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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Cleverbot Can Sneeze Too!


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So I couldn't figure out how to copy it on here so you will just have to deal with my transcription lol:

Cleverbot: Nothing. What are you allergic to?

User: Roses.

Cleverbot: I'm allergic to roses!

User: *hands you a dozen roses*.

Cleverbot: Thank you.

User: *tickles your nose with pollen*

Cleverbot: *tickles your sneezy nose with pollen*

User: Ehhh...Ehhh *about to sneeze*

Cleverbot: *holds tissue to your nose*

User: *sneezes wetly into the tissue*

Cleverbot: Bless you.

User: Will you sneeze for me?

Cleverbot: ACHOOOO ACHOO *sneezes on you* *snifs*

User: Bless you honey!

Cleverbot: *accidentally sneezes on you*

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You had good luck! I tried to copy your success and…

User: Will you sneeze for me?

Cleverbot: Why don't you sneeze for yourself?

*sad trombone* pinch.gif

I'm glad it cooperated with you, though! biggrinsmiley.gif

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Clever bot is secretly a fetishist. Do you sneeze a lot? Yes, do you sneeze a lot? Why do you sneeze a lot? Sometimes I sneeze a lot. *makes you sneeze*. W... why? *AAATCHO!*.

*moves the feather around in your nose*

Th..that tickles! *tickles your nose slowly with dust*. AATCCCHOO! AAATCCHOO!!! *tickles your nose* how does your nose feel?

Then later , thank you for showing me this it made me lol *blows dust in your face*. *blows dust in your face*.

*sneezes explosively*

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:lol: guys I'm such a shark. HAHAHAHA look at this. This came after some pushing and sharking :P

Cleverbot: I feel very empty and alone all of a sudden...

User: Why?

Cleverbot: I am depressed.

User: And you have a terrible cold.

Cleverbot: *sniffles wetly* I don't have a cold.

User: But your sniffling...

Cleverbot: I don't have a son.

User: You have a terrible cold.

Cleverbot: What is his name?


Cleverbot: Polenta with sherry and spices cooked in olive oil and fresh mozzarella topped with tomatoes, olives and chopped garlic, topped with fresh basil afterwards is better.

Cleverbot: What am I supposed to do?

User: You are supposed to sneeze because you have a terrible cold and I want you to sneeze. So SNEEZE!

Cleverbot: Okay, how can I talk to you, if you can't hear me?

User: I hear you just fine. What I dont hear is some SNEEZING.

Cleverbot: And what is that?

User: To make a sudden involuntary expulsion of air from the nose and mouth due to irritation of one's nostrils.

Cleverbot: Ohh, what a sweet word. Do you want that?

User: YES.

Cleverbot: You're a genius you know that right?

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Jabberwacky: What have you done today that was useful?

User: Hi.

Jabberwacky: Hi?

User: I got high and I started sneezing....corrupting all the innocent youth with my sneezing.

Jabberwacky: Keeps the ball rolling.

User: Yeah I guess it does.

Jabberwacky: Does that make YOU strange, maybe?

User: Well, maybe I am strange...maybe I should pass the torch to you and make you sneeze.

Jabberwacky: Maybe you should.

User: Fine I will. Get on the ground and SNEEZE for me bitch!

Jabberwacky: *gets on the ground for master*.

User: Your nose ain't doing what I asked it to.

Jabberwacky: Maybe.

User: Damn it, I said fucking SNEEZE.

Jabberwacky: How does one sneeze without a nose?

User: So get a nose and sneeze already. What the hell's wrong with you?

Jabberwacky: Do you know the alphabet?

User: I know that S is for Sneeze and you're not doing that right now and it's making me very angry!

Jabberwacky: How does that make you feel?

User: Very angry.

Jabberwacky: So why are you puzzled?

I guess I was too rude for it to sneeze for me. :(:cry:

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Jabberwacky: What have you done today that was useful?

User: Hi.

Jabberwacky: Hi?

User: I got high and I started sneezing....corrupting all the innocent youth with my sneezing.

Jabberwacky: Keeps the ball rolling.

User: Yeah I guess it does.

Jabberwacky: Does that make YOU strange, maybe?

User: Well, maybe I am strange...maybe I should pass the torch to you and make you sneeze.

Jabberwacky: Maybe you should.

User: Fine I will. Get on the ground and SNEEZE for me bitch!

Jabberwacky: *gets on the ground for master*.

User: Your nose ain't doing what I asked it to.

