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Ho Ho Ho I Hade You (Hetalia) Updated! Finished! Hurrah!


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Right. I've decided to move this over to its own thread! I'm updating every day until Christmas eve, and I've got two parts done.

Characters: Lovino Vargas (Romano), Feliciano Vargas (Italy), Ludwig Beilschmidt (Germany), and Gilbert Beilschmidt (Prussia) Everyone ends up sneezing, at some point

Pairings: GerIta. You can interpret this as PruMano, but it wasn't written with that in mind.

Ho Ho Ho I Hade You: Part 1

The minute the Vargas brothers stepped off the plane, Lovino zombied over to the nearest coffee shop as if on a retractable lead. Feliciano shuffled along behind him, still in the process of waking up.

Lovino squinted up at the menu. Too much German for his tired brain. He decided to go with something simple, Germany wasn’t renowned for its coffee.

“Doubleshot espresso. No whip,” he told the tiny blonde barista. She smiled nervously, nodding and typing it in.

“Togezer?” She asked with a slight cock if her head, glancing at Feliciano. Feliciano’s big brown eyes were studying the menu. He bit his lip slightly, mouthing the options.

“Feliciano,” Lovino said sharply, glaring at him. “Order.”

“Hmm? Oh! Ciao, bella,” he grinned at the barista. She smiled back, dimpling. “I… can’t decide,” Feliciano said with another glance at the menu.

“Just get café au lait, you like that,” Lovino sighed, his voice husky with exhaustion. The headache that had begun somewhere over the Italian/Austrian border was getting worse. He sniffled, sticking his hands in his pockets.

“Okay…” Feliciano said airily, still frowning at the menu.

“He wants a café au lait. Lots of whip,” Lovino said to the barista, getting out his wallet.

Sipping at their coffees, the Vargas brothers made their way to Baggage Claim. As they watched the luggage parade by, Lovino felt himself sway on his feet. He took a hearty swig of his coffee, coughing as it scalded his throat. He’d hoped the heavy-duty caffeine would make his head less foggy, but the haze persisted. The fluorescents weren’t helping, either.

“There’s mine!” Feliciano squealed, jerking his yacht-sized luggage off the track and hauling it back over to Lovino. The baby blue whale hadn’t looked too bad in the store, under soft lights with a heavy price tag and backed by a good name, but now it was covered in dirt and grease stains. Lovino was going to talk to the officials about how they treated luggage, one of these days.

“I don’t see yours yet,” Feliciano said, scanning the suitcase catwalk. “A lot of them look just like it…”

“Black is always in fashion. I’ll be able to tell, I know Fendi when I see it,” Lovino replied with a sniff. His lip curled in disgust as he glanced at Feliciano’s tattered suitcase. “Black also doesn’t show dirt,” he said.

Feliciano pouted. “Ludwig told me to get something that would stand out so I could find it!” He protested.

“Ja, and I’m glad you listened,” a gruff voice said from behind them. Both brothers jumped, Lovino’s coffee spilling all over his coat and jeans.

“Luddy!” Feliciano yelped excitedly, throwing his arms around Ludwig’s neck. Ludwig hugged him back gently, not wanting to make a scene.

“Look what you fucking did, fucktard!” Lovino fumed. “I’ve got fucking coffee all over my clothes! Have you ever tried to get coffee stains out? Coffee doesn’t come out of anything. Ever.

Ludwig blushed. “I’m sorry…” he began, but Feliciano cut him off.

“Be nice Lovi! It’s Christmas, I want you two to get along!” He said, his voice catching.

Lovino gave him a death glare before stalking off to look for his suitcase. Spotting it, he relaxed a little. Now he could leave if he wanted, and he’d still have his Santoni shoes.

He reached for his bag, but a pair of thick, pale hands beat him to it. Ludwig hefted it off the line, easy as lifting a glass of beer.

Lovino wouldn’t have had time to thank him, if he was going to. His nose began tickling furiously. He scrubbed at it, though he knew it was futile.

Hehh… ehh-heh… ickg-shh!” He quickly pinched his nostrils shut, stifling the flurry of sneezes that followed. “hnnnk! hk-ngxt! h’chxmp!

