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The Plan (Lizzie McGuire)


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Here's chapter 1! I've never written Lizzie Mcguire before so if you have any tips, comments, suggestions, etc they'd be gladly appreciated. Hope ya like it!


Chapter 1

Lizzie walked home from school with her two best friends Gordo and Miranda. It was a brisk, almost winter day, but the weather was still in the mid-50's so they decided to walk. They were fifteen and in their sophomore year of high school. Well, Lizzie and Gordo were 15, Miranda had turned 16 last month and had gotten her drivers license. It was a Friday afternoon so they were all excited chatting animatedly about plans for the weekend.

"We could go bowling?" Miranda suggested.

"Nah, we did that last week, how about we go roller skating?" Gordo said.

"No, we did that the week before last. How about we hang out at the mall? Maybe see a movie? Oooo!! And we can go ice skating! The ice skating rink just opened up behind the mall and it's supposed to be pretty warm out tomorrow." Lizzie happily suggested.

Gordo and Miranda both agreed excitedly. Miranda said she'd drive and that she'd pick Gordo up first and should be at Lizzie's house by noon. They all split up and walked to their separate houses.

Lizzie walked into her house, went into the kitchen and grabbed a banana to eat. Although, she soon realized she wasn't very hungry and wound up throwing away half of the banana. Seeing the note on the counter that her parents and Matt wouldn't be home until tonight with pizza for dinner, she decided to go upstairs and get some homework out of the way. She started with her math homework, but about halfway through she had a headache and decided to move on to social studies.

HI-HI-HISCHOO! She sneezed and desperately looked around her room for a tissue. She couldn't find one so she went out into the hallway and grabbed a tissue box out of the hall closet to put in her room.


"Ugh" She groaned while blowing her nose. I must be allergic to something in my room. She decided to get out of her room, so she went downstairs and called Miranda.

"Hey Lizzie, what's up?"

"Nothing much, I was doing homework, but I decided to come downstairs for a while. How about you? "

"Nothing really, I was just on myspace..OMG YOU HAVE TO GET ON MYSPACE RIGHT NOW!!"

"What??? Why!?!?!" Lizzie said while pulling up myspace.

"Look on Kate Saunder's wall. Her and her posse are fighting. Apparently Kate spilled her friends secrets to Ethan and Ethan told everybody in the school."

"What! That's horrible!" Lizzie said while scrolling through the posts.

"Yeah, I know, but it's so funny to watch!"


"Bless you Lizzie, you ok?"

"Yeah" Lizzie said while rubbing her still aching head. "I think I'm allergic to something in this house."

"Oh, well, hey I gotta go, my moms calling me down for dinner."

"Ok, bye Miranda see ya tomorrow."


She hung up the phone and went to set the places for dinner. HA-HA- HA-HASCHOO! "ugh what am I allergic to!" She went and sat down on the sofa and clicked on the tv. Clicking through channels she saw that the movie "Mean Girls" was on so she decided to watch that. She started shivering and covered herself up with the blanket, only to go into a coughing fit soon after. She got up and got herself a bottle of water. She sat down and fell asleep ten minutes into the movie. Not even waking up when her parents walked through the door.


End of chapter 1! Sorry it's kind of short! Next chapter I'll put cartoon Lizzie in. Comments, tips, suggestions are gladly appreciated :)

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Great, please continue.

Though I'm curious since Lizzie McGuire show ended Feb 14, 2004 and Mean Girls didn't come out until April 30, 2004... I'm wondering if you think the time frame fits? I mean when the show ended in 2004, the trio would have been Freshman in high school. So... would you say this is like 2005?

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Thanks Artygirl22, DeathNoteOwner, and flowerpower67 !! I didn't know about the bloopers! That's so cool! Also, @ flowerpower67, yes I was thinking this would take place in 2005 since they are sophomores. I'm sorry, I didn't even check the date of the movie. I was just trying to think of an semi-old chick flick. It was between this and the movie "Sleepover" and I went with "Mean girls" . Haha. I need to start checking my facts. Anyways here's part 2! It took longer than expected because I accidentally deleted it halfway through writing -.-. Anything in * is her thoughts btw smile.png


Chapter 2

"Lizzie we're-" She started to say home, but seeing Lizzie was asleep she whispered to her husband, Sam, "Lizzie's asleep on the couch. Look."

