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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Bunnymund's allergy (Rise of The Guardians)


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It was the day after Easter and Bunny was very proud of how great it went. Jack didn't play any tricks, North didn't tease him about Christmas being more important that Easter, and Tooth was kind enough accompany him. Bunny was back in his Warren, laying on a rock, soaking in the sun.

After about five minutes he had to go to the north pole because North had issued a meeting. Bunny jumped into his hole and in seconds ended up in the north pole. "Crickey its freezin" Bunny shivered and hoped inside.

"North, what could be so bloody impor'ant that I had to..... OI what is that?!" Bunny raised an eyebrow at the mysterious object hidden by a red tarp.

"ahh... that is just something to help with toy making... but that is not why i bring you all here. I need your help." North sounded a little embarrassed. "I need looking after the place. Some of the elves have been very.... well Jack like." Jack gave a scowl, "o...or how he used to be." North gave a smile.

"well, i guess we could help. My fairies can hold down the fort for today." Tooth smiled and flied over to North.

"Thank you Tooth... Sandy?" above Sandy's head was a thumps up made of sand. "Jack?"

"sure. I have nothing else to do."

"excellent! Tooth, please go to the east wing, Sandy to the south, and jack to the east." They all went to there sections. "Bunny please come with me." North and bunny went to the north wing and into a very large room. The room looked very old and hardly used, there was dust everywhere and bunny started to feel self conscious.

"Oi, mate. What are we doin in 'ere?" Bunny rubbed at his nose and North patted a spot on a chair.

"Bunny sit." Bunny sat, wrinkling his nose "we all know Pitch might come back. its only matter of time. I know in my belly there is a book in here that will tell us how to stop him."

"do.." sniff "do you know where it is? or at least its shelf mate?" The library was huge and with thousands and thousands of books.

"Ugh.... not really" Bunny frowned and gave a face that says 'you've got to be kiddin me mate'

"Then why didn't ya ask the othas to help mate?" Bunny looked irritated.

"I did not want anyone to worry. I thought you could handle this, yes? Lets get cracking." North smiled and clapped his hands.

"Fine, you take the left side and i'll take the right side." Bunny face began cringe. His nose was really starting to irritate him.

"Bunny, are you feeling alright?"

"I'm fi...fine." Bunny rubbed at his nose, North watched Bunny with confusion and concern. "Don't worry, mate. Lets get started. "

Bunny and North were looking through book and so far found nothing. They only went threw five books each before Bunny's nose began to act up. "Hih..." North heard Bunny's unusual breathing and turned around, "Hitshaa"

"gesundheit" North blessed him and continued to search. "did you find anything?"

"n...noo.. hih... not yet..." Bunny had the cutest pre-sneeze face, and his nose kept twitching furiously.

"Bunny are you sure...."

"Ishhh.....hitchh....HItchhhaaa" Bunny sniffled and looked embarrassed.

"Are you sure your feeling alright?" North looked really concerned and walked over to Bunny.

"Ya... it's nothing."

"if it was nothing you would not be so sneezy. hmm"

Bunny mumbled something that North could not understand.

"Come on Bunny, Spit it out!"

"ALLERGIES! HAPPY?" Bunny coughed and fanned away some of the dust.


"I'm allergic to dust.... ok? can we just get..hih... get back to.... to lookin mate? Heshha. hishh... ishh.." The last two where more stifled.

"maybe i should ask Sandy to help... you can go rest.."

"north, i'm fine." Bunny kept looking and eventually so did North.

"Only for little while. It's starting to get late."

After awhile Bunny sneeze around seven to eight times in the twenty minutes they where working. North had found Bunny's sneezes to be amusing and funny. They kept working but Bunny had not sneezed for a while and North was getting bored just flipping through books. North stumbled upon a really old and dusty book. He smiled mischievously and looked at Bunny. North threw the book as close to bunny as he possible can and a cloud of dust flew up to Bunny.

