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List of Celebrity Blessers, Anyone?


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So it the past few months it seems the general consensus around here is that blessing is a huge part of the fetish for many of us. Since we're always posting about sneezing, I think maybe it's a good idea to have a separate thread for some blessing action, agreed? Post here if you know of any celebrity blessers and how you know, whether it be links to videos or articles, or just a random explanation. You can also include who you would love to see bless so we can keep an eye out for it together! I've got a mini list that I'm gonna add some names to. Yay for saying "bless you!"

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Man, I wish I was a blesser haha. I want to try to be, it's kind of a goal of mine, but I don't know how to just start, cus everyone knows I'm not a blesser lol. I always hated it to be blessed / bless others because I felt like it was calling attention to me. Like either because I sneezed, or because they would know that I was noticing their sneeze lol. And when I was about to graduate High School and my family moved across the country, one of my only "friends" (I wasn't really there long enough to make friends, but she was part of the nice group that I ate lunch with lol) blessed people incessantly hahaha. I just kind of liked it, seemed polite and considerate. And I sat in the very back of the classroom right behind her in 2 of my classes, so whenever I sneezed, she'd turn around and look right at me and bless me. It used to freak me out so much, I bet I gave her some weird looks. Anyway, now I want to be a blesser too :P

As for celebrities... Dude, I'm horrible at keeping up with celebrities. The only person I really rally behind is good ol' Jennifer Lawrence. I'm not sexually attracted to women, but I definitely respect them in a way that I can look up to them. Seems like most girls have daddy issues (not that everyone has issues, just more daddy issues than mommy issues), but I alllllways just wanted someone to take care of me maternally and care about me growing up haha. Now that I'm an adult, it's not as pathetic, though I still sort of long for it and wish it was a part of my childhood. ANYWAY, this is an off topic way of saying... I enjoy sneezes from girls quite a bit haha. I just think it's cute and innocent, rather than for a man, it's like pressure and guilt because I don't want to enjoy it necessarily because it feels like lusting or something to me lol.

ANYWAY.... I've never really seen any celebrity blessers. The only thing I can think of right now is on that episode of Grey's Anatomy when Teddy is sick and Christina blesses her haha. Even heartless Christina can bless people! I need to step up my game lol.

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Man, I wish I was a blesser haha. I want to try to be, it's kind of a goal of mine, but I don't know how to just start, cus everyone knows I'm not a blesser lol. I always hated it to be blessed / bless others because I felt like it was calling attention to me. Like either because I sneezed, or because they would know that I was noticing their sneeze lol. And when I was about to graduate High School and my family moved across the country, one of my only "friends" (I wasn't really there long enough to make friends, but she was part of the nice group that I ate lunch with lol) blessed people incessantly hahaha. I just kind of liked it, seemed polite and considerate. And I sat in the very back of the classroom right behind her in 2 of my classes, so whenever I sneezed, she'd turn around and look right at me and bless me. It used to freak me out so much, I bet I gave her some weird looks. Anyway, now I want to be a blesser too tonguesmiley.gif

As for celebrities... Dude, I'm horrible at keeping up with celebrities. The only person I really rally behind is good ol' Jennifer Lawrence. I'm not sexually attracted to women, but I definitely respect them in a way that I can look up to them. Seems like most girls have daddy issues (not that everyone has issues, just more daddy issues than mommy issues), but I alllllways just wanted someone to take care of me maternally and care about me growing up haha. Now that I'm an adult, it's not as pathetic, though I still sort of long for it and wish it was a part of my childhood. ANYWAY, this is an off topic way of saying... I enjoy sneezes from girls quite a bit haha. I just think it's cute and innocent, rather than for a man, it's like pressure and guilt because I don't want to enjoy it necessarily because it feels like lusting or something to me lol.

ANYWAY.... I've never really seen any celebrity blessers. The only thing I can think of right now is on that episode of Grey's Anatomy when Teddy is sick and Christina blesses her haha. Even heartless Christina can bless people! I need to step up my game lol.

