enough! Hope they don't know...

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I think/hope I have been careful... But I hope they don't know.

I just said "Haha, that's gross!" and awkwardly returned to staring at my iPod -_- I really hope they don't know.

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i think it was just one of those times when parents uncannily say the most accurate and horrifying thing without realizing it. my mom does stuff like that all the darn time.

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Dude, I guess your dad would have been making a dorky dad joke but still if that had have been me I would have freaked... like omg awkward family moment.

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i think it was just one of those times when parents uncannily say the most accurate and horrifying thing without realizing it. my mom does stuff like that all the darn time.

haha, this happens so often. I remember when I talked about how I was going to do something all rebellious and angst-y haha, planned it online with some friends. And the day after, my dad just sends this mass text that I didn't realize was a mass text to everyone in my family saying "praying for you".... I thought he was totally onto me and thought I was a horrible kid lol. So I was like "thanks...?" which ended up being an appropriate response. I'm so glad I didn't say something like "you know about that?" hahaha.

So I have this mission to get a cold, keeping a log, and my boyfriend texted me the other day and said "I saw your log" and I was like.... FREAK OUT. Like, he doesn't know about this. And how especially weird it would be for him to find out that I was also trying to get myself sick?? Yeah... weird. I knew I had left the page open on my phone and thought he must've figured out the pass code, I was so terrified lol. Then I responded with "what?" and he said "I saw you log in. On xbox." xP lol

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