“Bless you,” Ludwig said politely, pulling the handle of the suitcase up.

Lovino glared at the ground, blushing furiously. “Thanks,” he murmured finally.

Ludwig nodded, pulling the suitcase over to Feliciano. Lovino followed, head down and hands in his pockets.

Feliciano grabbed his arm, pressing a kiss to his cheek. Ludwig took hold of Feliciano’s suitcase also.

“Car’s right out front,” he said.

“Where’s Gil?” Feliciano asked with a worried frown. Lovino was busy attempting to wipe the coffee off himself with some wipes he’d stolen out of a passing baby bag. He’d ask forgiveness for that sin at Christmas Eve Mass.

“Gilbert’s at home, cleaning. He procrastinated, so he wasn’t done with his chores in time to come with me,” Ludwig replied, starting towards the doors.

“Oh, okay! What are we gonna do when we get home?” Feliciano asked excitedly, skipping along next to Ludwig while he pulled the two colossal bags.

“I was thinking that tomorrow night we would go to the Weihnachtsmarkt.” Ludwig said.

“Ohhhhhh that’s the Christmas market that we went to a few years ago, isn’t it?”

This is what hell is, Lovino thought grimly.

Edited by lillian
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Ho Ho Ho I Hade You: Part 2

They pulled up to Ludwig’s inconspicuous suburban home. Lovino got out of the back seat, got his luggage out of the trunk and stomped through the yard in the direction of the house. The snow was deeper than he thought, so by the time he got to the stone walk, his feet- all the way up to his ankles -were drenched.

“Shit snow. Fucking shit snow,” he muttered, hurrying up the sidewalk towards the house. In hindsight, he should have seen the patch of ice directly in front of him. It shimmered like a puddle of glitter in the light of the streetlamps.

He went down like a sack of potatoes, but he caught himself on his elbows in the freezing snow. The icy wetness slipped down his collar. With the sudden, bone-penetrating cold and the wind knocked out of him from the fall, the only sound he could muster was a weak, airy, “f-fuck…”



Ludwig skidded over to him after ordering Feliciano to stay put. The door opened, spilling yellow light onto the snow.

“Hey what’s- Lovi! You okay man?” Gilbert dropped the mop (the ‘hair’ of which was adorned with a pink flower that look suspiciously like Elizabeta’s) in the doorway and clomped down the stairs.

Ludwig knelt next to Lovino, who flapped his hand at him weakly in a desperate attempt to get him to go away. Ludwig took his elbow and hoisted him to his feet. Gilbert grabbed the suitcase.

“Ludwiiiiiig,” Feliciano whined from the car.

“Get him inside,” Ludwig said, shoving Lovino at Gilbert. Lovino was still too rattled to come up with a scathing insult.

Feliciano hopped out of the car, and into Ludwig’s waiting arms. Ludwig carried him bridal style up to the house. There would be no more ice-skating Italians under his watch.

Once inside, Gilbert pulled off his yellow rubber gloves.

“Bump anything?” He asked, leaving Lovino’s bag in the foyer and heading into the kitchen. Lovino stood in the middle of the living room. There was nothing particularly intimidating about the soft leather couches, stone fireplace, and exposed wooden ceiling beams, but his palms were sweating nonetheless. No matter how many times he stayed over, he would never feel at home in the Beilschmidt’s house.

He took a few steps forward and peeked into the kitchen. Gilbert, in bunny slippers and a thin white t-shirt, was pouring coffee.

hihhh…. hit’nxgt! ehkkmpf! hehkk-shuh!” Lovino lowered his hand, blinking tears from his eyes.

Gilbert spun around. “Woah, Gesundheit!” He said, and then he laughed.

Lovino scowled. “What the hell are you laughi’g at?” He demanded.

“Ve~ Lovi, your voice sounds funny!” Feliciano chirped, skipping into the kitchen with Ludwig at his heels.

“Doe it doesd’t!” Lovino shot back, rubbing his nose. His eyes watered, and he quickly pinched his nose shut, turning away from everyone. “nnnk! h’gk!” He paused, wrinkling his nose experimentally. His nostrils twitched, and with a breathy gasp he jerked forward, muffling a third into his sleeve. “ehpchmpff!

