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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Most Attractive Way to Sneeze


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I recently came back from a cruise. Fortunately for me, there was no lack of colds, allergies, and general sneeziness. (Unfortunately for me, I was either sick or allergic to something, but that's a completely different topic.)

Anyway, on this vacation, I discovered what might be the sexiest, most attractive way to sneeze (in my opinion, of course). This guy was wearing a t-shirt and swim trunks when I saw him at breakfast. When I glanced over, he just so happened to be standing up, turned away from his table, having a sneezing fit. At first, he was sneezing into his cloth napkin, a long fit of entirely silent stifles followed by huge sniffles (which, honestly, was hot enough to begin with).

But after around 10 sneezes or so, he put down his napkin, lifted up the front of his shirt, and began sneezing into it. Now, I consider myself pretty much straight, but I was seriously turned on, since it combined both my sneezing fetish and my belly button fetish. (It was a nice outie. Not even gonna lie.) It wasn't so much that I was turned on by him, but by how he was sneezing; it was completely new and one of the sexiest things I had ever seen.

So what is the most attractive way you've ever seen anyone sneeze?

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I think the most attractive way to sneeze is uncovered, especially when the person sneezing seems to have no concept of the fact that it might bother anybody else. I have a friend who does this and it turns me on immensely.

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Although I wouldn't advocate anyone sneezing this way in public (since I'm kind of a germaphobe), I find the idea of someone sneezing uncovered, either following a bit of hitching or suddenly, and that resulting in some mess really attractive... I'm more into a little bit of snot than a lot of spray, though, and this is especially attractive because of the potential for some embarrassment. :blush:

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It's incredibly attractive when a sneeze follows breathy hitches and is so forceful it bends the sneezer at the waist. It depends more on the buildup for me though, because that's what I tend to focus on when people sneeze. Those vulnerable sounding gasps just get me.

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I recently came back from a cruise. Fortunately for me, there was no lack of colds, allergies, and general sneeziness. (Unfortunately for me, I was either sick or allergic to something, but that's a completely different topic.)

Anyway, on this vacation, I discovered what might be the sexiest, most attractive way to sneeze (in my opinion, of course). This guy was wearing a t-shirt and swim trunks when I saw him at breakfast. When I glanced over, he just so happened to be standing up, turned away from his table, having a sneezing fit. At first, he was sneezing into his cloth napkin, a long fit of entirely silent stifles followed by huge sniffles (which, honestly, was hot enough to begin with).

But after around 10 sneezes or so, he put down his napkin, lifted up the front of his shirt, and began sneezing into it. Now, I consider myself pretty much straight, but I was seriously turned on, since it combined both my sneezing fetish and my belly button fetish. (It was a nice outie. Not even gonna lie.) It wasn't so much that I was turned on by him, but by how he was sneezing; it was completely new and one of the sexiest things I had ever seen.

So what is the most attractive way you've ever seen anyone sneeze?

I always sneeze that way when I'm around people haha, I feel like it's more considerate of keeping them from getting sick than sneezing in an elbow that you're not gonna wash off lol. But it sucks because you basically sneeze all over yourself. I also cough that way...

Hmm what do I think is most attractive... I do love myself a good uncovered sneeze. But I would hate it if an actual SO did it because it just seems rude in public lol. But I still love it, getting to see every bit... Other than that, I guess I'm a fan of like loosely covered sneezes. The ones that look like you care enough to cover, but you don't like obsessively tuck your face into the crook of your elbow or cover both of your hands over your face to conceal everything around you. But someone who lifts their wrist or the back or heel of their hand in front of their face to practically do nothing but sneeze on it lol.. I like that. In public it looks like they're at least making some effort to be polite, but really it's so effortless and raw... love that.

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Definitely when the sneezer is acutely embarrassed about the volume/prolonged nature of their sneezes. Being able to do very little to control their sneezes, and change it in any way to make it less noticeable...

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The shirt thing is definitely hot. I also like uncovered if the person turns away and there isn't any, uh, mess. Or nose wrinkling/rubbing with hitching breath while the person is talking before they start sneezing.

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I've only seen that shirt thing once or twice, but I find it pretty awesome. I also like uncovered and half-heartedly covered (not too messy though please!)

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I recently came back from a cruise. Fortunately for me, there was no lack of colds, allergies, and general sneeziness. (Unfortunately for me, I was either sick or allergic to something, but that's a completely different topic.)

Anyway, on this vacation, I discovered what might be the sexiest, most attractive way to sneeze (in my opinion, of course). This guy was wearing a t-shirt and swim trunks when I saw him at breakfast. When I glanced over, he just so happened to be standing up, turned away from his table, having a sneezing fit. At first, he was sneezing into his cloth napkin, a long fit of entirely silent stifles followed by huge sniffles (which, honestly, was hot enough to begin with).

