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Sneeze Fetish Forum

why are alot of us so embarrassed?


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I've noticed a lot of people on the forum (including myself) being embarrassed about the fetish. Which makes me wonder, why? I have several theories myself, but was wandering about what others thought. (it's very psychologically intriguing)

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Yeah, it is sad that we've trained ourselves to be embarrassed. It's a pretty tame fetish, so you'd think that it would be easier to own up to. Although, the obstacle is that sneezing is something that happens so frequently. This is both what makes the fetish awesome and what makes the fetish slightly awkward. I think we just don't want to do anything to hinder the natural rawness of sneezing. The thing that makes it dead sexy to us is the fact that it is an unavoidable, unrestrained glimpse of vulnerability. Nobody can do anything to stop it, and most people don't bother to, considering that it's such a normal thing that everybody does. I think we just don't want to make the people around us uncomfortable, so that nothing interferes with that uninhibited release.

...that, and some people are just super-judgmental, and/or they think sneezing is gross. Which gives me great pity on their souls, because this fetish is actually pretty neat. =)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yea...i dont want people to see me differently...or tease me about it... .////. People can be cruel for u being different....

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People can be cruel for u being different....


As one of my daughters likes to say, our whole family is "unorthodox" already. She wears it as a badge of pride (and I'm proud of her for doing so). I'm a little more self conscious about it and have no desire to make myself look weirder to mundanes than I already do. arrowheadsmiley.png

Edited by Dusty15
Edit for punctuation at poster's request
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  • 2 months later...

I'm somewhat shy. I will openly discuss with random people about it if I can remain Anonymous or super close friends... But if anyone other than those people found out... Especially family??*gasp*

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Two reasons.

For one, I'd be embarrassed to admit if I had a bondage fetish. It's simply the sexual nature of the entire topic that makes it embarrassing for me personally.

For two, sneezing is something that is regarded as generally negative by society as a whole. It's a sign of illness and is a very effective way for bacteria to be spread from person to person. That's not even touching on germaphobes. The fact that it's sexualized would (understandably) come off as very strange, so I prefer not to make it public knowledge.

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For the exact reason this topic was created is why I don't like to be shy about the kink (I like that word a lot better than fetish, it sounds more positive) and I'm pretty open about it, but only to guys, and only if I have just met them. I actually use it as an ice breaker when I talk to people on online dating apps such as OK Cupid or Tinder. Some find it a little odd. Some are highly amused by it. Some have vicious hay fever and want nothing more than to roll around and make out with me in a bed of flowers.

I don't, however, like telling my friends about it. I've known them for too long, and I don;t want them knowing something about me that I could take as sexual. Being an involuntary reaction, it is something that happens to people sometimes on a daily basis, and I know if they knew they would be hesitant in sneezing in front of me.

But the guys I meet online seem open and accepting to it. Maybe it's because they are willing to do anything to get a little attention from me. Maybe it's because our "weird, awkward, bizzare fetish" isn't so odd after all. Like Bungee said, maybe all of the insecurity and embarrassment is all in our heads. Interesting topic indeed.

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Hm, I suppose it's probably down to the whole sexual thing since sex in itself isn't something I'd feel comfortable talking about. And also because I would feel like every time someone sneezed in front of me, they'd be over-analysing my response and I feel like they're doing that already even when they don't know. I wouldn't want people to be embarrassed to sneeze in front of me and I certainly wouldn't want it to be used against me. I try not to give people ammunition to use against me if I can possibly avoid it.

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I personally would HATE any of my family/friends to find out about it. But saying that oddly enough i do find it easier to talk to people on dating sites/online etc, most definitely because the chances of meeting them are zero. Although i do hope that if.... I ever meet someone (yeah right :P), that wouldn't be so hard.

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The thing that makes it dead sexy to us is the fact that it is an unavoidable, unrestrained glimpse of vulnerability. Nobody can do anything to stop it

I love this description of the fetish. I think it describes it perfectly.

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This is interesting because I'm generally an extremely open person. I will talk about anything--from mundane topics like school and sports, to racier topics like sex and gender equality. But when it comes to this, I'm like "I can't tell anyone, ever. They'll make fun of me or never treat me the same way again. I can't let that happen."

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