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I'm having a very boring day, so I was thinking I would go on omegle and I was wondering if any of you would like to chat on there as well. It will only be text chat and the interest will be sneezefetishforum. Maybe we can get to know each other or do some quick roleplaying (: Hope to talk to some of you.

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i usually chat on omegle and try to find someone to talk to about sneezing but i haven't find anyone yet.. so whenever you want to access omegle give me a sign :D

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I think one of the problems with omegle chats is that people have to be on at that moment. I would have gladly chatted with you had I known yesterday :P

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I would like to chat with one of you girls, just with omegle it looks like it never works. So if you are interested, contact me or just leave me a messenger contact.

Would love to hear from one of you :)

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Friendly reminder that that's by design, and also friendly reminder that forum staff can't do anything about stuff that happens offsite if it occurs somewhere like Omegle because there's no way to tell who it was.

Just be careful, is what I'm saying.

Also this kind of thread really looks like an attempt to circumvent the no-chatting-before-validation rule, but hey.

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