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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Ice skating date and a realization :O (long,advice needed)


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Soooo, my boyfriend C texted me yesterday and asked if I wanted to go ice skating. At first I was like no.. Bc I really didn't want to make a fool of myself.... But then I remember that C had a cold and I couldn't pass that up so I went. I've only seen him sneeze once in the past so I was hoping I could get another one. We skated for an hour... Or he skated while I hung onto the wall for dear life while he grabbed my hand and tried to get me to move XD but then when we were done we went over to take our skates off and he was so sniffly! <3 <3 it was adorable. After, we went back to his house and goofed around on the couch, he was coughing a lot, always into is elbow, but once into his other shoulder because he was holding me. I got home at around midnight and I had a realization. A few years ago before we were dating C was walking with me to my bus and he said something about sneezing. He said "just hold them all in until you get home and explode, that's what I do" so maybe he just tries not to sneeze around me, he rubs his nose a lot. Idk, I want him to sneeze more but I don't know if that means I have to tell him about the fetish orr not.

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I say you tell him but you let him know that this is something that

you are really nervous about and that you don't tell a lot of people about, so he can't laugh. Show him how much it means to you that he accepts this. But if your really uncomfortable with telling him then maybe nows not the time. You decide, that part for yourself.

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First off, he sounds adorable! This is the best non- sneezing obs ever!! Secondly, my guess is he is shy, which is cute, but unfortunate in situations like this. If I were you I would bring up what he said at the bus , say you remember it, and you thought it was funny or something like that, just to get him on the topic and see what he does. how was that one and only sneeze? Stifled? Embarrassing for him? (I want to know because this is adorable!)

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I say you tell him but you let him know that this is something that

you are really nervous about and that you don't tell a lot of people about, so he can't laugh. Show him how much it means to you that he accepts this. But if your really uncomfortable with telling him then maybe nows not the time. You decide, that part for yourself.

That's amazing advice! Thank you! I don't think I'm ready quite yet, but in the future I will, and I'll

Do it like that!:) thank you again so much!

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First off, he sounds adorable! This is the best non- sneezing obs ever!! Secondly, my guess is he is shy, which is cute, but unfortunate in situations like this. If I were you I would bring up what he said at the bus , say you remember it, and you thought it was funny or something like that, just to get him on the topic and see what he does. how was that one and only sneeze? Stifled? Embarrassing for him? (I want to know because this is adorable!)

I wrote an obs about it here : http://www.sneezefetishforum.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=53897

It was embarrassing for him! He wouldn't even look at me for a solid minute after! :o he's really outgoing though when he's talking. Maybe he's just shy about sneezing? Thank you for the advice :) maybe I'll bring up the bus thing. :) I appreciate the advice :)

Mod Note: fixed link.

Edited by PuddinPop
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  • 2 weeks later...

U don't have to tell him about ur fettish now if u r not tgat comfotable around him yet but let him now in an indirect or slight direct ways tghat u find sneezing appealing and that it is okaay if he sneezes when u r around

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If he starts questioning before your comfortable with telling him just tell him your worried. that's it not good for him, make him feel comfortable with it.

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