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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Trying to Start Conversation


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Has anyone ever attempted to start a sneeze-related conversation? Just in normal, everyday conversation? I find myself doing this quite a bit --twice yesterday, in fact-- but I wondered if anyone else did this and how it went for you.

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I'm too shy about the subject to try to start a conversation about it, but I have joined in/tried to prolong a conversation that was already going.

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Yes! I brought it up one day when I was talking with my Spanish teacher (whom I've seen sneeze seven times and whose sneezes are adorable). I "accidentally" mixed up the words estorbar (to get in the way) and estornudar (to sneeze). :P

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  • 3 months later...

Yes!!! I always, and I mean always, have sneezy conversations with my guy best friend. He has known about the fetish for a while, and he always makes sure that I'm comfortable with our conversations we have. I don't know how sneezing gets into our conversations, but I love it when it does. He's the only person I can really talk to about sneezing, but he knows I can't say the word.

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I can't do it on my own, but I don't mind it if the other person starts it.

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I absolutely can't as much as I want to unless its my husband. :) I can openly discuss that with him anytime anywhere but as soon as someone else gets involved I completely clam up :( suuuuuucks why am I so awkward? Haha :)

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