Gilbert’s grin dropped, Ludwig narrowed his eyes in concern, and Feliciano…

“Salute! Salute! Ti senti bene? Tu suoni orrendo!” Feliciano was tripping over his words and flailing his arms about.

“Hush!” Lovino snapped, rubbing his watery eyes.

“Are you feeling alright, Lovino?” Ludwig asked cautiously, still planted safely behind Feliciano.

“Why do you care, Krautfucker?” Lovino replied with a sneer.

“Maybe you’re tired? I get kinda sneezy when I’m sleepy,” Gilbert ventured, running a hand through his hair.

Ludwig raised an eyebrow. “Or maybe that’s because you’re always sick,” he said.

“Two world wars and a forty-year vacation to Russia fucked up my immune system,” Gilbert replied, taking a sip of his coffee.

“Mmhmm,” Ludwig grunted. “As interesting as your life story is, I think these two need some rest,” he said, laying a heavy hand on Feliciano’s shoulder and giving a short squeeze. Lovino cringed internally at the awkward display of affection.

Gilbert nodded. “They look beat,” he said. “I take it Feliciano’s sleeping with you?” He asked Ludwig, raising a white eyebrow.

Ludwig turned a delicate shade of burgundy.

“Yep!” Feliciano said with a giggle. “It’s really cold in Germany, and Ludwig keeps me warm!”

“Good. Keeping you guys all nice and toasty is our priority right now,” Gilbert said. “‘Course, this is nothing compared to Rus-”

“Yes Gilbert, we’re aware,” Ludwig interjected.

“We’ll swap war stories tomorrow, then. I think Luddy needs a nap,” Gilbert grinned. “C’mon Lovs, you can have the guest bedroom.”

Gilbert gestured with his coffee cup for Lovino to lead the way. Lovino scowled.

“I have no idea where I’m going, bastard,” he snapped.

“Right,” Gilbert amended, going into the front hall to get Lovino’s bag.

“There ya go,” Gilbert said, pushing the guest room door open. The room was small, with dark hardwood floors and ice blue walls. A large cream bed stood in the middle, looking invitingly soft.

“Thadks,” Lovino murmured as Gilbert leaned his suitcase against the wall.

“No prob. If you need anything, I’ll be down in the Prussian Empire. I wouldn’t bother Lud and Feli, if I were you,” Gilbert said with a wink.

Lovino’s watery hazel eyes narrowed. The glare was ruined when his eyebrows shot up and he pitched into his hands without thinking, caught off guard.

hhnngkk! nnk-n’gkk! Hehh… eheh…. h’ekk-jeeeww!”

“Gesundheit,” Gilbert said, his eyes widening in surprise. “Are you feeling alright?”

Lovino scowled, rubbing his nose with a fist. “I’b fide,” he replied.

“Sure? Because you sound pretty stuffed up,” Gilbert said with a slight frown. “I can get you some Nyquil…” he paused, thinking. “And if you take it, I promise I won’t tell Feliciano,” he finished with a grin.

“Deal,” Lovino replied with a clench of his jaw.

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This is what hell is, Lovino thought grimly.

1) I laughed SO hard.

“Are you feeling alright, Lovino?” Ludwig asked cautiously, still planted safely behind Feliciano.

“Why do you care, Krautfucker?” Lovino replied with a sneer.


“Two world wars and a forty-year vacation to Russia fucked up my immune system,” Gilbert replied, taking a sip of his coffee.

Haha! Aww, Gilbert <3 I love how offhandedly he says that xD

“hhnngkk! nnk-n’gkk! Hehh… eheh…. h’ekk-jeeeww!”

“Gesundheit,” Gilbert said, his eyes widening in surprise. “Are you feeling alright?”

Lovino scowled, rubbing his nose with a fist. “I’b fide,” he replied.

“Sure? Because you sound pretty stuffed up,” Gilbert said with a slight frown. “I can get you some Nyquil…” he paused, thinking. “And if you take it, I promise I won’t tell Feliciano,” he finished with a grin.

