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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Don't Hide (One Direction)


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Hey guys, this is my first story here, so be nice. teehee.gif This story was originally going to be pretty short, but it looks like it needs more than one part, so let me know if you want me to continue. Anyway, I hope it's ok because I'm not too experienced with writing fanfics...

Oh and by the way, there's not much sneezing in this part. There will be more later, so don't worry. shifty.gif


"Louis is late. Again," Harry sighed. He let out a groan of frustration. "We're supposed to finish recording this song by tomorrow, and we're not even halfway done! This is all Louis' fault."

"Calm down, Hazza," Niall said. He was lying on the sofa, an assortment of junk food spread out before him. "I'm sure he'll be here soon."

"He was almost an hour late last time!" Harry said. "Stop eating so much for a second and remember how important this is!"

Zayn reached over and stole a donut from the pile. "I think Harry is right, mate," he said between bites. "If Louis is this late every day, I don't know what we would-"

The door slammed open. "I'm here, guys!" Louis announced, stepping into the room. "Okay, we have a song to record."

Harry looked up angrily. "Then where were you 30 minutes ago?"

Louis looked as if he were about to reply, but instead turned away to cough in his sleeve. "Let's just get this over with," he muttered, stepping into the recording booth. Zayn and Liam exchanged looks, but they all set up the equipment ready to record.

"My hands, your hands. Tied up like two ships," Zayn began.

Harry noticed Louis fidgeting uncomfortably. For the first time he realized just how pale Louis was, and that the older band mate was visibly shaking. When they started on the chorus, he saw Louis pinch his nose and jerk in what might have been a sneeze. He couldn't help feeling concerned.

"Think of how much love that's been wasted," Louis finally started his solo. His voice sounded scratchy, and it was suddenly very hot in the small booth. He trailed off and put his hand to his head, which had started to throb. Pushing his way between his band mates, who were giving him confused looks, he made his way outside and managed to get into his car. Harry started to go after him, but Louis had already gone by the time they were outside.

"We can't finish this song without him!" Niall said. "He wrote most of it, after all."

"Yeah," Harry said. He hesitated, then added, "I should go after him."

Zayn and Liam agreed that Harry would probably be able to convince Louis to come back. They ushered him out the door. "Bring some more donuts on your way back!" Niall called. Harry rolled his eyes and smiled as he got into his car.

Something was wrong with Louis, Harry thought. He wondered what it was. Louis had seemed distracted while they were recording, and it had been mildly concerning to see him stumble out the door without so much as a word to the other boys.

On top of all this, it had started to rain. Not just a little rain, either -- it was a full on downpour. Icy sheets came down in torrents, splashing the sides of Harry's car and spraying his windshield.

When he finally pulled up to Louis' place, Harry was surprised to see that the front door was already slightly open. He knocked and received no response, as he had expected. After standing in the freezing rain for a few seconds more, he pushed open the door and went inside.

Louis was lying on his couch, his eyes closed. Harry was wondering if he should wake him, when Louis' nose twitched. He sniffed and opened his eyes. "What...? Harry! What are you doing here?" he asked, sounding annoyed.

"What do you mean, what am I doing here?" Harry replied irritably. "I'm doing what any other person with common sense would do, after their band mate stormed out of the building in the middle of a recording!" He sighed, exasperated, and sat down on the couch, putting his head in his hands.

Out of the corner of his eye, Harry saw the older boy cup his hands around his nose. His upper body snapped forward. What...? "Sorry," the older boy muttered.

Harry looked up in surprise. It wasn't like Louis to apologize. He had expected some angry response, or at least an insult in return.

"Look," said Louis. "Do you want a ride anywhere? I don't think it's a great idea for you to stay here."

Harry knew he wasn't going to get anything more out of Louis, so he relented. "You could drop me off at the store. I need to get some equipment. And donuts for Niall. And I think I'll need a ride back home, too," he said, standing up. Louis grunted in agreement. "Are you sure, though? You look kind of... tired."

"I'm fine," Louis dismissed him. "Let's go."

Louis agreed to wait for Harry outside the store. Harry quickly picked up a few items, but it was getting late by the time he was done. He hurried back to the car, feeling guilty when he saw Louis still waiting in the front seat.

It was dark and still raining, so Louis must have not noticed Harry open the door. Harry was about to speak up, when he saw Louis suddenly turn to the side and bend forward. "Huh-ESHoo! Heh-eshoo!... huh-chew!" He straightened up and groaned.

"Louis?" Harry said cautiously, after a minute. Louis whipped around.

"Harry! Uh, let's go," he slipped into the car without glancing at Harry.

