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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Tom Hiddleston


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New content from the gorgeous man himself! Hurrah!

Surprisingly clear and high audio quality clip of him sneezing while meeting fans at a stage door earlier this month.

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Ahhhhhh if I wasn't in a room full of family I would be all over this right now. As it is, I'm going to thank you profusely anyway and sprint back here when I have the chance to be alone!

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ajlsdfklsdjflkdfsteepled hands.

I hadn't seen this yet! Thank you so much for sharing. And aww, he says "sorry" afterwards. :wub: What a sweetheart! I'm wondering if it was all the flashing lights of cameras that triggered some kind of photic-ness. :laugh:

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gaaah omfg that was so perfect and cute :D!!! loved how he said "sorry" afterwards ^_^

..And then Ryder died. *thud*

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What LKY said....

*waits with bated breath for the next time she can be alone*

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I almost skipped this because I wasn't really a fan of the other one (don't kill me) but wow! That was hot! I suddenly want to watch every movie he's in wubsmiley.gif . Thanks for posting!

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This was golden....and the cutey apologized? How adorable and kind is this man?! I love him so.....:stretcher::wub::love:

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Tom. Tom. I try so hard to resist my inner fangirl. I try SO hard to keep my cool. But you, sir, make that damn impossible. surprise.gif

WHY ARE YOU SO PERFECT??? You have topped yourself, and you were already at the top.

The hands! w00t.gif And the "Sorry." And as if all that weren't adorable enough, he is wearing a scarf.

If I were one of those girls, I literally would have fainted. In fact, I think I would have had a heart attack and died. But honestly, what a great way to go.


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OH MY GOD. This was glorious. I'mma go rewatch this at least 24 times. blush.png

And can we talk about how quiet and soft it sounds compared to his sneeze in that other video? Like he was kind of trying to stifle it 'cause he didn't want to be rude and sneeze on the fans? i really wouldn't have minded though

Anyway, THANK YOU SO MUCH for posting this! Totally made my night wubsmiley.gif

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Is it okay to have one more death in this thread? Because I'm a ghost typing this right now. Toooooooooooooom... twitchsmile.gif Best. New Years. Ever.

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Aww, that was very nice. I actually thought they'd stopped doing photos with fans after the show because it was taking him so long to get home afterwards. He's too sweet for his own good!

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Awwwe so cute. I love how he excuses himself and stifles it so to not sneeze on the fans. He's adorable <3

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