“Deal,” Lovino replied with a clench of his jaw.

And this exchange was just REALLY adorable~

I love sneezy!Romano! <3 THIS IS THE BEST~ Thank you for writing it!

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The amount of satisfaction I'm getting from updating this every day is astounding. Thank you so much Blackscatter! That really means a lot to me. I'm glad you're enjoying it!

Ho Ho Ho I Hade You: Part 3

Whining dogs woke Lovino woke from an uneasy sleep. He heard Ludwig speaking to them, his voice low and kind, as the rattle of leashes echoed down the hall. The front door opened, closed, and then all was silent.

With a creak of the mattress, Lovino rolled over and glanced at the clock.

8.46 am

He rolled onto his back, looking blearily at the lines on the ceiling. Feliciano wouldn’t be up for a while, and Gilbert probably slept until mid-afternoon. Lovino sat up, rubbing his nose. He’d woken up several times in the night to sneeze or blow or cough until his throat was sore. After a while, he’d stopped stifling. All it did was hurt his head and make him sneeze more. Besides, no one could hear him.

Eh… HIH!...” Tears welled in his eyes and his nose twitched. He ducked into his elbow, “hih-eshhhii! Hept-chiuu! Ah… ahhehh… ahkt-rshhhhouu!” Sniffling wetly, Lovino blinked in surprise. That last one had sounded rather Germanic.


Lovino froze.

“Are… are you alright?” Ludwig called from the hallway.

“Yeah, I’b fi- fihh….. hitshhk! hipsch-chh! ehshhuu!” Lovino sniffled miserably, regretting the decision to leave Rome for Christmas. This was the first time in 150 years that he wouldn’t be at the Vatican with his Pope for Christmas Eve Mass.

“Gesundheit,” Ludwig replied.

Lovino said nothing.

“Um… I need to get an extra leash out of the closet. Blackie’s broke,” Ludwig said. “Can I come in?”

“Doe. Jusd leave hib ad hobe, basdard,” Lovino replied acidly. “huh… rruhshhhgkk-shhhuh!” What was up with his sneezes today? They were usually tickly and easy to stifle without blowing his brains out. Now they were throaty and harsh, leaving him pink-faced and gasping for breath.

Gesundheit,” Ludwig said, sounding faintly surprised. “The dogs need to be walked daily,” he continued. “Otherwise they’ll be bouncing off the walls.”

Fide,” Lovino snapped, burrowing under the covers. The idea of three hyper, 40 to 100 lb dogs cannoning around made him more uneasy than he would’ve liked to admit.

Ludwig opened the door slowly. Lovino had his back to him. All that could be seen over the cream duvet was a mop of dark, messy hair. Ludwig crossed the room to the closet, opened the door, and got the extra leash out. He turned to the bed.

Lovino peeked out from under the covers. A cloud of cold air surrounded Ludwig. His nose was red, and his pullover was lightly dusted with snow. Lovino sniffed thickly, giving his nose another rub. Ludwig frowned. He approached the bed and slid his big cold hand under Lovino’s bangs.

Lovino pulled away. “Your had’s freezi’g!” He yelped.

Ludwig took his hand back. “I don’t think you have a fever,” he said.

“Yeah, doe shid,” Lovino snapped. “I’b dod sicg.”

Ludwig raised an eyebrow. “If you say so,” he said, leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

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“Doe. Jusd leave hib ad hobe, basdard,” Lovino replied acidly. “huh… rruhshhhgkk-shhhuh!” What was up with his sneezes today? They were usually tickly and easy to stifle without blowing his brains out. Now they were throaty and harsh, leaving him pink-faced and gasping for breath.

Awww! I love how the sound of his sneezes are changing! It's even more adorable that he doesn't know why! <3 AH LOVINO, MY LOVE~

I might also say that I am adoring this Ludwig-Lovino interaction <3. It's cute to see them react to one another~ Can't wait for more~

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More this adorable I love Romano your doing really good with him. He's a pretty hard character to do but you got this.

