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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Well hello, there!


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Hi :) well, here I am! I realize this is really late, but I somehow missed this sub-forum. I'm just a typical teenager with typical teenage behavior with a little quirk (Which I'm sure none of you could EVER guess what it is) laugh.png I am totally open to new friends :) (Although I am a little scared of online friends, so maybe only those in my age range right now? Until I feel more comfortable.)

Thanks :)

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Welcome! If I may ask, what do you consider your age range? (Just for further clarification...people have different ideas of ranges.)

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A belated welcome then CrazyCakes! You've probably already seen it, but just in case, here is a link to:

read before posting

If you have any questions not covered by the link, please feel free to ask the staff using the "contact us" feature at the top of the page.

In the meantime, carry on enjoying the forum!


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Hi CrazyCakes! Welcome to the forum! :D

Haha, I also missed this sub-forum. For a loooong time. XD

I'm in your age range... ^^ At least I think so...

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Welcome! If I may ask, what do you consider your age range? (Just for further clarification...people have different ideas of ranges.)

Oh sorry about not being specific! I just meant 13-20 (I don't think anyone on here is under that)

Hi CrazyCakes! Welcome to the forum! biggrin.png

Haha, I also missed this sub-forum. For a loooong time. XD

I'm in your age range... ^^ At least I think so...

lol yes of course! Friends?

And thanks everyone :) I feel very welcomed!

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Welcome! If I may ask, what do you consider your age range? (Just for further clarification...people have different ideas of ranges.)

Oh sorry about not being specific! I just meant 13-20 (I don't think anyone on here is under that)

Hi CrazyCakes! Welcome to the forum! biggrin.png

Haha, I also missed this sub-forum. For a loooong time. XD

I'm in your age range... ^^ At least I think so...

lol yes of course! Friends?

And thanks everyone smile.png I feel very welcomed!

Awesome...I fit, then :)

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  • 3 weeks later...


I must be a bit older for your age range, since I'm 21!!

But welcome all the same! <3 I hope you have a positive experience on the forum!

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