Aw, BubbleTea that's so cute! I know exactly what you mean. I used to hate blessing people. Like I would actually get anxious over being in certain situations because I'd be like..."What if they sneeze? What do I do????" BUT that actually kind of turned out to be a good thing because eventually I realized that it was more awkward in the situation for me NOT to say anything. If I blessed them, they would just move on. It's so hard for us to wrap our brain around it though. Because such a simple thing like sneezing or blessing is something that we literally thrive on! And we will play it over and over again twitchsmile.gif I sound crazy, but you know what I mean. Now I really enjoy blessing people, friends and guys I might like especially, NEVER family though. Never. I will never sneeze in front of family or bless them...*shudders*.

And I completely understand what you mean about the whole maternal thing. I'm always longing for that sister/mother relationship and it always ties into the fetish. I used to love to bless and be blessed by one of my good friends. But with men it takes on a sexual thing because that's what we're attracted to. Seriously I long to be in a relationship with a guy who blesses me, it's like...almost a deal breaker. They should really teach classes on the sneeze fetish. But anyway, you will be a blesser eventually! Start off small and it will all roll! It's hard.

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If it counts at all, Tom Hiddleston blesses everyone for everything all the time. Not entirely the same thing, but related?

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Man, I wish I was a blesser haha. I want to try to be, it's kind of a goal of mine, but I don't know how to just start, cus everyone knows I'm not a blesser lol. I always hated it to be blessed / bless others because I felt like it was calling attention to me. Like either because I sneezed, or because they would know that I was noticing their sneeze lol. And when I was about to graduate High School and my family moved across the country, one of my only "friends" (I wasn't really there long enough to make friends, but she was part of the nice group that I ate lunch with lol) blessed people incessantly hahaha. I just kind of liked it, seemed polite and considerate. And I sat in the very back of the classroom right behind her in 2 of my classes, so whenever I sneezed, she'd turn around and look right at me and bless me. It used to freak me out so much, I bet I gave her some weird looks. Anyway, now I want to be a blesser too tonguesmiley.gif

As for celebrities... Dude, I'm horrible at keeping up with celebrities. The only person I really rally behind is good ol' Jennifer Lawrence. I'm not sexually attracted to women, but I definitely respect them in a way that I can look up to them. Seems like most girls have daddy issues (not that everyone has issues, just more daddy issues than mommy issues), but I alllllways just wanted someone to take care of me maternally and care about me growing up haha. Now that I'm an adult, it's not as pathetic, though I still sort of long for it and wish it was a part of my childhood. ANYWAY, this is an off topic way of saying... I enjoy sneezes from girls quite a bit haha. I just think it's cute and innocent, rather than for a man, it's like pressure and guilt because I don't want to enjoy it necessarily because it feels like lusting or something to me lol.

ANYWAY.... I've never really seen any celebrity blessers. The only thing I can think of right now is on that episode of Grey's Anatomy when Teddy is sick and Christina blesses her haha. Even heartless Christina can bless people! I need to step up my game lol.

Aw, BubbleTea that's so cute! I know exactly what you mean. I used to hate blessing people. Like I would actually get anxious over being in certain situations because I'd be like..."What if they sneeze? What do I do????" BUT that actually kind of turned out to be a good thing because eventually I realized that it was more awkward in the situation for me NOT to say anything. If I blessed them, they would just move on. It's so hard for us to wrap our brain around it though. Because such a simple thing like sneezing or blessing is something that we literally thrive on! And we will play it over and over again twitchsmile.gif I sound crazy, but you know what I mean. Now I really enjoy blessing people, friends and guys I might like especially, NEVER family though. Never. I will never sneeze in front of family or bless them...*shudders*.

And I completely understand what you mean about the whole maternal thing. I'm always longing for that sister/mother relationship and it always ties into the fetish. I used to love to bless and be blessed by one of my good friends. But with men it takes on a sexual thing because that's what we're attracted to. Seriously I long to be in a relationship with a guy who blesses me, it's like...almost a deal breaker. They should really teach classes on the sneeze fetish. But anyway, you will be a blesser eventually! Start off small and it will all roll! It's hard.