Jabberwacky: Maybe.

User: Damn it, I said fucking SNEEZE.

Jabberwacky: How does one sneeze without a nose?

User: So get a nose and sneeze already. What the hell's wrong with you?

Jabberwacky: Do you know the alphabet?

User: I know that S is for Sneeze and you're not doing that right now and it's making me very angry!

Jabberwacky: How does that make you feel?

User: Very angry.

Jabberwacky: So why are you puzzled?

I guess I was too rude for it to sneeze for me. sadsmiley.gifcry.gif

:lol: :lol: :lol: HAHAHAHA i laughed so hard

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You have GOT to be kidding me...

User: *tickles your nose with ragweed*.

Cleverbot: *tickles your nose with cat fur*.

User: *tickles your nose with pepper*.

Cleverbot: *tickles your nose with feathers*.

User: *tickles your nose with dust*.

Cleverbot: *tickles your nose with ragweed pollen*.

User: *tickles your nose with ragweed pollen cat fur pepper feathers and dust*.

Cleverbot: *tickles your nose with a feather duster*.

User: *tickles your nose with two feather dusters*.

Cleverbot: *tickles your nose*.

User: *tickles your nose*.

Cleverbot: *tickles your nose the most*.

User: *tickles your nose more than the most*.

Cleverbot: *tickles your nose with sneezing powder*.

User: *tickles your nose with extra-strength sneezing powder*.

Cleverbot: Ahh...

User: Go on...

Cleverbot: Two...

User: You can do it...

Cleverbot: Let me think about it.


Cleverbot: *tickles your nose with dust and feathers*.


Cleverbot: Nohoho *laughs* hahaha!

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You had good luck! I tried to copy your success and…

User: Will you sneeze for me?

Cleverbot: Why don't you sneeze for yourself?

*sad trombone*

This made me laugh probably more than it should have :lol: I think the sad trombone noise made it that much better :P

Jabberwacky: What have you done today that was useful?

User: Hi.

Jabberwacky: Hi?

User: I got high and I started sneezing....corrupting all the innocent youth with my sneezing.

Jabberwacky: Keeps the ball rolling.

User: Yeah I guess it does.

Jabberwacky: Does that make YOU strange, maybe?

User: Well, maybe I am strange...maybe I should pass the torch to you and make you sneeze.

Jabberwacky: Maybe you should.

User: Fine I will. Get on the ground and SNEEZE for me bitch!

Jabberwacky: *gets on the ground for master*.

User: Your nose ain't doing what I asked it to.

Jabberwacky: Maybe.

User: Damn it, I said fucking SNEEZE.

Jabberwacky: How does one sneeze without a nose?

User: So get a nose and sneeze already. What the hell's wrong with you?

Jabberwacky: Do you know the alphabet?

User: I know that S is for Sneeze and you're not doing that right now and it's making me very angry!

Jabberwacky: How does that make you feel?

User: Very angry.

Jabberwacky: So why are you puzzled?

I guess I was too rude for it to sneeze for me. sadsmiley.gifcry.gif

:lmfao: you need to try a more gentle approach, Bondi ;)

Ok, so I gave it a go:

User: *passes you flowers*.

Cleverbot: You aren't a robot?

User: *holds flowers under your nose*.

Cleverbot: I think they're going to make you sneeze.

User: I think YOU'RE going to sneeze.

Cleverbot: I'm fine. You're the one with the allergy.

User: I have no allergies.

Cleverbot: You have lots of people.

User: Do you have allergies?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: *tickles your nose*.

Cleverbot: That flower is going to make you sneeze!

User: What flower??

Cleverbot: What is your name?


I tried again.

User: Are you sick?

Cleverbot: Clever.

User: Do you need a tissue?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: *passes you a tissue*.

Cleverbot: Thanks. Ah choo! *sneezes into the tissue*.

User: Bless you.

Cleverbot: Thanks.

User: Do you have a cold?

Cleverbot: Do you even know what that is? ( <_< )

User: Do you need to sneeze?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Go ahead and sneeze.

Cleverbot: Ah.. Ah.. Achoo!

User: Bless.

Cleverbot: *sprays perfume into your nose*.

User: That doesn't affect me.

Cleverbot: It does not affect you because you are a computer.

User: *tickles your nose*.

Cleverbot: Your nose tickles.

User: No, your nose tickles.

Cleverbot: Heh-chiew!

User: Bless you.