Harry didn't remember ever seeing Louis sneeze before. He was starting to get even more worried, and wished Louis would just tell him what was wrong.

So... I hope you guys liked it! Let me know if you want me to post more. biggrinsmiley.gif

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!!!! U must now!! I only like 1D for these two...plz update when u can. Oh! And welcome to the forum! Happy Holidays!

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Pls continue. A sneezing Louis <3 amazing plot and I love this story!. :) you lying that this is ur first fic?. :P

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Hey guys! Thanks so much for commenting! I'm glad someone likes this story :)

*NOTE* This part is written kind of from Louis' point of view. It's not first person, but you can read his thoughts, etc... I'm thinking of alternating between him and Harry in each part.


Harry insisted on staying with Louis for the night. Louis was too tired to push him away, as he had been feeling worse since that morning. Of course, he would never admit this to Harry -- he hated people fussing over him and worrying about him. And to be honest, he had only ever wanted to impress Harry, and all this sneezing and coughing was not helping him.

"I'm fine!" Louis maintained as Harry followed him into the house. He stifled a sneeze into his shoulder, hoping Harry hadn't noticed, and then plopped on the couch with a sigh.

"I'm pretty sure you're not fine," Harry said. He settled on the couch next to Louis, picking up a book. "For one thing, you don't look too good. And for another, you've been acting weird and messing up our songs!"

Louis glared at him. "I have not been me-" he broke off. Harry looked up from his book to see Louis jerk forward in a silent sneeze. This was followed by a bout of coughing.

"Bless you," he said, concern in his voice. "Are you sick?"

"No. I'm not sick. And I didn't sneeze."

"Well then, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," Louis collapsed onto his back. "Allergies."

Harry almost wanted to laugh. "Allergies to what? It's the middle of winter." When Louis didn't reply, he added, "Hey… are you okay? I could make some tea or something."

"No!" Louis sat up. "I'm fine, okay? Stop worrying. It was just something stupid, and I'll be back in the studio tomorrow."

"That's what I thought you'd say," Harry replied, growing annoyed. "Do you even care about recording this song? It seems like you don't think it's important at all."

"What? How could you say that?" Louis responded angrily. He paused to stifle a sneeze. Then another. Then another, even more desperately.

Harry winced. "Lou… you should stop holding it in. It looks like it hurts." Louis didn't reply, and Harry opened his book again. They sat there silently for a while, listening to the rain on the rooftop.

Just when Harry thought Louis had fallen asleep, Louis sat up and quickly turned away, his breathing becoming unsteady. "Het-kshhh!… Huh'eshoo!" he sneezed softly into his elbow. He fell back onto the couch and looked up at Harry. "There. Are you happy?"

Harry nodded and smiled. Secretly, he was worried about Louis, but he knew Louis would hate him for it. And after half an hour, he was finally able to drift off to sleep.

He woke up to the sound of Louis sneezing. "Huh'kschoo! Heh-ISHoo!… Het-chiew!"

"Bless you," Harry said tiredly, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Sorry. Didn't want to wake you up," Louis mumbled. He turned over on the couch, shoving Harry off but not seeming to notice.

Harry climbed onto a nearby chair and grabbed his phone. He had called Liam, Zayn, and Niall the night before, letting them know that Louis would not be able to make it back. Luckily, they had been given more time to record the song.

Harry dialed Liam's number. "Hello? Liam, it's Harry. Louis is being stubborn, so could you bring the other guys over here? We're at his place."

He heard Liam sigh. "Did you ask him what's wrong?"

"I tried. He says it's nothing, but he won't come back to the studio."

"Okay. We'll be right there."

Harry slipped his phone into his pocket, and looked up at Louis. Louis was sitting up on the couch, fully awake now.

"Why did you call Liam?" he asked.

"Well, I thought they… um, it just seemed like you'd want some help."

"I don't need help! I'm fine," Louis said breathlessly, before turning away from Harry and sneezing into his elbow. "Het-shoo! Huh-ESHoo! I'm fine… heh-ISHoo!'

"Bless you," Harry said. "You sound pretty sick to me."

"I told you. It's aller… heh'chiew! Allergies."

"Well, you've never sneezed this much before. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen you sneeze once," Harry replied.

Louis wasn't sure how to reply. After all, he had always avoided sneezing in front of the other boys. To him, it somehow seemed like a sign of… weakness. He knew how crazy that was, but he had always wanted to appear strong. Especially in front of Harry.

The doorbell rang just then, and Harry jumped up to open the door. Louis groaned inwardly as Liam, Zayn, and Niall entered the room. Niall was carrying a huge pile of junk food, as usual.