"Poor thing must be exhausted from school." Sam said.

Matt, hearing that her sister was asleep on the couch, ran and jumped on top of her to wake her up.It knocked the wind out of Lizzie, who was getting sick and didn't realize it, and she ended up in a coughing fit.

"MATTHEW SHANE MCGUIRE!" Sam and Jo shouted at the same time.

"What! I was just waking up Lizzie for dinner! I would never do anything to hurt my big sister." He said in his best innocent voice and while giving his best angelic facial expression.

"Matt you don't just go and jump on people who are asleep. You could've just shaken her awake." Sam scolded him lightly.

"My way was more fun." He grumbled.

Lizzie who had finally finished coughing, stood up, folding the blanket back, and went to the table to eat. The thought of food wasn't very appealing, but she thought that she better eat so that she wouldn't be hungry later.

"Lizzie you ok? That cough sounded pretty bad? Jo asked her daughter.

"Yeah I'm fine, he just took me by surprise is all. "

They fixed themselves some dinner. Lizzie only took one slice and halfway through she got the extreme urge to sneeze. Her nostrils flared and she suddenly couldn't hold it back much longer. HUH-HUH-HUH-HUSCHOO HSXCHOO HISZXHCHOO! Lizzie's face blushed bright red in embarrassment now that her family was staring at her.

"Bless you...you sure your ok Lizzie." Jo asked as she watched in concern as Lizzie got up and got a tissue to blow her nose.

"Yeah, I'b fide. I'm allergic to sobething in this house. I'bve been sneezing since I got home" Lizzie said a little hoarsely.

Her mom nodded and Lizzie went back to eating. She was full at the end of her first slice. *Maybe I am getting sick, usually I can at least eat two pieces of pizza. I can not let my mom and dad know I'm sick. They'll never let me go out tomorrow if I'm sick!*

-Cartoon Lizzie- "You know what they say, Overprotective parents ruin everything"

"So what are you, Gordo, and Miranda planning on doing tomorrow?" Sam asked his daughter.

"Miranda is picking me up at noon then we are going to the mall. Catch a movie, go ice skating, and start on our Christmas shopping."

"Christmas shopping!?! It's only December 3, why would you do that?" Matt asked.

"Because, unlike SOME people, I don't like waiting until the last second." Lizzie said while glaring at Matt. She's still sort of mad at him for jumping on her. "Mom, dad, may I please be excused? I want to get some more homework done before I go to bed."

"Your excused...You sure you don't want some more pizza? You only ate one slice." Lizzie's mom pointed out.

"I'm not hungry. I ate a big lunch" Lizzie said as she got up and put her dishes in the sink. She went upstair and started reading her book for English class, even though she had to stop to cough and sneeze every once in a while. *My headache is getting worse, I think I'm going to go to bed soon*

After Matt had left to go play video games, Jo decided to talk to Sam about Lizzie.

"Sam, do you think Lizzie's sick? She's acting really weird tonight"

"I don't know know, but I think she would tell us if she felt really bad. Don't you?"

"I don't know she seemed really excited to go off with her friends tomorrow..."

"Here, why don't I do the dishes tonight and you go check on her. Ok?"

"Thank you." Jo said as she gave Sam a kiss on the cheek. She went upstairs to find Lizzie rummaging in the hall closet.

"Looking for something?"

"Oh, um, yeah." Lizzie said turning around. "I was looking for some motrin. My head hurts......from doing my math homework."

"Mhmmm" Jo said as she went over by Lizzie. She grabbed the motrin off of the top self (Lizzie was looking on the 2nd shelf) and dispensed two orange pills into Lizzie's hand.

"Thanks mom, love you" She said and gave her mom a hug.

Noticing the heat radiating through Lizzie's shirt, Jo once again asked if Lizzie was ok. Only to be told that she was fine.

Lizzie quickly headed back to her room and took the motrin. *Phew that was close* Lizzie thought. She went and laid out her outfit for tomorrow, got a shower, and got ready for bed. She glanced at her clock and saw that it was 7:30. Knowing that her family usually watched a movie together at 8:30 on Friday nights and play a board game or two, her mom liked to call it "Family Fun night", she debated on staying up. However, she was exhausted, so she lied down on top of her covers and continued reading in the book they were reading for English class called "Frankenstein". She soon fell into a peaceful slumber.