I agree with everythinggg you said! And totally understand. I don't really know where to start blessing lol xP I could start with my boyfriend, but he would notice that I just started and point it out, I'm sure of it. The very first time we hung out, he sneezes and said "you didn't bless me, you're going to hell" (just joking of course haha) and I said "you're the one that isn't blessed, you're going to hell" hahaha. And I know he notices that I don't bless him. He just blesses me sometimes. He doesn't bless me when I stifle, which is most of the time. I think he thinks that doesn't count as a sneeze, like it was stopped before I could sneeze lol. So he doesn't bless them ever :P And he doesn't sneeze often, so when he does and I suddenly say "bless you"... ahh I don't know what kind of conversation that could turn into! I've tried to think of something witty to say instead like "bless your face," some youtuber is famous for saying it lol. But it would be easier than just bless you, I think. Or bless up lol. I don't know! I should just start but I don't know where.. I don't want to be that mom that doesn't bless her little kidlets :P

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If it counts at all, Tom Hiddleston blesses everyone for everything all the time. Not entirely the same thing, but related?

^YES! I have noticed this! I saw him say it in an interview after somebody complimented him and then I rewound it a dozen times to watch him say it again.wubsmiley.gif

I'm fairly certain Lee Pace is a blesser. The movie "The Fall" is an amazing movie, and one of the many great things about it is a lot of the dialogue between him and the girl who co-stars with him is not scripted. At one point, the girl sneezes (and it was obviously a real sneeze that the director left in for charm) and Lee Pace blesses her very politely.

Edited by Joal 555
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I agree with everythinggg you said! And totally understand. I don't really know where to start blessing lol xP I could start with my boyfriend, but he would notice that I just started and point it out, I'm sure of it. The very first time we hung out, he sneezes and said "you didn't bless me, you're going to hell" (just joking of course haha) and I said "you're the one that isn't blessed, you're going to hell" hahaha. And I know he notices that I don't bless him. He just blesses me sometimes. He doesn't bless me when I stifle, which is most of the time. I think he thinks that doesn't count as a sneeze, like it was stopped before I could sneeze lol. So he doesn't bless them ever And he doesn't sneeze often, so when he does and I suddenly say "bless you"... ahh I don't know what kind of conversation that could turn into! I've tried to think of something witty to say instead like "bless your face," some youtuber is famous for saying it lol. But it would be easier than just bless you, I think. Or bless up lol. I don't know! I should just start but I don't know where.. I don't want to be that mom that doesn't bless her little kidlets

BubbleTea - I totally understand your dilemma. I think maybe if you just start blessing him, he might be a little confused at first but if he asks you, just don't really make a big deal about it. Like "What? I just said bless you." And kind of shrug it off. That's a good idea if you use the Toby Turner line, kind of turn it into something funny at first and then get more serious about it! Keep me posted on how it goes, I'm excited for you! :)

Alis and AmyParda - "Bless your heart for saying that." HAHAHAHA. Love it.

Ben Barnes blesses Georgie Henley during the bloopers for Prince Caspian when she sneezes. smile.png

You have no idea how many times I have watched that clip over and over and over and over again!!! So hot.

I have:

-Harry Styles, blessing Liam from the clip of Liam sneezing during the interview that we've all seen.

-Louis Tomlinson, from another interview of Liam sneezing. Just YouTube "One Direction Sneezing".

-Jennifer Garner, magazine article mentions that she says "bless you" from across the room while being interviewed.

-Johnny Depp, there's a vid of him doing a Q & A and someone in the audience sneezes, to which he says "God bless you."

- Kourtney Kardashian, clip from their "Perfect Skin" commercial where Khloe sneezes, she says "bless you."

- Dom Monaghan, says "bless you my child" to Billy Boyd after he sneezes during an interview.

- Liam Payne apparently said that the meanest thing he's ever done was not say "bless you" to someone after they sneeze. I'm gonna assume that means he's a blesser most of the time?

