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Dinner and a Show


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Jack wanted to do something special for his new girlfriend. Jack started dating Brianna two short months ago and they were doing great together. Brianna was beautiful. She had green eyes and shocking red hair. She was a curvy woman and she was smart too. Everything Jack had ever wanted in a woman. Jack was quite handsome too. He had a short goatee and mustache and had medium length brown hair and brown eyes. He wasn’t what you would call “buff” but he was in good shape, but he did have a bit of a pouched out tummy. Jack and Brianna met at a local game store. She was learning to play a board game called Settlers of Catan and Jack was teaching her. Brianna had only gone to that game store because her friend Kristen had dragged her along, but when she saw Jack it was all worth it. She liked him instantly. They played games for four hours at the game store and he left with her number. Two days later he got up the nerve to call her and they have been dating ever since. And today was Valentine’s Day. Jack always told Brianna that he could cook, but had never proved it to her. So tonight, he was going to make his special spicy tuna steak. He knew she liked seafood, so he hoped that this meal would be perfect.

At 6:00 Brianna knocked on the door. She was right on time, as usual. Jack went to answer the door. He was a little sweaty and was wearing a “Kiss the Cook” apron. Brianna read his apron and leaned in and kissed him. “Come on in honey” Jack said. Brianna walked into Jack’s well furnished apartment and sniffed the air. “Mmm, something smells great!” Brianna said, excited about dinner. “What is it?” She asked as she walked over to the couch and made herself comfortable. “It’s a surprise!” He said, walking back to the kitchen to add some more spices to the rub on the tuna steaks. “Something smells very ehh….spicy” Brianna said, her breath hitching and her nose had begun to twitch. “Oh yeah! It’s the rub for the fish. Lots of different kinds of pepper is in it.” He said, as he was getting the tuna ready for the pan. “Smells great.” She said and went to the bathroom to blow her nose. She came out feeling a little better but by now, Jack had started to cook the tuna and the peppery smells became even more present. “ehh…EhhHISHOO!” Brianna sneezed unexpectedly. “Bless you darling!” Jack called out. He secretly loved hearing Brianna sneeze. And he was a lucky man, because even though she had a great immune system according to her, she had allergies for every season of the year. And even better, she didn’t seem to mind all the sneezing. “Thanks. I think all the pe..pepper is getting to me. Ehh….ehhh….HISHHOO!!” She sneezed harshly again. She went back into the bathroom to grab some more tissues. “Bless!” Jack said. Brianna came out of the bathroom again and Jack went over to give her a hug. “Dinner, my lady, is served” Jack said, sweeping his arm across the table. He had set the table with the tuna steaks, rice pilaf, a tossed salad, wine, and two beautiful candles. Brianna smiled and sighed, thinking to herself how amazing this dinner was going to be, if she could get through it without sneezing her head off. Brianna used to be self-conscious of her sneezes, but she knew that Jack really loved her sneezes and he made her feel very special. She sat down and caught a large whiff of the very peppery tuna. “ahh.ehhh…EHIISHOO! EHIISHOO!” She sneezed again. “Will you be okay to eat this honey? I’m so sorry I didn’t realize that it would make you sneeze like this!” Jack was a little worried that she wouldn’t be able to eat anything. “Oh, I’ll be fi..fine honey.” She said. She took a small breath and went to eat a bite. She coughed a little because of the spice but was able eat the tuna with no problems. “It’s really good!” She told him. “It’s just all this spice in the a..air. ehh.. HISIHOO!! ehhHISSOO! Ahh…AHHKKKERCHOOOO!!!!” She sneezed harshly, barely able to cover her mouth before the last sneezed escaped. Jack just sat back and watched her pre-sneeze face turn into a full blown sneeze. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She noticed that he was staring at her, waiting for another sneeze. She smiled at him and started to sniff deeply at the air. The effect was quite quick. “ehh…Ehhhh…EHISHHOO!! HIISHHOO!! Ehh..ahhh.. AHHIISHOOOO!! AHIISHHOO!!” She sneezed loudly and forcefully and didn’t even bother to cover her mouth this time. Jack couldn’t help but moan. “How were th..those sneezes ba..ba…oh I’m gonna sn…sneeze again! HISIIHOOOO!! HIISSHOOO!!” She grabbed the napkin beside her and wiped her nose. “Honey, I did work hard on this meal but I don’t think you can eat any of it. Why don’t we just go out for dinner? We could go grab a pizza or something.” Jack said reaching over and holding her hand. “Are you sure… this meal is re…really good.” Brianna said and took another bite of the fish. “Well, if you are sure you don’t want to go out.” Jack said hesitantly. He got up and turned on the oven fan to try and get some of the spice out of the kitchen. He also opened one of the windows in the kitchen that was above his sink. “Oh thanks honey. That’s much better!” Brianna said. “Oh good.” Jack said and sat down to finish his meal. “So, what do you think of dinner?” Jack asked. “It’s lovely! I had no idea you could cook so well!” Brianna said, she was half way done with her meal. The house was slowly clearing out of the pepper that engulfed it a few minutes ago, but it was still there. “ehh…Oh no, I have to..sn..sneeze again!” Brianna said breathily. Her nose was twitching wildly and her nostrils were flared. “ahhh…EHHH….. AHHIISHOOOO!! AHHIISSHOOOO!!! Ahh..Ahhhh..ahhKKERRCHOOO!!!!” She sneezed loudly. Each sneeze overtook her and caused her head to snap down forcefully. Jack was in sneeze heaven. “Honey, I don’t think I can stand it anymore. I’m so sorry!” Brianna told him sadly. “I was just about to ask if you wanted to go catch a movie” Jack told her. He got up and grabbed some more tissues. “Here honey.” He handed them to her. “Thanks!” She said, blowing her nose softly. They got up and Brianna grabbed her purse. Jack got his keys and turned off the fan, the lights, and shut the window. “Alright, let’s go! I’ll drive I’m worried you might sneeze again and drive off the road.” Jack said laughing. Brianna laughed but was very relieved that he was going to drive. They were almost to the car when Brianna stopped walking. Her mouth was open and her eyes were almost closed. There was a wild tickle in her nose that was too much to ignore. “W..wait h..honey. I have to..to..sn..sneeze! Ahhh….ehhh…EHHIIISHOOOOO!!” Brianna sneezed, the force of the sneeze causing her to bend over at the waist with the force of the sneeze. She wiped her nose again feeling much better. “Ahh.. That was the best sneeze of the night!” Brianna laughed and rushed up to Jack and he put his arm around her. “Glad you are better now love.” He said and kissed her cheek. They got into Jack’s car and drove off to see a movie. Jack was happier than he ever had been. And Brianna, she was very happy to find someone like Jack.