Sam came up at 8:20 to say that they were going to watch "Elf" to get in the holiday spirit, but saw that Lizzie was already asleep on top of her covers. He lifted up the covers and gently tucked her in. Then, he took her book, placed it on her desk, and gave her a kiss on the forehead. He frowned at the heat coming from her forehead, but just shrugged it off as it being warm upstairs. So he then turned off the lights and headed back downstairs.


Here's chapter 2! Comments, tips, suggestions, as always are appreciated. I think this story will have 4 chapters, or maybe just 3. I'm hoping to upload them all today, but if not the last chapter should be up tomorrow at the latest.

Edited by Seniorstatus14
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Oh, no, you're fine. I just--when I saw Mean Girls, I actually wondered how old that movie was and I started googling stuff and I found the dates don't really sync up. Just thought I'd let you know.

haha!!! you got the cartoon Lizzie in there! Love it!!

Um... Did you know that Hillary Duff is in Cheaper by the Dozen? I just find it weird that they would watch a movie with Hillary/Lizzie in it...?

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Uh yeh it's kinda confusing watching a movie with yourself, don't cha think? xD . I'd suggest for movies just use either Pixar and/or Disney movies as it does not interfere with the reality in some ways. Other than that, it's great ! :) and @flowerpower awesome find ! :)

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Thanks flowerpower67! I'm really spacing out! I completely forgot! I changed the movie to Elf since they are watching the movie in December. And thanks sooo much for the video of her sneezing! That's amazing! I'm shocked at how many of the characters were sneezing when I searched Lizzie Mcguire bloopers xD And thank you to you too DeathNoteOwner! Anyways, here's part 3!


Chapter 3

Around 12am Lizzie woke up sweating and at the same time freezing cold. She went out into the hallway as quietly as she could and grabbed another thick blanket. Then she changed her pajamas and went back to bed. However, she fell into a fitful sleep, full of feverish dreams. She even woke herself up a few times coughing. The sun eventually came up, but she just didn't feel well enough to get out of bed. At 9:30 she realized if she didn't get out of bed soon her mom would come up here worried.

So Lizzie got out of bed and got her clothes on. She walked to the mirror and she was shocked at her reflection. Her face was at least two shades whiter than it normally was, except for her cheeks which were bright red. There were dark circles under her eyes, and here hair was matted to her head.

-Cartoon Lizzie- I LOOK LIKE THE BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN! AHH!! *Cartoon Lizzie is looking at her reflection of a cartoon bride of Frankenstein and then she runs away*

*Oh no! They'll never let me go looking like this!* Lizzie put on a good amount of makeup to hide her paleness, flushed cheeks, and dark circles. Then she brushed her hair and braided it to the side. Looking at her self in the mirror she thought *Looks good enough*. She headed into the kitchen and the overwhelming smell of pancakes, eggs, and bacon hit her. Her stomach flipped and she knew that if she didn't eat anything it would look suspicious.

"Good morning Lizzie! Made ya your favorite, chocolate chip pancakes, eggs with cheese on top, and bacon!" Her dad said.

"Um, thanks!" Lizzie smiled, trying to be enthusiastic. She tried to eat her food, but only made it through 1 pancake, a bite of eggs, and half a strip of bacon. She started coughing awfully hard. Her mom came over and started rubbing her back.

"Sweetie you ok? You don't sound too good." Jo said. Lizzie stopped coughing and Jo put the back of her hand on Lizzie's forehead, Lizzie tried to dodge her hand, but her mom was too fast. "Oh honey, your burning up! Sam go get me the thermometer. Lizzie, why don't you go sit on the couch."

Jo removed her hand and saw that makeup was all over it. "Lizzie?...How much makeup are you wearing?"

"I'm not wearing any makeup." Lizzie tried to say it as innocently as possible, but she wound up coughing halfway through. Just then, her dad came back in with the thermometer, thankfully distracting her mom, but sadly, her mom grabbed the thermometer, and started coming towards her.


"Mom seriously I-" Just then her mom stuck the thermometer under her tongue causing her to gag.

"Close your mouth." Jo said as she pressed the *on* button.

Lizzie just glared at her. Eventually the thermometer beeped. "101.9, that's awfully high for the morning. Looks like you won't be going out with your friends today."