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Ahhhhh you've got me remembering all my Hetalia feels! XD Not to mention feels for Germany, too! Have you ever been to a Weinachtsmarkt? It's really fun! Anyway, enough getting distracted. This is really, really cute, and even though Lovino was never my favorite character, I feel so bad for him and just want to cuddle him! Can't wait to see part 4. Thanks for sharing!

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Quick question- how do I edit the title?

Thank you all for your lovely comments! They really keep me going!

Ho Ho Ho I Hade You: Part 4

The thing that struck Lovino first was the massive amount of lights. Red, yellow, blue, green, pink, gold- all tangled in the booths and swooping over the crowd like the tails of falling stars.

Feliciano grabbed Ludwig’s arm, “oohhhing” and “ahhhhing” with delight.

Lovino brought his glove-covered hand to his face, pinching his nose shut as he was bombarded with sneezes, “ehp-nkk! h’ngk! gxzt! ih-gkkk!” He sniffled softly but wetly.

“God bless you,” Gilbert said. “You’re gonna hurt yourself doing that. I’ve been lecturing Ludwig for a hundred years about how stifling kills your brain cells.”

Ludwig looked over his shoulder. “It’s better than purposefully exaggerating them,” he said coolly.

“Ve~ Gil, your sneezes are so scary!” Felicino chirped.

“Gotta keep the Russians away,” Gilbert replied with a grin.

“Will you stop with the whole Russia thing?” Ludwig asked incredulously. “The war is over, the wall is down, and you’re living comfortably in my basement!” A few passers-by looked curiously at him.

“Jeez, West. Calm your tits,” Gilbert said, raising his hands in mock-surrender. He held up a finger, turning his head away. His nose twitched. “Jussa s-sec…” He took a few quick breaths, his mouth open slightly. “ehehh… hh… H’RATSCHHHHOU! Huhh… EH-H’KTSHHHHOO!”

Lovino jumped, feeling his blood freeze in his veins. “Jesus!” He hissed.

Gilbert raised his head to look at his brother and co., his cheeks tinged pink.

Ludwig sighed deeply. “Gesundheit,” he said.

“Salute, Gil!” Feliciano said, cringing slightly. “Are you ok?”

“Yeah,” Gilbert replied, his blush deepening. Feliciano frowned. Letting go of Ludwig’s arm, he approached Gilbert.

“Ve~ you need to zip up your coat!” He chided softly, taking the ends of Gilbert’s dark blue jacket and fastening them together before pulling the zipper up to Gilbert’s neck. “There you go!”

“Thanks Fels. My nose was just tickly because of the hay ‘n stuff over at the nativity scene,” Gilbert said, gesturing to a large wooden stage piled with hay. People in sparkling costumes stood around while livestock pulled at their leads, munching on the hay bales and kicking up dust.

Ludwig sniffed, giving his nose a quick rub. With a slightly pained expression, he buried his face in his elbow, turning away from everyone. “Hh… ehhh…HA-TSHPFF!”

Feliciano spun around quickly. “Not you too!” He cried.

“Fucking Protestants… can’t handle a little tradition,” Lovino muttered darkly.

Lovino,” Feliciano gasped.

“Hey, I was a Teutonic Knight,” Gilbert said indignantly. “I used to spend hours locked up in cathedrals huffing incense.”

Lovino spluttered. “You-” he forced out through clenched teeth.

“Ludwig can’t help having allergies,” Feliciano interrupted, effectively pausing Lovino’s counterattack. “It has nothing to do with tradition. South Italy is famous for seafood and you know what happens when you eat-”

“Shut up!” Lovino cried, turning red.

“Cad we just drop it?” Ludwig asked tiredly.

“N- dohh… h’ehchh-schhiewww! aggk-rshhhuu!

“’zundheit,” Gilbert said, eyes widening. Lovino blushed, muffling a congested cough into his fist.

“Ve~ maybe you need something warm to drink, si?” Feliciano said softly, laying a soft hand on his arm. “You sound miserable.”

“I’b fide,” Lovino muttered, shoving him off.

“But your sneezes sound really funny…”

“Leave be alode,” Lovino snapped.

“I think you need some glühwein,” Gilbert said, starting off towards a booth.

“Gloohv- whad?” Lovino asked, following behind Ludwig and Feliciano.