But after around 10 sneezes or so, he put down his napkin, lifted up the front of his shirt, and began sneezing into it. Now, I consider myself pretty much straight, but I was seriously turned on, since it combined both my sneezing fetish and my belly button fetish. (It was a nice outie. Not even gonna lie.) It wasn't so much that I was turned on by him, but by how he was sneezing; it was completely new and one of the sexiest things I had ever seen.

So what is the most attractive way you've ever seen anyone sneeze?

I always sneeze that way when I'm around people haha, I feel like it's more considerate of keeping them from getting sick than sneezing in an elbow that you're not gonna wash off lol. But it sucks because you basically sneeze all over yourself. I also cough that way...

Hmm what do I think is most attractive... I do love myself a good uncovered sneeze. But I would hate it if an actual SO did it because it just seems rude in public lol. But I still love it, getting to see every bit... Other than that, I guess I'm a fan of like loosely covered sneezes. The ones that look like you care enough to cover, but you don't like obsessively tuck your face into the crook of your elbow or cover both of your hands over your face to conceal everything around you. But someone who lifts their wrist or the back or heel of their hand in front of their face to practically do nothing but sneeze on it lol.. I like that. In public it looks like they're at least making some effort to be polite, but really it's so effortless and raw... love that.

You sneeze which way? Into a napkin or into your shirt?

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I recently came back from a cruise. Fortunately for me, there was no lack of colds, allergies, and general sneeziness. (Unfortunately for me, I was either sick or allergic to something, but that's a completely different topic.)

Anyway, on this vacation, I discovered what might be the sexiest, most attractive way to sneeze (in my opinion, of course). This guy was wearing a t-shirt and swim trunks when I saw him at breakfast. When I glanced over, he just so happened to be standing up, turned away from his table, having a sneezing fit. At first, he was sneezing into his cloth napkin, a long fit of entirely silent stifles followed by huge sniffles (which, honestly, was hot enough to begin with).

But after around 10 sneezes or so, he put down his napkin, lifted up the front of his shirt, and began sneezing into it. Now, I consider myself pretty much straight, but I was seriously turned on, since it combined both my sneezing fetish and my belly button fetish. (It was a nice outie. Not even gonna lie.) It wasn't so much that I was turned on by him, but by how he was sneezing; it was completely new and one of the sexiest things I had ever seen.

So what is the most attractive way you've ever seen anyone sneeze?

I always sneeze that way when I'm around people haha, I feel like it's more considerate of keeping them from getting sick than sneezing in an elbow that you're not gonna wash off lol. But it sucks because you basically sneeze all over yourself. I also cough that way...

Hmm what do I think is most attractive... I do love myself a good uncovered sneeze. But I would hate it if an actual SO did it because it just seems rude in public lol. But I still love it, getting to see every bit... Other than that, I guess I'm a fan of like loosely covered sneezes. The ones that look like you care enough to cover, but you don't like obsessively tuck your face into the crook of your elbow or cover both of your hands over your face to conceal everything around you. But someone who lifts their wrist or the back or heel of their hand in front of their face to practically do nothing but sneeze on it lol.. I like that. In public it looks like they're at least making some effort to be polite, but really it's so effortless and raw... love that.

You sneeze which way? Into a napkin or into your shirt?

Into my shirt haha

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Ha! It never occurred to me that the shirt style would particularly appeal to people. I don't do it so much with sneezing because spraying the inside of your shirt is not terribly pleasant when you have to continue wearing it, but that almost always how I cover my coughs. I don't even know why, it's weirdly instinctual.

Now that I think about it, I do see the appeal of watching someone sneeze that way because one of the things I like in sneezing is seeing a person's abdominal muscle clench and release when they sneeze, which normally isn't visible unless it's the beach or an intimate situation or something. So the reveal of that in the shirt sneeze does make it appealing, other than that, maybe because it's something I do myself, it's not anything extra for me.

I'm not really sure what I find the most attractive way for a person to sneeze... Attempting and failing to get to a tissue in time is always nice. Desperation is a big part of the fetish for me, so the added urgency is a bonus. I also really like the shoulder sneeze, which you'd think would look awkward, but somehow doesn't. I might have to spend some time thinking about this and get back to you :lol:

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Uncovered, or when someone sprays their arm or hand and notices it. Although I guess technique doesn't matter to me all that much, rather, how much spray there is and that it flies.

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I recently came back from a cruise. Fortunately for me, there was no lack of colds, allergies, and general sneeziness. (Unfortunately for me, I was either sick or allergic to something, but that's a completely different topic.)

Anyway, on this vacation, I discovered what might be the sexiest, most attractive way to sneeze (in my opinion, of course). This guy was wearing a t-shirt and swim trunks when I saw him at breakfast. When I glanced over, he just so happened to be standing up, turned away from his table, having a sneezing fit. At first, he was sneezing into his cloth napkin, a long fit of entirely silent stifles followed by huge sniffles (which, honestly, was hot enough to begin with).

