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Sneeze Fetish Forum

What if you sneezed when...


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...you were singing in a concert?

...you were playing an instrument on stage?

...you were dancing at a recital?

...you were acting in a play?

...you were giving an oral report?

...you were kissing somebody?

...you were ice-skating?

...you were flying a plane?

...you were performing a surgical operation?

Just some scenarios to contemplate.

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Honestly, the only one that strikes me is the sneezing while kissing someone. I'd find it attractive it it happened to me and I'd feel really, really bad if I did it to anyone else.

However, nothing else seems particularly unusual. Planes are on autopilot, I would assume that the doctor would remove his/her scalpel so s/he wouldn't hurt the patient, and everything else seems rather normal to me.

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I tried thinking of some others . . .

  • while in a handstand
  • on a packed elevator or train
  • rock climbing
  • at the dentist
  • staring contest

I think we've got fic material here.

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What if you sneezed..

  • when someone shouted "say cheese!" and snapped your picture?
  • when you had your hands full of textbooks?
  • at the exact moment someone booped your nose?
  • when you were underwater?
  • when you were hanging upside down?
  • when you were getting a haircut?

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seriously tho. what if a singer sneezed while singing in a concert, or a broadway performer sneezed while they were doing a performance? wouldn't that be so inoppurtune?

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I used to be in a choir and I never sneezed during a concert but I came really close once. My conductor would actually discuss sneezing in rehearsals and would tell us that if we felt like we were going to sneeze to stare at his shirt and list of dairy products that we could think of. Amazingly it actually worked. I have sneezed right after finishing a song. That is super awkward, especially since I have never been able to sneeze quietly blushsmiley.gif

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I tried thinking of some others . . .

  • while in a handstand
  • on a packed elevator or train
  • rock climbing
  • at the dentist
  • staring contest

I think we've got fic material here.

Gosh, why does the handstand one sound so cute? And the staring contest? May have to nab those and work with them, don't mind if I do...

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Any of the ones consisting of being in front of an audience seems bad

  • you were giving a speech
  • you were brushing your teeth
  • you were hiding during hide and seek

It's like brainstorming for a story

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