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I really like it ! :) uh could you get Jack to sneeze thank you? I'm more into male sneezes but if you can't , that's cool :) . I'll still read it if it's only Brianna sneezing :)

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I really like it ! smile.png uh could you get Jack to sneeze thank you? I'm more into male sneezes but if you can't , that's cool smile.png . I'll still read it if it's only Brianna sneezing smile.png

Sure thing!! 4.gif biggrinsmiley.gif

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Part II

The Best Man

Jack and Brianna have been together for about eight months. She had met his parents, and he had met her parents. Everyone liked each other and got along well. Brianna had met all of Jack’s friends and they loved her! She had been accepted by his friends and that made her very happy. Two of their friends, Christopher and Ellen, were getting married in two weeks. They had made the announcement about six months ago and everyone was very happy for the two of them. Chris and Ellen had been together for two years and everyone was glad he finally popped the question. Chris had asked Jack to be his best man, and Jack had instantly said yes. Brianna was not asked to be a bridesmaid, but she honestly was happy not to be part of the bridal party. She didn’t quite feel close enough to everyone to be involved in such a grand event. But she was excited to go out and buy a new dress to attend the wedding.

On the day of the wedding, Jack had his tux all neat and pressed. And his shoes were shined so well they were like mirrors. Brianna had on a pale blue dress that came down to her knees and showed off her curves. They were both quite excited to be at the wedding. The wedding was at 3pm on a Sunday, but Jack needed to be there early to help the groom and make sure that he didn’t see Ellen that day until she was at the altar. The wedding went off quite well. They had their dog, Tiberius who was a pug, bring up the rings and it was very cute. The dog was supposed to be taken by Alan, one of the groomsmen, but he forgot that was his part. Some of Chris’s party was still a little drunk from the bachelor party last night. So, against his better judgment, Jack grabbed the dog’s leash and pulled him off to the side. In the audience, Brianna was very worried about this move. She knew that he was allergic to dogs. Chris began to recite his vows, that he had written, but Jack wasn’t paying attention anymore. He was paying attention to the dog that was trying to jump into his arms to be held. Tiberius really liked to be carried like a baby. Finally, after Tiberius barked three times and Chris glared at Jack, Jack picked up Tiberius and he stopped barking. But, there was a whole new problem brewing in Jack’s nose. Jack could feel the allergens invading his nose almost immediately. He sniffled a little trying to be quiet. Brianna wanted to get up and give him a tissue, but she didn’t want to interrupt the ceremony. The more Jack tried to ignore the growing tickle, the stronger it grew. Ellen was now saying her vows. He knew that the ceremony was almost over. But he also knew that the ceremony was being recorded so that Ellen’s grandparents who couldn’t be there could see it. He didn’t want to sneeze on camera. Jack thought to himself “One little sneeze, that’s it, that’s all I need and I’ll be fine.” He allowed himself to focus on that prickling tickle inside his nose. This made the tickle turn into a need to sneeze. “ahh…Hh’gnnxx!” He stifled a sneeze into his shoulder. He had hoped that allowing himself that sneeze would help but it just seemed to make things worse. Now, his nose was starting to run and he needed to sneeze again. “You may now kiss the bride!” The pastor said, and Jack looked up to see his two best friends kiss and the pastor smiled