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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Occasional Fetishes


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Has anyone ever thought of the possibility of occasional fetishes?

I can't give a good explanation of what I mean, so let me give an example.

I am not a foot fetishist. Anything but. In fact, feet often creep me out. However, I have had moments where a person's foot was just the most attractive thing ever. Like...to the same magnitude as when someone I fancy sneezes. It was intense and sudden and rather shocking, since feet are typically the furthest thing from my mind when it comes to interests. Yet in that moment, I could totally understand where a foot fetishist would be coming from.

It made me wonder if this was a normal occurrence...where something that rarely piques your interest suddenly becomes attractive.

Has anyone experienced this? Or does anyone have anything to add/correct/change/etc.?

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hmm, yes i see where your coming from. i feel like this has happened to me a few times, but i cant pinpoint an exact moment :/

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Hm... thats quite an interesting point you raised there. Never has anything of that sort happened to myself but I guess could it just be the heat of the moment? Or maybe it's a fetish but on a much lower scale than this one.

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hey, that happened to me once too!! i think it might have been because it sort of related to another fetish i have, so when the two were combined, i just sort of understood it :D

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hey, that happened to me once too!! i think it might have been because it sort of related to another fetish i have, so when the two were combined, i just sort of understood it biggrin.png

You know, now that I think about it, that's a good point. It may have been very loosely connected to my inclination towards tickling...who knows? :)

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I have, a few times, with the "thing" being cigarettes (holding and/or smoking them). Like you with feet, smoking is ordinarily a huge turn-OFF for me, and yet there have been a few times/people where the sight of them with a cigarette just hit me right in the ovaries. Our brains are weird, no? :)

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  • 1 month later...

I have, a few times, with the "thing" being cigarettes (holding and/or smoking them). Like you with feet, smoking is ordinarily a huge turn-OFF for me, and yet there have been a few times/people where the sight of them with a cigarette just hit me right in the ovaries. Our brains are weird, no? smile.png

I know what you mean, if you find a person very attractive everything they do is attractive too and starts a desire within you, i too have found attractive girls smoking a huge turn on but its not every girl, it's just some girls who seem to smoke in a certain seductive way, it's hard to describe really.

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See, that's a different thing to me, the being so attracted to someone that everything about them is attractive. This is more a totally separate thing, almost a mini-fetish, in that sometimes it's the ONLY time I find the person in question attractive.

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I do have a few mini fetishes and as you say if i see a girl doing them its the only time i might find her attractive, it's almost like secret little buttons that when pressed you find it almost impossible to resist and makes me desire the girl thats pressing them. Smoking is one especially if she is wearing a really lovely perfume, another more unusual is a girl ironing, perhaps it's all that heat and steam.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A girl ironing handkerchiefs does it for me, especially if wearing a bandana or handkerchief or one poking out her sleeve.

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  • 4 months later...

I've done this quite a few times. Additionally, sometimes just learning about a new fet and/or kink that a person I'm with, tells me they are in to, it will become a new kink of mine for a while too, even if it's not something that I've ever been into before. (Sometimes, not all of the time LOL)

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Yes, actually. More specifically, there are things I'm really into in fiction/artwork that I think I wouldn't be into in real life.

Usually, I'm not into knifeplay, but I saw a certain fanart picture on tumblr involving swords and being pressed to throats during certain acts and yeah...I found it incredibly arousing. But in real life? I think that's a little TOO much of a lethal aspect for me.

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I feel like if I shared all of the things that I had fetishes/kinks for, you guys might really Really REALLY think I weird. LOL

In addition to sneezing, I've also got a "Star Wars" fetish. Yes, that's right, I said Star Wars! And that's just to name one. Sometimes the weirdest things really get me going.

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I feel like if I shared all of the things that I had fetishes/kinks for, you guys might really Really REALLY think I weird. LOL

In addition to sneezing, I've also got a "Star Wars" fetish. Yes, that's right, I said Star Wars! And that's just to name one. Sometimes the weirdest things really get me going.

Hiya, I for one don't think you're weird at all, everyone is unique, If you like something and it turns you on and you get pleasure from it then go for it x
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Yes, I feel the same when it comes to crying. I'm a very compassionate person, and sometimes when I see a man crying I just want to go hug him and take care of him, meanwhile enjoying it because men crying can be so hot!

It's not as strong as the sneezing fetish though.

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yes i have experienced this too! when i took a ceramics class watching the teacher's hands (albeit she was very attractive) while working on the wheel was an embarrassingly large turn on. I'm pretty sure half my class knew it too.. they would tease me every time she went up to do an instruction.. but no other hands have every really done it for me like that. perhaps its related to the initial attraction. hmm!

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Yes, I feel the same when it comes to crying. I'm a very compassionate person, and sometimes when I see a man crying I just want to go hug him and take care of him, meanwhile enjoying it because men crying can be so hot!

It's not as strong as the sneezing fetish though.

I do too! I'm not always into males crying, and sometimes it weirds me out, but at other times, I just...well...it's...wub.png

I know there are other things that make me feel this way too, but for the life of me, I can't think of a good example...I will get back to y'all right around my time of the month! laughing.gif

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