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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sneezy cold! (self obs)


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The last time I got a cold was what, a year ago? I had a goal of not getting sick at all this year, and about four days away from New Years, I catch this ridiculous cold. At first, it was just a sore throat, tiredness, etc., but yesterday, I've been sneezing so much! They're out of the blue, so I don't even have time to cover up, Haa-eitchooo! It's usually triples. I got bored and decided to count my sneezes, and it totaled up to 53... I haven't sneezed this much in my life!

I just sneezed another triple right now, I need tissues :P

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They're out of the blue, so I don't even have time to cover up, Haa-eitchooo!

Fine by me. Do you hear the exhibitionist in your head telling you to go out and share your sneezes?

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