"OI! what the big... Idea... "HESHHAA! HISHHAA. HHESSHHH!" Bunny stifled two sneezes between two fingers. They became to harsh and he could stifle them anymore, "HISHH, HIISHHAA, HESHHAAA.." Bunny eyes where so watery that streaks of tear ran down his face from the allergy attack. "HIH...hih...haahh......HHHHEEEEESSHHHOOOOAA!!" Bunny fell off the latter and onto his back coughing Harshly.

"BUNNY!" North ran to go help Bunny. When he finally reached him, Bunny was stifling sneezes into the Crotch of his arm. "Are you alright?" North had stopped laughing and tried to help him up but Bunny was to caught up in his fit that he was having trouble standing.

"Your... CHHT.. an arse... ISHHH.."

"Lets get you out of hear."

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Bunnymund was light head from all of the sneezes, so North had to hold him up so he wouldn't fall. North was trying to get Bunny to the next room without anyone noticing. If anyone where to know what happened there would be more attention than either of them bargained for.

"Come on Bunny, where almost there." Bunny was suppressing a sneeze, but his nose was twitching furiously and his eyes where still watery, all of which made North very nervous.

They finally made it to the room and North helped Bunny to the bed, "hih... HESHHAA!" Bunny caught the sneeze in the crotch of his elbow. Bunny started coughing harshly and North rubbed his back.

"Bless you...how is your back?" Bunny but his head in his hands.

"It's fide..." Bunny rubbed at his nose and sniffled. "ISHAA... HITSHAA!" The last one was throaty and sounded like it hurt. Bunny winced and rubbed at his throat.

"I'm sorry Bunny, I did not know it would be this bad." North went and got some cough drops for his throat. Bunny took one and sat with his head in his arms, and his arms are on his knees. Bunny was shaking slightly but North tried not to notice.

"HISH ISH HITSHA" Bunny's ear dropped and North was getting very worried. Why was Bunny shaking? Why did his ears drop? Is he starting to look red under his fur? his thoughts where interrupted by Bunny's sneezing fit, "HETSSHAA HETSHH HITSHH HHEETTCCHHAAA!!" The last one scared North and made him jump. Bunny coughed harshly and shaked more.

"Bunny, do you need anything?" North touched his arm but he pulled away with pain written on his face. "Bunny?"

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Bunny began shivering and North was scared for Bunny. "Bunny? whats wrong?" North sat next to Bunny and put a hand on his back.

"ahh!" North released his hand immediately. "It's bad..." Bunny whispered.

"What is bad?"

Bunny was getting light headed, but he needed to get home. He stood up, probably too fast and felt really dizzy. North was confused., does he try to help Bunny or will that hurt him?

"How can i help?"

"I need to get to mah Warren..." Bunny weakly tapped the floor twice as as a whole appeared in the ground.

"Oh no...." North was not excited about that, but it was his fault Bunny was feeling so ill. he will do anything to make him feel better.

"HETSHAA!" Bunny coughed and rubbed his eyes. He was feeling terrible weak but he had to get home before... Bunny was caught y another coughing fit. "we need to go... now mate.." they both jumped in the whole.

"AHHHHH" North was screaming as they slide down the hole. Bunny was looking worse for wear and his throat started to look really red... and... swollen??

when the finally arrived at bunny's Warren the large stone eggs greeted them. Once they saw how weak Bunny was the immediately picked him up. The eggs hurried Bunny to his little hole where bunny lived and North struggled behind. Bunny was having trouble staying awake and Bunny was obviously trying very hard to stay awake.

They finally arrived and Bunny was trying to get to his dresser. North walked over and and opened the dresser for him. Inside there was a black box, North thought this was weird because usually bunny is all about color. North opened it to find an epi-pen and North looked at Bunny.

Bunny's eyes where swollen and he was about to pass out. "HETSSHAA!" Bunny coughed, "Please.." Bunny holds out his hand gesturing for the syringe.

North had just realized how strange Bunny's breathing had become, we was weezing. North's eyes widen and realized he was going into shock! North handed him the syringe and Bunny injected it into his thigh.