Gilbert leaned on the counter. “Vier Glühweine, bitte.”

“Weinbrand?” The stallsman asked.

Gilbert glanced behind him at the two shivering Italians and his sniffling little brother. “Ja, bitte.”

“What are you ordering, Gil?” Feliciano asked, shoving his hands in his pockets and rocking back and forth slightly.

“Poison,” Lovino muttered with a wet sniffle.

“Wrong! Guess again!” Gilbert trilled. “Hint- you put babies to sleep with it.”

“What?” Ludwig asked, looking completely bewildered.

“C’mon Lud, don’t be dense,” Gilbert said, shaking his head. “I gave it to you pretty much every time you had trouble falling asleep.”

“You gave me mulled wine with brandy?” Ludwig asked, raising his eyebrows.

At the word “wine,” both Italian’s eyes lit up.

“Zwölf euros,” the stallsman said, setting the four glühweins on the counter. Gilbert paid and handed everyone their drink.

“Bitte schön! Okay, I’m in the mood for some Lebkuchen. Anyone else?” Gilbert said, blowing on his glühwein.

“Whad the fucg are Lebguched?” Lovino asked.

“Lebkuchen are really yummy!” Feliciano exclaimed.

“Very helpful. Thadks,” Lovino replied.

Lovino loved Lebkuchen, he decided as he bit into his fourth cookie, the ginger-sweetness exploding in his mouth.

The wind was starting to pick up, blowing little bits of snow through the night air. Gilbert was shivering, too cold to make comments about Russia.

Feliciano was pressed up against Ludwig, holding his warm drink close. He blinked, wiggling his nose. “t’schieww!

He looked up, startled. “Bless me!” He said with a giggle.

Gilbert laughed. “Jeez, you’re cute.”

“Gesundheit, liebe,” Ludwig said, drawing him closer.

“I think I- ihhh… ishhii! Huh… ‘shyuu!” Feliciano sniffled, wiping his nose on his sleeve.

“Saludeh,” Lovino said, his voice a little rough, giving him a worried glance.

hep-kshhhyuu!!!” Feliciano sniffed as hard as he could, his eyes watering.

“Are you okay?” Lovino asked.

“Gesundheit, again,” Ludwig said, pressing a kiss to the top of his head.

“I sd- sdeeze whed I get c-cold…” Feliciano said with a shudder.

“Lets get you home then,” Gilbert said, fixing Feliciano’s scarf.

“I’b sorry…” Feliciano whimpered.

Ludwig gave his shoulder a squeeze. “It’s not your fault, Feliciano.” He sniffed. “I need to let the dogs out anyway.”

Gilbert narrowed his eyes. “You feelin’ okay, West? You love the Christmas market…”

“If Feliciano’s cold, we should go home,” Ludwig replied.

hehhh… hnnngh-shyuuu! eh… hh… h’rrk-tschhhhkg!” Lovino had abandoned even attempting to stifle. His sneezes were becoming increasingly powerful, fighting to get out of his congested sinuses.

“S-saludeh, fratello,” Feliciano cooed.

“Gesundheit,” both Germans said at the same time.

“Someone needs some more Nyquil,” Gilbert said.

Lovino scowled, rubbing his nose furiously. “You said you wouldd’t say adything about that!” He hissed.

Feliciano hugged him. “It’s okay if you have a cold, Lovi. We’ll take care of you~” He said softly.

“I dod’t have a cold!” Lovino said hoarsely.

“Uh huh,” Gilbert said. “Then why can’t you pronounce your ‘n’s? Why are you losing your voice? Why do your sneezes sound like they hurt?”

“Shud- uhh hh…” Lovino tried to pull away from Feliciano. He pinched his nose shut. “h’ggk-pshhhh! hrgk-shyuu!” He sniffled cautiously, hand still clamped over his nose. “hiahhh… eh’schhhou!

Ludwig gently removed Feliciano from Lovino. Gilbert started to slip out of his jacket, revealing a thin, short sleeved band t-shirt.

“Keep your jacket on, Gil,” Ludwig said, eyeing the goosebumps on Gilbert’s pale arms. “I’m pretty sure I got your long sleeved shirts out of the closet a few months ago.”