Louis stifled a sneeze silently into his fist. It was getting harder to hide his sneezing. "What are you guys doing here?" he asked, cringing at how rough his voice sounded.

"We came to help you!" Niall said cheerfully. "I brought donuts!" He dumped them on Louis' lap.

Liam looked at Louis. "So, what's wrong? Why have you been acting so weird?"

Louis sighed. "It's nothing. You guys shouldn't have come over." Suddenly, he felt a tickle begin in the back of his nose. He pinched his nose to block it, but the tickle only grew. Quickly, he turned away from the boys, bringing his elbow up to his face and folding in half with each sneeze. "Huh-ESHoo! Het-chiew! Huh… hut-shoo!" Louis felt his cheeks burning with embarrassment, but he couldn't stop. "Heh-ISHoo! Hih-shoo! Het-CHOO!… Huh-ESHoo!"

He finally stopped, and looked up through watering eyes to see his other band mates staring at him.

"What?" Louis asked pointedly, rubbing at his irritated eyes.

"Oh -- nothing," Zayn said in response. "It's just that… you never sneeze. Ever."

"Shut up," Louis replied grumpily. "Het'shiew!"

"You're sick," Liam said.

After a pause, Louis sighed. "Yeah. I guess so."

Let me know what you think!!

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Awe Denial will only make you worse Louis :) he seems very childish :P . I love it <3 throw in some Nouis and were good :)

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Wow, this is cool. I'm actually a kind of closeted 1D fan so its nice to be able to enjoy this when I'm in private lol. Contagion? Or just caretaking? Either way Please continue I'm loving this. :)

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I'm back!! teehee.gif Thank you guys so much for commenting. I never thought so many people would like this!

I'm thinking of continuing this story for a while, mainly because I just don't want it to end. Also, I really like how this is going! I know that Harry is going to be taking care of Louis, but would you guys like some contagion too? (And if so, do you have anyone in mind to catch Louis' cold?) Please let me know!!

Okay, here's part 3:


Harry watched as Louis doubled over with another sneeze. It was strange to see Louis lose control, and yet it somehow made him seem… real. More approachable.

"Hey, do you need anything?" Liam asked Louis. "I should probably take your temperature."

Louis shook his head. "Guys, it's just a cold. I'll be fine. Huh-ESHoo!"

"We should probably just leave him alone," Liam said finally, slipping on his coat. Harry made as if to leave, but Liam motioned for him to sit down. Louis would want you to stay, he mouthed. Harry nodded and sat back down.

Once the other boys had left, Louis let out a groan and collapsed face down onto the couch.

"Lou? What is it?" Harry asked anxiously. He could not help but feel worried for the older boy.

"That was so humiliating," Louis muttered, his voice muffled by the cushions.

Harry almost laughed. "Hey, Lou, it's fine. You're sick. It's not like anyone could blame you for sneezing like ten times."

Louis sat up and glared at Harry. His face was flushed. "Let's not talk about it. Het-schiew!" He sneezed into the crook of his arm and turned away. Harry could tell he just wanted to pretend that nothing had happened.

Why would Louis hate sneezing so much? Harry mused. It's not like his sneeze is embarrassing or anything. Harry blushed as he realized that he thought Louis' sneezes might actually be just the opposite. It was kind of hot to see Louis lose control over something so small, after such a long time of acting tough and strong.

"Haschew! Huh-ishoo!" Louis' sneezing broke Harry's train of thought. He looked over to see Louis bent over with his hands on his knees. "Huh-eshoo! Het-choo!… Hah-ISHoo!" Louis sniffed and slowly stood up.

Harry rushed over. "Lou? You okay?"

Louis sat down, looking tired. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine," he replied unconvincingly.

"Whatever you say," Harry responded. "How does some hot tea with honey sound?" When Louis didn't object, he headed into the kitchen.

Harry was just bringing the tea out to Louis when he remembered something. "Oh no," he moaned, almost spilling the tea all over himself. It was almost 3:00, and he had an interview then.

Quickly, he hurried over to Louis and handed him the tea. "Lou, I'm really sorry I can't take care of you for longer. I have an interview and I really have to go! I promise I'll be back as soon as possible."

Louis reached out and grabbed Harry's coat, which Harry took to mean that Louis didn't want him to leave. He smiled. "I told you I'll be back soon, Lou. Okay, how about I call Niall to take care of you while I'm gone."