Bunny put the syringe on the night stand, but his leg gave in so he fell to his knees. North ran to his side just in time for Bunny to faint in his arms.

I hope you guys like it so far!!!! I know im new and all but if someone would make a Bernard sneeze fanfic. If anyone saw Santa Clause the movie with Tim Allen as Santa Clause. Bernard was the head elf... I LOVE HIM! it would be awesome if someone made one... pretty please? i'll do a request if someone did it for me.

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Bunny began shivering and North was scared for Bunny. "Bunny? whats wrong?" North sat next to Bunny and put a hand on his back.

"ahh!" North released his hand immediately. "It's bad..." Bunny whispered.

"What is bad?"

Bunny was getting light headed, but he needed to get home. He stood up, probably too fast and felt really dizzy. North was confused., does he try to help Bunny or will that hurt him?

"How can i help?"

"I need to get to mah Warren..." Bunny weakly tapped the floor twice as as a whole appeared in the ground.

"Oh no...." North was not excited about that, but it was his fault Bunny was feeling so ill. he will do anything to make him feel better.

"HETSHAA!" Bunny coughed and rubbed his eyes. He was feeling terrible weak but he had to get home before... Bunny was caught y another coughing fit. "we need to go... now mate.." they both jumped in the whole.

"AHHHHH" North was screaming as they slide down the hole. Bunny was looking worse for wear and his throat started to look really red... and... swollen??

when the finally arrived at bunny's Warren the large stone eggs greeted them. Once they saw how weak Bunny was the immediately picked him up. The eggs hurried Bunny to his little hole where bunny lived and North struggled behind. Bunny was having trouble staying awake and Bunny was obviously trying very hard to stay awake.

They finally arrived and Bunny was trying to get to his dresser. North walked over and and opened the dresser for him. Inside there was a black box, North thought this was weird because usually bunny is all about color. North opened it to find an epi-pen and North looked at Bunny.

Bunny's eyes where swollen and he was about to pass out. "HETSSHAA!" Bunny coughed, "Please.." Bunny holds out his hand gesturing for the syringe.

North had just realized how strange Bunny's breathing had become, we was weezing. North's eyes widen and realized he was going into shock! North handed him the syringe and Bunny injected it into his thigh.

Bunny put the syringe on the night stand, but his leg gave in so he fell to his knees. North ran to his side just in time for Bunny to faint in his arms.

I hope you guys like it so far!!!! I know im new and all but if someone would make a Bernard sneeze fanfic. If anyone saw Santa Clause the movie with Tim Allen as Santa Clause. Bernard was the head elf... I LOVE HIM! it would be awesome if someone made one... pretty please? i'll do a request if someone did it for me.

. Don't kill him ;-; . Nuuu nuuu. But uh yeh continue. I can't handle seeing bunny In this much pain.. Mmmm yes I like it though :)
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i wont kill Bunny....im sorrry if i scared you. I WOULD NEVER KILL OFF BUNNY! dont you worry.. MERY CHRISTMAS

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  • 1 month later...

Bunny was unconscious in his arms. North was beginning to panic, what should he do? North thought it was best if he brought Bunny to the North Pole and have the others take a look. Maybe someone new what was going on, Tooth? North threw his crystal ball and a portal appeared that went straight into his workshop. "Lets go Bunny…" North picked up Bunny and went through the portal.

"North! Bunny! Where are you guys?!" Tooth, Jack and Sandy where looking for them for a while and Tooth looked worried, "Where are they?"

"Tooth, look!" Jack pointed at the Portal that appeared in the middle of the floor and a few seconds later North came out with Bunny in his arms.

"North! What happened?!" Tooth flew over to North and put a hand on the Pooka's head, softly petting him.

"Bunny is ill. He needs to rest." North kept walking, ignoring Tooth as she flew around panicking.

"Tooth, just calm down." Jack got Tooth to stop flying "The best thing we can do for Bunny is to let him rest, yell at North later."

