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Sneeze Fetish Forum


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Elsa awoke in a small dungeon. She looked around. Through the window, she could see a blizzard of snow. Elsa ran towards the window, but a firm chain attached to her metal handcuffs only allowed her to go half way. Elsa sat back onto the lumpy bed, and a cloud of dust rose. Elsa leapt to her feet when she saw what she had done. Dust was Elsa's sworn enemy, and right now, she was standing in the same room with it.

Elsa hadn't sneezed since she was a child, no need to because the palace had been kept nice and clean. When she sneezed as a child, snowballs the size of her fist flew out of her nose. Now, seeing as her power had grown overtime, she couldn't imagine what would happen if she did sneeze.

She felt a faint tickle in the back of her nose. Elsa sniffed, but that only made the tickle grow. Since the handcuffs were different and captured her entire hand, she wasn't able to use them to stop the increasing tickle. Elsa sat, wriggling her nose. Suddenly, she heard a click. The door squeaked and Prince Hans burst into the room. He bowed, and the dust swirled about at the movement.

"Pleah-please don't," Elsa said, her breath hitching slightly.

"Why not, Queen Elsa?" he asked.

"You know I'm noh-not going to be Queen ah-anymore. And I hah-have to sneeze. Would you kih-kindly set me free so no one hah-has to suh-suh-suffer?" Elsa asked.

"Why, of course I can't. Rules are rules. Besides, what could happen if you sneezed? Your hands are locked up, so no damage will be done." Prince Hans smirked.

"Snow wih-will shoot out oh-of my noh-noh-nose," Elsa said, trying to remain calm.

Prince Hans shook his head, moving even more dust towards Elsa's nose.

"Fih-fih-fine. Then ah-at least heh-help me noh-not sneeze," she said, trying to remain calm as her nostrils started to flare.

"Alright," Prince Hans grumbled. He sat next to Elsa, releasing another cloud of dust. Then, with flourish, pulled out a feather. He grinned, in a devil like way.

"Whah-what is thah-that for?" Elsa inquired.

"Well I just thought that if you sneeze, I'll rescue everyone who was blown away. Then, I will be the hero of this kingdom," Prince Hans explained.

Elsa's eyes widened with fear as Prince Hans neared the evil feather.

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He began brushing the feather inside her nostrils, pushing it further and further. Her heavy eyelids fluttered and she held back as long as she could, not wanting to destroy her town. Finally Prince Hans reached his satisfaction.

Elsa sneezed: "Hieeeh.... Heeeeehhh... HiiiieeeehhhhhhhhhhhSHOOOOOO! "

When she opened her eyes, all she saw was white white snow everywhere.

^^^not very good. But that's the end. I'm writing something else and that'll prob be better^^^

LiveToBeMe: thx! I have a post called requests so u can request something else like this if u like

DeathNoteOwner: thx! I have a post called requests so u can request something else like this if u like

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For the sake of those who haven't seen the movie, you miiight want to put a spoiler tag on it somewhere.

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He began brushing the feather inside her nostrils, pushing it further and further. Her heavy eyelids fluttered and she held back as long as she could, not wanting to destroy her town. Finally Prince Hans reached his satisfaction.

Elsa sneezed: "Hieeeh.... Heeeeehhh... HiiiieeeehhhhhhhhhhhSHOOOOOO! "

When she opened her eyes, all she saw was white white snow everywhere.

^^^not very good. But that's the end. I'm writing something else and that'll prob be better^^^

LiveToBeMe: thx! I have a post called requests so u can request something else like this if u like

DeathNoteOwner: thx! I have a post called requests so u can request something else like this if u like

It's pretty good for your first fic ! :) .

okay sure i'll go have a look at that tread. and I agree with blah-san.

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I'll definitely check out that thread :) but that part was cute. Also, I totally understand the shortness! It's so hard to write long stuff with busy lives we have :)

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This is such a cute story! C: I hope you write more, even though it's already finished... ^^" Regardless, I like it. :D

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