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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Crush Sneezed


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So there is this super cute boy in my math class. One day, he sat a few seats away from me. Halfway through the class, he sneezed heshoo like literally that's exactly how he sneezed. It was fast sadly. But I had no need to be worried cuz a second later he sneezed again: heshoo he sneezed like six times and the teacher was like, "[his name], your sneezing an awful lot! and he said: um yeah I have this um tickle in my nose so I sneeze. I was just like floating in heaven, he was prob really embarrassed but it was super cute and the last few min in class he kept sneezing that cute lil sneeze

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awwwe thats so cute. embaressement with a sneeze c: good good. Thanks for sharing :)

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You lucky lucky girl. I have a lack of sneezy people in my school. And a lack of attractive people, but thats a completely different and highly depressing story lol xD

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