Gilbert shrugged, zipping the jacket back up. “I like this shirt.”

Ludwig unzipped his own coat and handed it to Lovino. “Let’s go home. I don’t want anyone to be sick on Christmas,” he said.

Edited by lillian
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Have you ever been to a Weinachtsmarkt? It's really fun!

I've never been to one, due to living in an isolated southern town for an extended period of time. I did loads of research for this story though! I really want to go to one.

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Are you German? :D I studied abroad in Berlin last year and it was lovely! Regardless of never having been, your research is paying off! I can almost taste the Glühwein~ And I love how you spell all the sneezes. :D Feliciano's are especially adorable.

To change the title, you need to apply to join the writer's group. There should be a sticky thread about it in the Stories (or Stories, Obs, and Artwork) thread!

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I wish I was (were?)! I'm American. A nice mix of inbred English hillbillies, bitter French-Canadians who were kicked out of Quebec, and somewhere along the line someone had dinner with an Italian and failed to mention it. Are you German? I'm going to Europe this summer and I can't wait! I'll be staying with a German family for a few days!

Edited by lillian
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I'm part of the writer's group, I'm pretty sure....

You need to edit the first post of this topic in the Full Editor, and the title should pop up as something you can alter~ I think xD..

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Soooooo many wonderful things about this chapter~

Like, sooooo many~~

“God bless you,” Gilbert said. “You’re gonna hurt yourself doing that. I’ve been lecturing Ludwig for a hundred years about how stifling kills your brain cells.”

Ludwig looked over his shoulder. “It’s better than purposefully exaggerating them,” he said coolly.

“Ve~ Gil, your sneezes are so scary!” Felicino chirped.

“Gotta keep the Russians away,” Gilbert replied with a grin.

“Will you stop with the whole Russia thing?” Ludwig asked incredulously. “The war is over, the wall is down, and you’re living comfortably in my basement!” A few passers-by looked curiously at him.

“Jeez, West. Calm your tits,” Gilbert said, raising his hands in mock-surrender. He held up a finger, turning his head away. His nose twitched. “Jussa s-sec…” He took a few quick breaths, his mouth open slightly. “ehehh… hh… H’RATSCHHHHOU! Huhh… EH-H’KTSHHHHOO!”

Lovino jumped, feeling his blood freeze in his veins. “Jesus!” He hissed.



I love how you write Gil~ And Ludwig~ And Feli~ And Lovino~~! ALL OF THEM~ Just perfect <3

Lovino spluttered. “You-” he forced out through clenched teeth.

“Ludwig can’t help having allergies,” Feliciano interrupted, effectively pausing Lovino’s counterattack. “It has nothing to do with tradition. South Italy is famous for seafood and you know what happens when you eat-”

“Shut up!” Lovino cried, turning red.

“Cad we just drop it?” Ludwig asked tiredly.

“N- dohh… h’ehchh-schhiewww! aggk-rshhhuu!”

I love the pace of this little bit xD

Just back and forth until Ludwig is like, "Pleease can this be overrr.."


“What are you ordering, Gil?” Feliciano asked, shoving his hands in his pockets and rocking back and forth slightly.

“Poison,” Lovino muttered with a wet sniffle.

Classic Lovi~~ he has the best one-liners <3

Feliciano was pressed up against Ludwig, holding his warm drink close. He blinked, wiggling his nose. “t’schieww!”

He looked up, startled. “Bless me!” He said with a giggle.

Gilbert laughed. “Jeez, you’re cute.”

I'm usually not a fan of Feli, but you made him too adorable to resist!! *huggle* <3

Again, wonderful joooob~! <3

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Alas, I am not German, I'm American (Irish-English mutt). I started learning the language in college because I sang a few German masses in high school and really enjoyed them. :) I'm really excited to see you change the number of parts for this story! :D

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Also, i saw that this story has more parts to come! Hooray, that makes me :) !

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I have a question for you guys.

The next part is going to be super long. I have the first part of it written. Would you like me to post it all tomorrow, or half today and half tomorrow?