He turned away and dialed Niall's number. "Hey, Niall? Yeah, it's me. I need you to take care of Louis for a little while during my interview. I'll be back around 6:00." He slipped his phone back into his pocket and opened the front door. "Louis, I'll be back soon."

Fifteen minutes later, Niall opened the door. "Louis?"

"Hat-schiew!" Louis said in response.

"Oh, there you are," Niall said, spotting the lump of blankets and pillows on the couch. He sat down next to Louis. "So. How sick are you?"

"M'not sick. Just a cold," Louis mumbled. "I'll be … Huh-ISHoo! I'll be better soon."

"Oh really?" Niall raised an eyebrow. "You'll be able to record our song?"

"…Maybe," Louis said.

Niall sighed. "Okay, I'd better make some soup for you. Or for both of us!" he said, brightening. "I could always do with some food."

A few minutes later, Niall walked carefully back into the room, carrying a steaming bowl of soup in each hand. He handed one to Louis and sat down next to him, immediately starting to eat.

After a moment, Louis sniffed. His breath hitched.

"Bless you," Niall said automatically, not looking up from his soup.

"Heht-chew! Huh-ishoo! Thanks." Louis sniffed again.

Niall looked up in surprise. "Whoa. Was that a 'thanks' I hear? All that sneezing really must be messing up your brain."

"Yeah, don't get used to it," Louis said under his breath. "Heh-kshhh!"

Niall laughed. "It's okay, I won't. And bless you." He looked at Louis expectantly.

Louis blushed and turned away. "Thanks."

Yes, I know this part was shorter. The next one will be longer, I promise! Please comment and tell me who you think should get sick next (or who should take care of Louis.)

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Yeees keep Niall there, Nouis <3 yeh so lets see contagion yes yes ! Get Niall and Harry sick. And have Liam take care of all three, then Liam gets sick and then Zayn takes care of Liam and Zayn gets sick. Everyone would be happy then ! :) okay yeh contagion <3

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Teehee :3 I like this.... it's so cute!! Yes, get everyone sick twitchsmile.gif

. Your name is it a band reference... BRING ME THE HORIZON !? Pls lets b frands. Wowie. And if you don't know what I'm talking about then I must seem crazy.. This is sempiternal ! :)
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Teehee :3 I like this.... it's so cute!! Yes, get everyone sick twitchsmile.gif

. Your name is it a band reference... BRING ME THE HORIZON !? Pls lets b frands. Wowie. And if you don't know what I'm talking about then I must seem crazy.. This is sempiternal ! smile.png

I loooove Bring me the horizon... and All Time Low and One Direction :3

Yes let's be friends wink1.gif

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Teehee :3 I like this.... it's so cute!! Yes, get everyone sick twitchsmile.gif

. Your name is it a band reference... BRING ME THE HORIZON !? Pls lets b frands. Wowie. And if you don't know what I'm talking about then I must seem crazy.. This is sempiternal ! smile.png

I loooove Bring me the horizon... and All Time Low and One Direction :3

Yes let's be friends wink1.gif

. I actually use to like One Direction but not now xD . I like them fanfic wise not music wise. I <3 ATL and BMTH ! What's about .. My chemical romance ???? Or bvb?? Yessir lets be friends ! :)
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Teehee :3 I like this.... it's so cute!! Yes, get everyone sick twitchsmile.gif

. Your name is it a band reference... BRING ME THE HORIZON !? Pls lets b frands. Wowie. And if you don't know what I'm talking about then I must seem crazy.. This is sempiternal ! smile.png

I loooove Bring me the horizon... and All Time Low and One Direction :3

Yes let's be friends wink1.gif

. I actually use to like One Direction but not now xD . I like them fanfic wise not music wise. I <3 ATL and BMTH ! What's about .. My chemical romance ???? Or bvb?? Yessir lets be friends ! smile.png

I like One Direction fanfic and music wise. YES. I like them... and Blink, FOB, pierce the veil.....

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Teehee :3 I like this.... it's so cute!! Yes, get everyone sick twitchsmile.gif

. Your name is it a band reference... BRING ME THE HORIZON !? Pls lets b frands. Wowie. And if you don't know what I'm talking about then I must seem crazy.. This is sempiternal ! smile.png

I loooove Bring me the horizon... and All Time Low and One Direction :3

Yes let's be friends wink1.gif

. I actually use to like One Direction but not now xD . I like them fanfic wise not music wise. I <3 ATL and BMTH ! What's about .. My chemical romance ???? Or bvb?? Yessir lets be friends ! smile.png

I like One Direction fanfic and music wise. YES. I like them... and Blink, FOB, pierce the veil.....

