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"How are you feeling?" <3


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So I just love the question "How are you feeling?" I always ask people that if they're sick, and I love that question when I'm sick. That exact wording in particular just makes me swoon! Anyone else have a particular phrase they like a lot?

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I'm definitely with you there, that's just such a lovely and caring thing to say to a sick person. <3 Definitely my favorite variation of a "check-up question". It isn't a question that can be simply answered with either yes or no, so you're more likely to get an honest answer.

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Add me to the party. I love asking that question!

I guess, to me, its like flirting with the people who have no knowledge of how I really feel.

Edited by Just Older
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Add me to the party. I love asking that question!

I guess, to me, its like flirting with the people who have no knowledge of how I really feel.

That is exactly how I feel! I feel like its a secret flirting technique! So yes, I love it to

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This is like my favorite thing, ever. I ask it to my boyfriend all the time when he's sick, and he actually asks it a lot when I'm sick, too. I love it; and, yes, it is a bit like flirting! ;)

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I think it was something I sub-consciously enjoyed saying or hearing, but now I'm going to think about phrases like this more often. What a delightful thread

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It's something I'd like to say, and I love hearing haha. I've always been ridiculously independent but also always wanted someone that would take care of me :P so it makes me feel special when someone says something like that to me. It kind of makes my heart rush because I've never really felt cared about (yet, but I'm patient), and it automatically makes me feel so much better :)

But I have to work up the courage to say stuff like that to other people. I would love to take care of people haha, but it's not something my family did and it feels kind of awkward to act caring around someone. So I need to practice somehow xP I don't know how to be caring quite yet but I want to be!

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Its very cute! Something I particularly love is when boys ask each other this question. <3

Uhhhhh, yes. 100000 times yes. One of the greatest things of all time.

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Adore it! Defiantly is like secret flirting. And it gives them a reason to talk about their symptoms hehe A sympathetic "You okaay?" is what I normally asked my ex when he was under the weather. I get quite embarrassed when i am questioned like that but maybe that's why I like it so much :P

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Oh man, it's funny to hear my sister post such a nice response when mine is more the opposite. I really only ask people that if I think that they're getting sick or if they are sick to see if they're better because I myself don't want to be (whatever illness, not just regarding colds or something). So it's usually selfish unless I ask my boyfriend, then it's more flirtatious and caretaker-ish.

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I love asking it, and love hearing the response, generally. I hate being asked though. I'm stubborn like that. I like being taken care of to a certain point (and only by my boyfriend. Anyone else it feels weird.) but having to answer "how do you feel?" shuts me down. I usually give a "meh" or "fine" response. :/ I have a hard time even using the phrase "I don't feel well." <(Which, by the way, is another phrase that makes me mooshy to hear from someone else)

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I don't ask girls or family memberssuch a question because it feels gross and such a turn off but due to my fetishh i tend to ask males about it cause when they describe their symbtoms they turn me on even if i have no feelings for tmm or even without thinking about themhem at all but i tend to ask the man i live this question whenever he is sick every hour or so it's kinda caretaking flirting and loving thingy and ofcourse because of my fettish on the other hand i hate being asked about my illness and even hate it when someone refera to my sicknss especially if this someone is a family member

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Lol honestly I hate when anyone asks me that -.- xD but anyone else asking other people that... well its a different story :P

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I think it's the hottest, cutest, sexiest thing to say to your partner or someone you like. Otherwise it's just as I say "awko".

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