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Hi! I've been on here for a few months and finally decided to make an account.

So... about me. I'm in 8th grade, play volleyball, and I'm obsessed with Doctor Who at the moment.

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I'm obsessed with Doctor Who at the moment.

To quote the 10th Doctor........"quite right too!"

Anyway, welcome to the forum MoonDuck! It's always good to have new members and I am sure you will enjoy being part of our community!

There will have been changes in the last 7 years, so to enhance your time here, if you could find a few minutes to look at read before posting - it contains lots of information and frequently asked questions that will help you understand how things work on the forum. You will also be able to see which areas you can currently access and which will become available to you when you are "fully validated" a bit further down the line. In that regard, the validation system is explained in how do I get validated?

Of course, if you have any questions that are not covered in the links, feel free to ask the staff using the "contact us" feature.

In the meantime, we look forward to seeing you around and enjoy the forum!


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  • 2 weeks later...

One of the best things about being a Whovian is that, while on the internet, you're always in the company of other Whovians :D

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One of the best things about being a Whovian is that, while on the internet, you're always in the company of other Whovians biggrin.png

Yes :D but irl my friends tell me to stop quoting dw :(

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One of the best things about being a Whovian is that, while on the internet, you're always in the company of other Whovians biggrin.png

Yes biggrin.png but irl my friends tell me to stop quoting dw sadsmiley.gif

...you don't need that kind of negativity in your life. xD

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Hi! I've been on here for a few months and finally decided to make an account.

So... about me. I'm in 8th grade, play volleyball, and I'm obsessed with Doctor Who at the moment.

*sees your location as The Library*

Silence in the Library! :-)

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Hey MoonDuck, I'm new too :) And I love Doctor Who! I can't decide between Ten or Eleven as my favorite, though... :)

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Hey MoonDuck, I'm new too smile.png And I love Doctor Who! I can't decide between Ten or Eleven as my favorite, though... smile.png

Ten is best. For sure :P Got my mom (and brother and dad) to watch, and all my mom talks about is the actors. Keeps saying Tennant's the best actor :D And I think his hair is cooler. It's so fluffyyyyyy

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