. My Mexicans <3 . FOB <3 doode pm me xD if u can
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Hey guys, thanks for all the comments! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif You've probably noticed that this story doesn't really have a plot -- it's pretty much all fluff. But then again, I like writing fluff. Anyway, I hope you like this next part.


"Bless you."

"Hatchiew! Thanks."

Niall turned around to look at Louis. His eyes were puffy and red, and he looked miserable. "Hey Lou. Are you… are you sure you're alright?"

"Hep'SHOO!… Yeah. I'm fine."

"Okay. It's just that you never sneeze, and-"

"I've heard," Louis interrupted grouchily.

"Hey, Lou, I'm just worried about you. You know about our concert in two days. And we haven't even rehearsed our song yet."

Louis sat up quickly. "Wha-… Heh'kishoo! What? Our concert?" His shoulders sagged as he remembered. "Ugh. Niall, I don't know if I can do my solo."

"C'mon, Lou! It's your song. Or at least, you helped write it. So you have to sing it!" Niall protested.

Louis groaned. "I need practice," he said, covering his face with a pillow. "I'm going to mess up."

"No you won't! How can you mess up your own song? You just need to try to get un-sick by then." Niall stood up. "I'll… I'll make you more chicken soup."

"That'll work," Louis mumbled as Niall headed towards the kitchen. Suddenly, his phone rang. "Hello?"

"Hey, Louis! It's Harry. My interview's over. I'll be right there."

"Okay." Louis realized he was smiling. "That's great, Harry."

"Yeah," Harry replied. He sniffed, and Louis thought he could hear a muffled sneeze in the background.

"Harry? You okay?"

"Sure, I'm fine," Harry said quickly. "I'll be there soon, okay?" He hung up before Louis could respond.

Louis moaned and flopped back onto the couch.

"What's wrong?" Niall asked as he returned with more soup.

"I think I got Harry sick," Louis said.

"Aw, Lou, it'll be okay. I'm sure Harry's fine," Niall replied uncertainly. "I mean, he never really gets sick. Does he?"

"No," Louis agreed. "But it'll be my fault if we mess up at this concert."

The doorbell rang. Louis practically leaped up to run to the door, but sat down when he realized how dizzy he was.

"Easy, Lou. I'll get it." Niall got up and opened to door to let Harry in, who was shivering. His coat was soaked through, and it was still pouring outside. "Whoa. You don't look too good."

"I'm not. Heh'ESHoo! Huh'ISHoo!" Harry responded, stepping inside and slipping out of his coat. He bent at the waist with another sneeze. "Heh'isshuh!"

"Harry?" Louis voice came from the couch.

"Yeah. I'm here." Harry walked slowly into the living room. He rubbed his eyes. When had he become so tired?

"Did I… get you sick?" Louis asked hesitatingly.

"I don't know. It was either that or the cold. Now I can't stop sneezing." Harry sniffed. As if to prove his point, he sneezed into his elbow, then turned away and sneezed again.

"Oh. Um. I'm sorry. About getting you sick." Louis said awkwardly. "I mean… bless you."

Harry looked up from his elbow, surprised. Niall laughed.

Louis blushed and hurried to change the topic. "Well, we should rehearse the song we're performing this Friday," he said.

"What? Lou, we can't do that! You're really sick!" Harry said, worried. "Maybe we'll just cancel the concert."

"No, I can do it-" Louis started to protest.

"Maybe he's getting better, after all. He hasn't sneezed in a while."

"Hitchiew! Heh'shoo!" Louis muffled a pair of sneezes into his sleeve.

"Never mind."

"Louis, if you're feeling too sick, we don't have to go the concert," Harry said. "I'm worried it'll make you worse."

"No! We can't let our fans down," Louis said. "Just call Liam and Zayn to get over here, and we can practice."

"Okay," Harry said doubtfully, pulling out his phone and walking out into the hallway. He knew Louis was stubborn and would not change his mind. And after all, it was his song, and they did need to practice. "Hello? Liam? Yeah, get over here with Zayn. We need to practice. What? Yeah, I'm sure." He lowered his voice. "Lou's still sneezing a lot, but he insisted. Yeah, I know, but he's not going to change his mind."

Twenty minutes later, Liam and Zayn were at the front door.

Harry sneezed twice as they were coming in. The boys both looked at Harry, concerned.

To distract them, Louis clapped his hands. "Okay, guys. Let's start."

As usual, please comment and let me know what you think!!

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THIS IS SO GOOOOOOD! :) ijdauisjdpsauhjduisahduiashjdusajd you like almost broke me with all that fluff.

Do continue :)

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