Jack was right, Bunny need to be in bed. North new that he would be scorned about this later so he went to an open room and laid Bunny down on the bed. Tooth helped North tuck Bunny in while Jack summoned up a snowflake and it flew to Bunny. The snowflake doubled then tripled then eventually set on Bunny and vanished into a puff of snow that set on his fur. Tooth smiled at jack and started to pet Bunny.

Jack went to the window and sat, while tooth laid a hand on Bunny's forehead. "oh my... Bunny has a fever." At that Jack flew more snowflakes over to Bunny and they landed on him soaking into his fur.

"That might help." Jack smiled and went to go get North.

North came back in with jack and sat in the chair next to Bunny. Tooth sighed, "What happened?"

"Bunny and I where looking for something in the library and... and he started to not feel well. He went to his ward to get, uh, an epi-pen. Bunny fainted shortly after."

"aww poor Bunny." Tooth looked very sympathetic and jack flew over to console her.

Tooth grabbed Bunny's paw and Bunny flinched at her touch. "Bunny?" Tooth smiled. "are you awake?"

"hmmmm?" Bunny's ears began to twitch hearing his surroundings. Bunny's eyes slowly began to open, "Huh?"

"Mornin, sunshine" Jack stood up and stood at the end of his bed. Bunny began to cough, "ugh."

"how are you feeling?" Tooth stood up and reached to pet Bunny, but he jerked away to sneeze into his shoulder, "HETCHA...ugh sorry mate." Bunny's voice was scruffy but other wise he seemed ok.

"gesundheit" Bunny looked over to see North sitting in the chair. Bunny looked around the room and then glared at North. "vhat? Did you think i vas going to leave you?"

"HESH...ISHH. HETSHA" Three loud sneeze followed by harsh coughs, "where id wasdt dice ad warmb?"

Yetis came in to give Bunny medicine and they even brought in some carrots for Bunny. Sandy walked in after them carrying a box of tissues. sandy put up a thumbs up and then a question mark above his head.

"Ib fide sady....thagks" Bunny smiled, his eyes where slightly red and his nose was dry.

"You look great" Jack chuckled but had fell off the edge of the bed when Bunny kicked him, "OW!"

Bunny chucked but turned into coughs. "You deservded thad matde." bunny sniffed, "HITSH... HITSH HITSH... HITSHA!" the fast sneezes made Bunny blink and his eyes where watery. Bunny rubbed at his eyes and laid back down. Bunny doesnt want to admit it but he felt like crying, his leg hurt, and he felt terrible. Bunny was also tired, he wished he could just go to sleep and have this all be over tomorrow.

Tooth, apparently, can read minds too, "Come on guys, lets let Bunny sleep. Sandy?" Sandy nodded and threw some sleeping dust onto Bunnymund sending him into dreamland.

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Yay you're back ! :) . I'd love to read more. This part is so great :) . Playfulness between Bunny and Jack is always great :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

If anyone wants to add the this or whatever that fine with me! i kinda want to see how you guys think this should continue! of course i'm still working on it but it would be awesome to have input! think of it as an RP. here is what i have so far:

Bunny woke up coughing and saw that north was asleep snoring in the chair. "crazy gumbie" (Bunnymund says "gumbie" to sandy in the movie) Bunny coughed again but they where increasingly harsh and painful. He winced and grabbed at his throat, he felt a sneeze coming on but tried very hard to not let it out.

"HETSHA!" he lost that battle. Bunny's throat felt as if it where on fire. North jolted awake at the loud outburst.

"I see you do not feel any better?" North looked at Bunny and eyed bunny's reaction.

"oy mate, my throat is killing me, other than that i'm fine."

"here" North tossed cough drops over to Bunny, "maybe they will help?"

"Hih....hih... hetsh....hetshah." bunny coughed, "i hobe so bate.."

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Cute<3 I like this part. smile.png . Uhm idk how to Rp so ill let you write cx

haha all you have to do in this particular RP is to respond. kinda like a POV of a different character's point of view... like North or jack..

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