"WHAT!??! But I already told- HSCHOO HSISCHOO HISXCHOO!! - told them that I would!"

"I'm sorry sweetie, but your sick and you can't go out. It'll make you feel worse."

"This stinks."

"Well, why don't you just invite them over here?" Sam said finally putting in his input.

"No, then they might get sick. Lizzie you need to call Miranda and tell her you can't come." Jo said.

Lizzie stood up. "I guess I'll go call Miranda, I'll be back."

"Ok....AND TAKE OFF YOUR MAKEUP PLEASE!" Jo called up after her.

Once in her bedroom she took off her makeup and dialed Miranda's number.

"Hey Lizzie, what's up?"

"I can't go today, I'm so sorry!" Lizzie coughed harshly.

"Yikes, you ok,? If you can't come it's ok, maybe Gordo and I can go over there and keep you company"

"No, I'm sick, and my parents don't want y'all coming over and catching what I have. I'm sorry. Maybe, I'll be well enough tomorrow to go."

"Oh, ok. Well, I'm sorry you can't come. We'll miss you! Feel better, ok?"

"Ok, bye."

Lizzie hung up the phone disappointingly, changes into her warmest pajamas as she has a case of the chills, and then heads downstairs. She plops on the sofa and bundles up under a warm, thick blanket. She flicks through the tv channels until she finds something to watch. Her mom then comes in with some of that nasty, cherry flavored Tylenol cold and flu medicine and makes her take a dose.

"Yuck" Lizzie grimaces as it goes down.

"Sorry honey, but it'll make you feel better."

She takes the medicine and then Jo says, "Matt's over at a friends house, he won't be home until 7pm. Your dad and I are going to the mall in the town over since it's bigger than the one here, then we are going to catch a movie and go grocery shopping. We'll be back around 5, are you ok being home alone? I'll call you every so often to check in on you, however if your asleep it's ok. I'll bring you home your favorite chicken noodle soup from the restaurant down the street. If you feel worse or if you need anything just call and we'll be home as soon as possible, ok? "

"Ok" Lizzie says and pretends to fall asleep as her mom kisses her forehead and her mom and dad leave the house. 10 minutes later when she's sure they are gone she hops up and rushes to her bedroom to call Miranda.


"Miranda, change of plans."


End of chapter 3! Chapter 4 should be the last part and it'll be up soon! Sorry again about the mistake! I fixed it haha! Comments, tips, suggestions are greatly appreciated. Especially if I make a dumb mistake like that! :P

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Ahahaha don't worry, no problem :) no critisism on my side. I love this part <3 . Good job :) can't wait to know what happens next c:

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Thanks you Artygirl22, DeathNoteOwner, and recuchii! Here comes part 4! It should be the end. I wasn't going to update until the morning, but I couldn't sleep so I decided to update now! Haha. :P


Chapter 4

"Change of plans? Lizzie I thought you were sick?"

"I am.. but I really want to go with y'all, my parents just won't let me. It's just a little cold. I'll be fine."

"Well how are you going to go and get back without your parents noticing?"

"Matts at a friends house till 7 and both my parents are gone until 5pm. Well they said 5, but I bet they'll be home at 4:30 to make sure I didn't sneak off. So as long as we're home by 4 I think we'll be fide...find...find....find ugh! FINE"

Miranda burst into giggles at Lizzie's failed attempts to say "fine". "Are you sure you "find"? We can always go another weekend?"

"I'm ok Miranda really, so I'll see you at noon?"


They said their good bye's and hung up. Lizzie re-dressed into her clothes and put on some light makeup. Not as much as last time, but just enough so she didn't look like death warmed over. Then she went downstairs to watch tv, but wound up taking a nap until she heard the phone ringing.

She groaned, "Hello?" She croaked out.

"Oh Lizzie you sound horrible. Are you sure we don't need to come home?"

"Yeah *cough cough* I'b fide."

"Ok, but if you need us to come home just call ok?"


"Good, now take your temperature for me and tell me what it is."

Lizzie stuck the thermometer under her tongue and waited for the beep. She saw that the temperature was 102.3, higher than before. She didn't want her mom to worry and come home early so she said, "101.3"

"Oh good! It's going down! Probably just because of the medicine, but it's good either way. I'll call you back later. Bye honey feel better!"