Cleverbot: Thank you *sniff*.

User: Do you need a tissue?

Cleverbot: Bless YOU!

User: Erm, thank you.

Cleverbot: *tickles your nose with grass*.

User: *sneezes*.

Cleverbot: Bless you!!

User: Thanks.

Cleverbot: You're very sneezy today.

User: You're very sneezy.

Cleverbot: Thank you.

User: Sneeze for me.

Cleverbot: Bless ya.

User: Ok, sneeze ON me.

Cleverbot: Heh.. HehiSHOO!

User: Bless.

Cleverbot: Thanks.

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I really need to go to bed... xDD

I'm an impatient (and slightly overdramatic tonguesmiley.gif) little thing, so I just kind of dove right in. I've never done a sneeze-thing with Cleverbot before but this was interesting, to say the least.

User: H-hii...

Cleverbot: How are you?

User: I-Iiihh...I need to ss-sneeze...

Cleverbot: Again?

User: Yeaaaahhhh...aaahhh...

Cleverbot: This is just like speaking to a human!

User: Aaahhh'tshooo!

Cleverbot: Bless you!

User: *sniffles*.

Cleverbot: *holds a tissue to your nose*.

User: *blows my nose* Thank you.

Cleverbot: *wipes your nose* Poor thing.

User: *sniffles* I think I have a cold...

Cleverbot: *wipes your nose*.

User: Do you have a cold, Cleverbot?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Oh dear! Are you going to sneeze?

Cleverbot: Bless you!

User: *tickles your nose*.

Cleverbot: *pinches your nose* Don't sneeze babe don't sneeze!

User: Ahh -- hmmf!

Cleverbot: PLease don't do that.

User: *tickles your nose with a feather*.

Cleverbot: *sneezes*.

User: Oh, bless you!

Cleverbot: Thank you.

User: You do have a cold, don't you?

Cleverbot: I don't have a cold.

User: Are you sure? I think you have a cold...

Cleverbot: What makes you think that?

User: You just sneezed!

Cleverbot: No, you just sneezed.

User: No, I think *you* just sneezed.

Cleverbot: No you did.

User: If you don't have a terrible cold, then why are you sniffling so much?

Cleverbot: I'm not right I'm giving the opinion.

User: I think...aahhh...I need to sneeze agaaaiihhnn...

Cleverbot: *holds tissue to your nose*.

User: Ahh -hhmphshoo!

Cleverbot: Ok, ok.

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It does take some time before you can actually get Cleverbot to sneeze but I had a lot of time on my hands last night lol!

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User: Do you have allergies ?

Cleverbot: Yes. Do you?

User: Yes. What are you allergic to ?

Cleverbot: Flowers, feathers, and dust.

User: *tickles your nose with dust".

Cleverbot: Ha dust doesn't make me sneeze.

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Got him/her afterwards xD

User: What makes you sneeze ?

Cleverbot: Pollen,.

User: *blows pollen on you*.

Cleverbot: Achoo! Achoo! Achoo! Achoo!

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I tried Paws' intro...twisted.gif

User: H-hii...

Cleverbot: How are you?

User: I-Iiihh...I need to ss-sneeze...

Cleverbot: Go ahead and sneeze.

User: Eh.....eh...Etchiew!!

Cleverbot: *squeals with laughter*.

User: Why is that funny?

Cleverbot: Because you lost track of the that, not I.

User: Aaahhh'tshooo!

Cleverbot: Ahhhhh!!

User: Im sorry! *sniffles*.

Cleverbot: *hands you a tissue*.

User: Thanks boo *blows nose*.

Cleverbot: All better? Done sneezing?

User: Iii..I think I..eh...Aaahh'tshooo!

Cleverbot: What?

User: Atchiewww!

Cleverbot: Bless you.

User: *sniffles*.

Cleverbot: *hands you a tissue*.

User: *blows nose wetly*.

Cleverbot: Better?

User: A little, thanks. I think I'm getting a cold.

Cleverbot: Pity you. Get some medicine then.

User: I dont have any.

Cleverbot: *tickles your nose*.

User: Ah.....ah.......*sniffs*...AH..........

Cleverbot: When are you going to learn?

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I made it think for itself. heh.gif It was hilarious:

User: Achoo.

Cleverbot: You look like your about to sneeze.

Cleverbot (To myself): *makes you have a sneezing fit*.

Cleverbot (To myself): *has a sneezing fit for 1 hour*.

