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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Do you enjoy having this fetish?


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I love it. I feel like it's so influential toward my personality and my interests and it's such a big part of me that's so private and fun, and I like having this secret with myself. It's so consistent and familiar and true to my core; something that I know will be a huge part of me forever. It's very significant to me, and I'm also really fond of how different it is.

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I was similar I didn't used to like it but now I accepted it won't just go away and its a lot of fun... i think of it like an extra little thing that can add to my personal enjoyment. ;) Plus theres so much fun that can be had with this fetish. To think such a little mundane thing like sneezing would bring us this much enjoyment is pretty awesome.

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Well Retro, like you, I also didn't enjoy it at one point as I felt like a weirdo because I thought I was the only one who had this unusual fetish. Even after I found this forum, I still struggled for the longest time to be happy. Luckily, I've come a long way in accepting the fetish and now I try to enjoy it as much as possible where I can.

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Before I knew I wasn't totally alone in my weirdness, there were times when I kind of tried to shove it to the back of my mind as if there was something wrong with me and I should just ignore it. But now...I enjoy it absolutely! As fetishes go, its pretty harmless. In fact I sometimes feel sorry for people who don't have little extra excitements like a sneezing fetish in their lives :D

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I'm with Joal on this one. I pretty much always remember liking having this. I once had a girlfriend try to convince me that it was bad and sorta-kinda-tried to "condition" myself out of it, but deep down I think I knew that it was harmless enjoyment.

So I kept the fetish and dropped the girlfriend instead. biggrinsmiley.gif

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I'm with NoV that I used to try to repress it and not think about it at all because it never felt "normal". The most popular girl in school has no problem talking about her amazingly high pitched sneezes and how bad her cold is, so it can't be normal to feel like this!

I actually hated it at one point and when I saw the term "fetish" to describe what I had, I refused to believe it because I didn't want to think of myself as someone who has a fetish :P

I love it now though, and while I'm still very private about it, I would never get rid of it for anything and enjoy having it ^_^

Plus, I wouldn't have met some of the most wonderful people I've ever known had it not been for this community.

Edited by PuddinPop
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Well, it almost got me in trouble a couple of times when my hormones first sprouted. But aside from that, it's pretty harmless. It's not always easy having such a strange kink, it's a part of me that I wouldn't change.

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At first i didnt....i thought i was a freak..now i learned to accept it. Even tho i still feel shy.

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