I know there are more but thats what I remember for now!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 years later...
On 12/22/2013 at 0:29 AM, Quing Nerd said:

If it counts at all, Tom Hiddleston blesses everyone for everything all the time. Not entirely the same thing, but related?

Likewise with Colin Firth:  I notice he says "bless you" a lot iRL as part of casual conversation (he even says it to one of his on-screen daughters as the king in The King's Speech; this is at the end of the movie).  There used to be a Youtube video where he was being interviewed at an awards event (Oscars or Golden Globes, I think), and his wife said something nice about him and he blessed her.  It was so sweet, and I'm hoping it means he blesses sneezers as well.  Also, I tend to believe that Adrien Brody is a blesser, just because he's a New Yorker and for whatever reason a lot of New Yorkers seem to be blessers.  Somehow, he just seems like the type of guy who'd bless people; he did say "God bless you guys" to the audience at the end of his Oscar speech.

We can add Hugh Dancy to the list of blessers, too, because there's a video here in which he blesses a sneezing audience member during a public interview.


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  • 2 months later...

Okay, I'm just now remembering this one.  Right after the Royal Wedding took place in April 2011, I went on Youtube and suddenly, unexpectedly, came across a video of the soccer (or, "football" if you're British) player David Beckham at the event.  He was standing in front of an elderly man (I have no idea who he was) who sneezed twice in succession; following the second sneeze, David turned around and blessed him (though it wasn't audible, it was pretty obvious he was saying "bless you"), and the man nodded his head, smiling, and made an (inaudible) reply, most likely "thank you."  So I think we can add David Beckham to the list of celebrity blessers.  But I'm curious as to whether anyone else here remembers this video?  The thing is, I never saw it again on Youtube, so it must have been taken down.:( 

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I had to look back to find this (it was posted in the media section a couple years ago), but here's a cute vid of Jensen Ackles blessing a fan during a Supernatural convention.  (I don't see him on the list yet, so I thought it was worth re-posting ;))


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 09/12/2016 at 4:55 PM, Luisa39 said:

Okay, I'm just now remembering this one.  Right after the Royal Wedding took place in April 2011, I went on Youtube and suddenly, unexpectedly, came across a video of the soccer (or, "football" if you're British) player David Beckham at the event.  He was standing in front of an elderly man (I have no idea who he was) who sneezed twice in succession; following the second sneeze, David turned around and blessed him (though it wasn't audible, it was pretty obvious he was saying "bless you"), and the man nodded his head, smiling, and made an (inaudible) reply, most likely "thank you."  So I think we can add David Beckham to the list of celebrity blessers.  But I'm curious as to whether anyone else here remembers this video?  The thing is, I never saw it again on Youtube, so it must have been taken down.:( 

Definitley just got lucky, first video i watched after searching i found it!

 at 0:50 :) 

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18 minutes ago, sneezingbeauty said:

Definitley just got lucky, first video i watched after searching i found it!

 at 0:50 :) 

There it is!  Thank you!

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  • 10 months later...

Okay, I have a question & I don't mean to get off topic...But are we are supposed to list celebrities who we know for certain have only used "Bless You" in response to a sneeze? Or can it be any type of Bless you? 

I know I could be wrong but I like to think that anyone who will you a sincere "Bless You" in a conversation would be more likely to say it response to a sneeze.

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On 11/2/2017 at 8:09 PM, Alexandra Marie said:

Okay, I have a question & I don't mean to get off topic...But are we are supposed to list celebrities who we know for certain have only used "Bless You" in response to a sneeze? Or can it be any type of Bless you? 

I know I could be wrong but I like to think that anyone who will you a sincere "Bless You" in a conversation would be more likely to say it response to a sneeze.

That's exactly what I like to think, too, and I actually consider myself lucky in that I've heard most of my favorite celebs say "bless you" or "God bless you" at least in non-sneezing contexts.  The way I read it, though, this thread is only for sneezing(?) 

Oh yeah, and I wanted to mention Bradley Cooper as being a blesser.  There's a video elsewhere on this Forum of him blessing Kristen Bell when she sneezes.

Edited by Luisa39
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