But after around 10 sneezes or so, he put down his napkin, lifted up the front of his shirt, and began sneezing into it. Now, I consider myself pretty much straight, but I was seriously turned on, since it combined both my sneezing fetish and my belly button fetish. (It was a nice outie. Not even gonna lie.) It wasn't so much that I was turned on by him, but by how he was sneezing; it was completely new and one of the sexiest things I had ever seen.

So what is the most attractive way you've ever seen anyone sneeze?

I always sneeze that way when I'm around people haha, I feel like it's more considerate of keeping them from getting sick than sneezing in an elbow that you're not gonna wash off lol. But it sucks because you basically sneeze all over yourself. I also cough that way...

Hmm what do I think is most attractive... I do love myself a good uncovered sneeze. But I would hate it if an actual SO did it because it just seems rude in public lol. But I still love it, getting to see every bit... Other than that, I guess I'm a fan of like loosely covered sneezes. The ones that look like you care enough to cover, but you don't like obsessively tuck your face into the crook of your elbow or cover both of your hands over your face to conceal everything around you. But someone who lifts their wrist or the back or heel of their hand in front of their face to practically do nothing but sneeze on it lol.. I like that. In public it looks like they're at least making some effort to be polite, but really it's so effortless and raw... love that.

You sneeze which way? Into a napkin or into your shirt?

Into my shirt haha

Gotcha. And you mean you lift the front of your shirt and sneeze into it? (Sorry, it's just surprising. I've seen plenty of people sneeze into the top of their shirt so the sneeze would travel down, but I've never seen anyone lift up the bottom hem of their shirt and pull it up to meet their nose.)

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Ha! It never occurred to me that the shirt style would particularly appeal to people. I don't do it so much with sneezing because spraying the inside of your shirt is not terribly pleasant when you have to continue wearing it, but that almost always how I cover my coughs. I don't even know why, it's weirdly instinctual.

Now that I think about it, I do see the appeal of watching someone sneeze that way because one of the things I like in sneezing is seeing a person's abdominal muscle clench and release when they sneeze, which normally isn't visible unless it's the beach or an intimate situation or something. So the reveal of that in the shirt sneeze does make it appealing, other than that, maybe because it's something I do myself, it's not anything extra for me.

I'm not really sure what I find the most attractive way for a person to sneeze... Attempting and failing to get to a tissue in time is always nice. Desperation is a big part of the fetish for me, so the added urgency is a bonus. I also really like the shoulder sneeze, which you'd think would look awkward, but somehow doesn't. I might have to spend some time thinking about this and get back to you heh.gif

No, I'm not sure if I was clear about the shirt method. The way he sneezed, none of it would have gotten on the inside...just the outside. He lifted the bottom of his shirt and pulled it up to his nose to sneeze.

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  • 10 months later...

It's incredibly attractive when a sneeze follows breathy hitches and is so forceful it bends the sneezer at the waist. It depends more on the buildup for me though, because that's what I tend to focus on when people sneeze. Those vulnerable sounding gasps just get me.

Yes. This. :)

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I think that into the shirt, talking, or elbow is all hot ways to sneeze! I would take those put with a good sneeze and a hot guy....mmmmm! :) :) :)

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My personal favorite is when someone is trying to talk while their breath is hitching. And even better if they talk about what's making them sneeze!

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I think the sneezing into a raised shirt collar (or even better…a sweater or hoodie) is really cute. I also like when someone sneezes into their wrist/hand when they've got their sleeves pulled down over them. But probably my absolute favourite is down into a wrapped scarf around the neck. :wub:

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I think the sneezing into a raised shirt collar (or even better…a sweater or hoodie) is really cute. I also like when someone sneezes into their wrist/hand when they've got their sleeves pulled down over them. But probably my absolute favourite is down into a wrapped scarf around the neck. :wub:

Oh my. That's how I sneeze. It's weird to see it written out like that because I think I don't spend as much time analysing my own sneeze as I do other people's. It's very weird to be taken out of my own head like that -- to sort of realise that if I notice people sneezing, perhaps other people notice my sneeze. Head trip.

Oh :lol: Yeah, I totally misunderstood. I've seen that once or twice, but not often. It is kind of nice. :yes: And again, the abs are a bonus.

I dated someone who did that; their abs were spectacular.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Uncovered into the air is best! Especially if you can see a cloud of spray, or if the sneeze is powerful enough to bend the sneezer over... yes.gif Sneezing into cupped hands is definitely a close second though.

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My favs are the really loud ones, but I find it really cute when someone tries to suppress their sneeze by keeping their mouth shut and it turns into a kind of SNRRK sound.

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