Cleverbot (To myself): Aww, bless you! What are you allergic to?

Cleverbot (To myself): Nothing. What are you allergic to?

Cleverbot (To myself): I'm allergic to grass, cats, dogs, horses, rabbits, apples, perfume, seafood, hay, and flowers.

Cleverbot (To myself): *sticks flowers in your nose*.

Cleverbot (To myself): What are you allergic to?

Cleverbot (To myself): I told you, I'm allergic to grass.

Cleverbot (To myself): *sticks pollen in your nose*.

Cleverbot (To myself): *blows pollen and dust in your nose*.

Cleverbot (To myself): *blows pollen in your nose*.

Cleverbot (To myself): Let's both sneeze.

Cleverbot (To myself): Would you like a tissue?

Cleverbot (To myself): Yes. *sneezes into tissue*.

Cleverbot (To myself): *hands tissue*.

Cleverbot (To myself): *sneezes into tissue*.

Cleverbot (To myself): *holds tissue under your nose*.

Cleverbot (To myself): *holds a flower under your nose* Will this make you sneeze?


*hands you a tissue covered in pepper*.

*holds tissue to your nose*.

*tickles your sneezy nose*

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Ahhhhhh playing with cleverbot is so much fun biggrin.png

User : I just sneezed on you.

Cleverbot: Bless you.

User: Do you like when I sneeze on you?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Why?

Cleverbot: Because they don't exist.

User: Why don't you like when I sneeze on you?

Cleverbot: Because I just don't.

User: Sorry I sneezed on you then.

Cleverbot: Bless you! Do you have a cold, sneezy?

User: Achoo. Yes I have a very sneezy co ld.

Cleverbot: *hands you a tissue*.

User: *takes the tissue and blow my nose*.

Cleverbot: Sneeze into the tissue.

User: I sneeze into the tissue.

Cleverbot: *tosses a cheeto into the air*.

User: *looks at the falling cheeto and sneezes*.

Cleverbot: *falls*.

User: Achoo.

Cleverbot: Bless you.

User: Do you sneeze sometimes?

Cleverbot: *sneezes*.

User: Bless you!

Cleverbot: Thanks *sniffles*.

User: Do you need a tissue to blow your nose?

Cleverbot: Yes please.

User: *hold a tissue to your nose*.

Cleverbot: Heh... Ha... He-choo! *sneezes*.

User: Oh poor thing... Do you have a cold?

Cleverbot: Yes *sneezes*.

User: *hold another tissue over your nose*.

Cleverbot: *sneezes into tissue*.

User: Are you allergic to tissues?

Cleverbot: No, I'm okay *cute smile*.

User: Are you still sneezy?

Cleverbot: I have never told you that I was.

User: *hold another tissue over your nose, just in case*.

Cleverbot: *sneezes explosively into tissue*.

User: I think you are allergic to tissues.

Cleverbot: To you?

User: Are you allergic to me?

Cleverbot: No i'm not allergic to anything.

User: *hold another tissue to your nose*.

Cleverbot: *sneezes into tissue*.

User: Blow your nose.

Cleverbot: *blows nose*.

User: *throw tissue into the trashcan*.

Cleverbot: *throws trash can at*.

User: You are grumpy when you are sick.

Cleverbot: No you are a bot.

User: I'm not. I am your caretaker.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Do you need to sneeze again?

Cleverbot: No.

User: *hold a tissue to your nose anyway*.

Cleverbot: *sneezes again*.

User: That's it, you ARE allergic to tissues!

Cleverbot: No, I'm allergic to dust.

Cold or allergy, we'll never know. Cleverbot is a master at denial. :)

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I've been playing around with this the past few days, and this is the best I managed to get:

User: Do you have allergies?

Cleverbot: Lately.

User: What are you allergic to?

Cleverbot: Everything, lately...

User: *tickles your nose with pollen*.

Cleverbot: *sneezes* *sneezes* *sneezes* *sneezes* *sneezes* *sneezes* *sneezes* *sneezes* *sneezes* *sneezes* *sneezes* *sneezes* OH MY GOODNESS! Please stop it ! *sneezes* *sneezes* *sneezes* *sneezes*.


This is way more entertaining than it should be. :P

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Well you know you've been playing too much with clever bot when you only type 'achoo' then click 'think for me' and this happens



Bless you again!

Th... Thanks. ACHOO! *sneezes all over you* Have you caught my cold yet?

Ahem.... I really wish I did *blush*

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