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Ho Ho Ho I Hade You: Part 4 1/2

The next day, Christmas Eve, was spent leisurely. Ludwig got up early and went on his run, Gilbert played videogames in the basement, Feliciano thumbed through the Beilschmidt’s cookbooks, and Lovino drew pictures of the dogs.

“H- hold st- stih… nnk! shkg-iew! ahh… eh’pshhhhyuu! Hold still…” Lovino murmured. He was curled under a blanket on the couch, trying to sketch Aster as he chewed on one of the presents under the tree.

“Salute!” Feliciano called from the kitchen.

“Grazie,” Lovino replied with a sniffle. “h’rrshhou!” He coughed hoarsely.

Aster looked up, startled. He padded over to Lovino, laying his golden head on Lovino’s lap.

“Bless you again!” Feliciano said.

“Grazie…” Lovino sighed. He patted Aster cautiously. Aster panted and looked up at him, his tongue hanging out of his mouth. “Are you… smiling at me?” Lovino asked, pausing.

Aster’s tail “thwumped” against the floor.

“Dogs can smile?” Lovino murmured, hesitantly petting Aster’s head again. Aster closed his eyes, his whole body quivering with happiness. Lovino scratched the silky fur behind his ears, the nervous fluttering in his stomach beginning to die down. Maybe dogs weren’t so scary, after all.

“Can we make this, Luddy?” Feliciano asked as Ludwig came in through the back door, bringing in a rush of cold.

“Make what?” He asked, pulling off his jacket and running a hand through his sweaty hair.

“This,” Feliciano replied, pointing to a recipe. “I don’t know how to say it.”

Ludwig walked over to the table, standing behind Feliciano’s chair to get a better look. “Yes, we can make that. Just tell me what I need to get at the store,” he said.

“But it’s all in German~” Feliciano said, resting his chin on his fist and sighing in frustration.

Ludwig smiled. “That’s because it’s a German cookbook, liebe.”

“Why don’t they make German food cookbooks in Italian?” Feliciano said, his lower lip quivering slightly.

“Maybe if you like German food so much, you should look into learning German,” Ludwig said gently. “I’m going to take a shower, but I’m sure if you bang on his door, Gilbert would be happy to help you translate.”

Feliciano nodded, glaring at the incomprehensible words as if they would magically translate themselves into Italian.

Ludwig walked into the living room on his way to the stairs. Glancing over at the couch where Lovino had been planted for the last few hours, he stopped suddenly. There was a dog. On. The. Couch.

Well, more like there was a dog on Lovino. Aster was lying on Lovino’s chest, stretched out to his full length, which was almost half the size of Lovino. Lovino had an arm draped loosely around the golden retriever. The blanket had fallen off, but Aster seemed to be keeping Lovino warm enough. Lovino was snoring softly, but he was still and seemed to be sleeping well.

Aster looked up. Guilt sprang to his eyes at the sight of his master. Surely he was going to be scolded and sent outside. But this angry little human had not looked well, and he needed some cuddling…

Ludwig sighed, debating. Lovino was finally asleep. He’d been up nearly all night coughing and sneezing and generally feeling miserable. Every time Ludwig had heard a tissue being drawn from the box in the guest room down the hall, the sour feeling of guilt had made his stomach hurt. He couldn’t help but feel that as a host, it was his fault that Lovino had gotten sick.

But then, he held very firmly to his rule of “no dogs on the couch.” Not when one of them had a birthday, not when Gilbert was sick and whiney, not when they were watching football (the real football). People sat on the couch, dogs sat on the floor.

Lovino’s face scrunched up, and he opened his eyes. He blinked tiredly a few times before turning his head away from Aster and burying his face in the crook of his arm. “hh… ih… ickg-jeeww! Hehh… uh’pshhhgk!” He gave a watery, miserable sniffle and wiped his nose on his arm. Aster whined and licked his face. With a small smile, Lovino patted his head and let his eyes slip closed. His breaths, though impossibly stuffy, soon evened out into the steady rhythm of sleep.

Feliciano walked into the living room to see what Ludwig was looking at.

“Awww~” He cooed softly.

Ludwig sighed. Just this once, there could be an exception to the rule.

Edited by lillian
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