"Bye." Lizzie hung up and glanced at the clock. 11:55! *Good thing I woke up! I would've missed Gordo and Miranda!* Just then the doorbell rang. They were here. Lizzie quickly grabbed her bag and ran to the door. Gordo had come to the door to get her.

"Hey Gordo" She said in her congested and hoarse voice.

"Hey Lizzie, you sure your up to this?"

"Yeah I'm sure" She said and ran to get into to the car. She fell asleep by time they had gotten to the mall and the next thing she knew Miranda and Gordo were shaking her awake.

"What do you want to do first?" Gordo asked.

"Let's go ice skating before it gets too crowded!" Lizzie said.

Miranda and Gordo shared a worried glance before following Lizzie to the ice skating rink behind the mall. They laced up their skates and started skating around the rink together. The song "White Christmas" was playing and they were having a blast, however at the end of the song, Lizzie started coughing really hard. She reached out for the wall the steady herself, but she couldn't grab it in time and she slipped backwards and fell.

"LIZZIE!" Miranda and Gordo shouted simultaneously as they rushed back to help her.

"I'b fide, I'b fide" She said as they helped her up.

"Of course you are" Miranda said sarcastically.

They skated around for another hour, until Gordo and Miranda could see that Lizzie was getting worse by the minute and decided that it was time to go inside.

"Come on Lizzie! Let's go catch a movie!" Miranda said.

"Fine!" Lizzie said. They took off their skates and went to the theater inside the mall to warm up. They saw "Yours, Mine, and Ours." It was good, but Lizzie's coughing and sneezing was worrying them. They were getting worse by the minute. It was 3:30 when the movie got out so they talked Lizzie into going home early. However, on the way out they saw Lizzie's parents walking out of a store near them.

"HIDE!" Miranda and Gordo said. Lizzie went and hit in "Gymboree" knowing that her parents wouldn't go in there.

"Hi Miranda, hi Gordo, are you guys having fun." Mrs. Mcguire asked them.

"Yeah, we are, we miss Lizzie though, so we're going to go home, and come back next weekend." Miranda answered.

"I know, she's pretty sick. Hopefully she'll be well enough for school Monday."

"Yeah, she sounded awful on the phone this morning. Well, we better get going! See ya later!"


Miranda and Gordo waited until the Mcguire's had turned to corner and walked a ways away before pulling Lizzie out of "Gymboree".

"That was close!" Gordo said.

They quickly hurried to the car before they saw anybody else that they knew. HISCXHOO HSXCHOO HISXCHOO! Lizzie sneezed several times on the way home, much to Gordo's and Miranda's dismay. When they got to Lizzie's house they felt bad leaving her there when she was so sick so they went in with her.

"Guys if my parents find you here they're going to flip."

"No they won't, we'll tell them we stopped by on the way home to see how you were feeling and that we thought you looked like you were horrible and that we didn't feel like we should leave you here alone. They'll be ok with that."

Lizzie thought about it for a moment before saying, "I guess your right."

"Good, now go upstairs, put on your pajamas, and take off your makeup so they won't know that you went out."

Lizzie obliged and when she was done she came downstairs and sat on the sofa. Gordo had found the thermometer sitting on the counter and made Lizzie take her temperature.

"103.2! How on Earth were you able to be out with such a high temperature!"

Lizzie just shrugged and Miranda went to find some medicine. She came back with the Tylenol cold and flu and poured Lizzie a generous dose.

"Gross, I can take it later, when my parents get home."

"Lizzie..." Miranda said warningly.

"Fine....Mother." She said and gulped it down with a grimace.

"Thank you honey" Miranda said while sarcastically.

"Come on let's go watch a movie." Gordo suggested.

"What movie?" Lizzie asked.

"Well, since your sick how about you pick Lizzie." Gordo said.

Lizzie picked "The Princess diaries". Gordo groaned at the chick flick but Lizzie and Miranda giggled and put it on. The trio bundled up under a blanket and soon fell asleep curled up together.

Lizzie's parents came home and found them that way. With "Princess diaries" on the tv and the three of them curled up together on the couch. Jo felt Lizzie's forehead only to still find it burning up. Then, glancing at Miranda and Gordo, she found their cheeks a little flushed. She felt their foreheads and found the two of them a little warm. Not burning up with a high fever, but they were definitely coming down with what Lizzie had.

