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Caring fetish?


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I don't even know if a caring fetish would be the right word to describe it or if there is such a thing.

But anyways, when I'm watching Doctor Who and Amy, or River, Clara, or somebody faints, falls, etc. and Matt Smith catches them and asks if they're ok, and he genuinely cares for them I swoon. Like he's so caring and overprotective of his companions.

Same with when David Tennant would catch Rose when she would almost pass out, except when Matt Smith does it there is such a genuine concern and worry in his eyes. It just makes me want to swoon. I love watching it.

Does anyone else experience this feeling? Here's a clip so you can see what I'm talking about.

(By the way I do not own this clip)

Not the best clip, but even when he just hugs Clara and kisses her head, just like with the other companions. It makes me swoon, it's so adorable!

Am I the only one who feels this way??

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oh, i TOTALLY get it, man. it's so adorable c:

Sickfics are just not sickfics without someone concerned about the other <3

Edited by Not_Telling
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Yes!!!! Me!!!! This one!!! I didnt realize this was a fetish..i just thought it was a part of a person's personality. I get that way all the time.

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Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks it's adorable! My heart races when he calls out his companions names in a concerned matter or when he kisses the tops of their head.

Spoiler alert if you don't watch doctor who :

@Tangerine : Although I like the companions being comforted more, I see your point. However, when Amy and Rory were taken by weeping angels at the end of "The Angels Take Manhatten" Matt Smiths performance made me cry. Like first, when the doctor was hugging them and kissing them all relieved at the end my heart was pounding and I loved it. But when Rory got taken and then Amy got taken, and the doctor broke down crying over his loss, it broke my heart. I wish River had comforted him more, but she had to keep her eyes on the weeping angel so that he could have his moment without being sent back in time.

Edited by Seniorstatus14
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oh, i TOTALLY get it, man. it's so adorable c:

Sickfics are just not sickfics without someone concerned about the other <3

This. Cant say it much better than that!

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I kinda like being a comforter...to an extent. It doesn't really extend all that much to sickness...I just like being there for someone when they're sad or upset or angry. I don't get any *sexual* gratification from it, but I do often get emotional gratification, sooo...that's something, I guess. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

i love this...i dont think its an actual fetish...but i love the thought of being able to take care of some cute guy or whatever when theyre sick, just seems really sweet. unfortunately it hasnt happened in real life yet :P

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  • 2 years later...

I know what the OP means!  Last year I went to a performance of an opera (Richard Wagner's Tannhauser) with one of my favorite male singers playing a major role.  There was a moment in the second act when the lead female character nearly fainted from grief, and the way this male singer caught her as she began to fall warmed my heart so much.  I wish I could see that performance again.   

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