*They could never do anything by theirselves* Lizzie's mom thought. They always had to be together.


The End!!! I hope y'all liked it! Comments, tips, suggestions are welcome and appreciated as always.

P.S. I actually did my research for this last part! "Yours, Mine, and Ours" came out at the end of November 2005, so it would've been perfect to see the first weekend of December 2005. And "The Princess Diaries" came out in 2001 so it also would've been a good chick flick! :)

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Awesome really :) I like that you did reserch haha , professional are we ?. :) . No critism on my side once again. Just this story is perfection <3

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Lizzie hung up the phone disappointingly, changes into her warmest pajamas as she has a case of the chills, and then heads downstairs. She plops on the sofa and bundles up under a warm, thick blanket. She flicks through the tv channels until she finds something to watch. Her mom then comes in with some of that nasty, cherry flavored Tylenol cold and flu medicine and makes her take a dose.

"Yuck" Lizzie grimaces as it goes down.

"Sorry honey, but it'll make you feel better."

She takes the medicine and then Jo says, "Matt's over at a friends house, he won't be home until 7pm. Your dad and I are going to the mall in the town over since it's bigger than the one here, then we are going to catch a movie and go grocery shopping. We'll be back around 5, are you ok being home alone? I'll call you every so often to check in on you, however if your asleep it's ok. I'll bring you home your favorite chicken noodle soup from the restaurant down the street. If you feel worse or if you need anything just call and we'll be home as soon as possible, ok? "

"Ok" Lizzie says and pretends to fall asleep as her mom kisses her forehead and her mom and dad leave the house. 10 minutes later when she's sure they are gone she hops up and rushes to her bedroom to call Miranda.


"Miranda, change of plans."


The beginning of the paragraph is in the past tense, then you switch into present tense and follow it to the end. I can still follow, but make sure to stay in a tense. Keep it past or keep it present. I suggest keep it past since it's what you've been using.

Good part! Can't wait for more. I love how Lizzie is so in denial. I haven't seen the show in such a long time, I don't know if this state of denial would be part of her character or not.

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Thank you MisterSneeze, DeathNoteOwner, and flowerpower67!!! Thank you for alerting me about my tenses. I do tend to forget to reread carefully when I'm editing. I don't remember too much about Lizzie so I watched a few episodes before writing this since it's been so long. From what I saw, I could see her sneaking out. I think there was even an episode where she snuck out but got caught :P

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P.S. I actually did my research for this last part! "Yours, Mine, and Ours" came out at the end of November 2005, so it would've been perfect to see the first weekend of December 2005. And "The Princess Diaries" came out in 2001 so it also would've been a good chick flick!

haha, I'm glad! cute ending! I really liked it. I just watched High School Musical 3 on the Disney Channel (HSM was my tween years all the way) and I am appalled at what Disney is now showing.. so many ridiculous shows that don't teach good life lessons like Lizzie McGuire did. God, I miss that show, it was soooo good!

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P.S. I actually did my research for this last part! "Yours, Mine, and Ours" came out at the end of November 2005, so it would've been perfect to see the first weekend of December 2005. And "The Princess Diaries" came out in 2001 so it also would've been a good chick flick!

haha, I'm glad! cute ending! I really liked it. I just watched High School Musical 3 on the Disney Channel (HSM was my tween years all the way) and I am appalled at what Disney is now showing.. so many ridiculous shows that don't teach good life lessons like Lizzie McGuire did. God, I miss that show, it was soooo good!

What a coincidence!!! I just watch HSM3 on Disney Channel too. It's so strange watching their "senior year" while I'm in my senior year. I'm usually not super emotional, but the part at the end where they were talking about their futures and then the graduation scene brought tears to my eyes. It was just such a strange thing LOL.

But yeah! I know what you mean. My little brother and I are 10 years apart. So he's in 2nd grade and likes watching Dog with a Blog, Ant Farm Austin & Ally etc. Those shows are horrible when compared to Lizzie McGuire ,Phil of the Future, Kim Possible, etc. The only shows on Disney channel that I'll watch with my little brother are Good Luck Charlie and Jessie and I think the only reason I like "Jessie" is because Debbie Ryan was on "the Suite Life on Deck". Although I hate the show Austin and Ally, Austin is a good singer. Much better than Justin Beiber and that Austin Mahone dude.

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