and said “May I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher O’Leary!” The audience stood up and clapped and took pictures of the happy couple. Jack was glad that it was all over with. He was ready to go home. “Ready for the food? I hear they got some great shrimp and pasta!” David, one of the groomsmen asked Jack. The reception! He forgot about the reception! He let the dog down out of his arms and looked down at all the fur the dog had shed all over his beautiful tuxedo. “ehh…AHHKERCHOO!” Jack sneezed unexpectedly. “Bless you dude.” Alan said. “Thanks.” Jack replied and started walking down the aisle. Ellen’s mom herded everyone into the reception hall and made sure that everyone got some food. While in line for food, Jack didn’t want to try and get rid of the dog hair because he didn’t want it to fall into all the delicious food. So he suffered through some more. He had grabbed a napkin before he started through the line, which was lucky because he was going to need it. “HHECHOO!!” He sneezed forcefully, he was barely able to get the napkin to his nose before he sneezed. He managed to get through the line and to his seat without sneezing again but it wasn’t easy. The second that he sat down he allowed himself some release. “ah… HHECHOO!! HHECHOO!! Ehh….HHECHOO!!” He sneezed loudly. Ellen’s mom looked over at him and glared at him. He sniffled and mouthed to her “Sorry!” Somewhere in the background, Jack heard his name and looked up. It was Ellen’s maid of honor saying his name. For a moment, he couldn’t understand why. Then he remembered he had a speech to give. He blew his nose, stood up, and dug into his jacket for his speech. At least that was still there. He began to read his speech. “I have known Chris for most of our lives. We have been though a lot together. C..college days and summer f...f…flings but when Chris introduced Ellen to me I knew that he would be with her a long time. AHh…HHUPPCHOOO!!” He sneezed loudly. “Sorry! Sorry!” He apologized, his face going beet red. He tried to continue but he couldn’t find his place so he decided to skip to the end. He grabbed for his champagne glass and began to read again, “So let us all toast to this b..b..beautiful couple!” He said raising his glass to Chris and Ellen. But his nose wasn’t done making this day difficult. “HHACHHOOOO!!” He sneezed forcefully, and that sneeze was so forceful it made his arm shake and his drink sloshed out of his glass and he saw what happened next in slow motion. His champagne sloshed out and flew across Chris and landed all over Ellen’s beautiful white gown. She gasped and tried to stand up but Chris stopped her and tried to clean her up. Ellen’s mom began shouting “What did you do?!” Not actually mad at Jack but more upset that something had gone wrong. “It’s okay mom, I don’t think it’ll stain!” Ellen called out. Jack felt terrible. He wished that a hole would open up and swallow him. Brianna ran up to the head table and took his hand and dragged him off. She looked at the crowd, who all looked either shocked or bemused at what had happened, and said “I’m going to take away Sneezy here before he does any more damage! Carry on everyone!” She said, trying to laugh. The crowd laughed too and lost interest in Jack. Brianna got him out of the reception hall and began to brush off the dog hairs. This just increased the allergens that was in the air. “H…honey. Thanks for th..th..HHEESHOOOO!! IHSHHOOO!! ISSHOOO!! Ehh…IISHHOOO!!” He sneezed wetly, right on Brianna’s arm! He was so scared of what she was going to do or what she would say. “I’m so sorry!!” Jack managed to stammer. She wiped off her arm, smiled at him, and said “It’s okay. You couldn’t help it. Let’s just get you home.” She said and handed him another napkin. “What about the party?” He asked. “Don’t worry, I’ll go in and tell them that your allergies got the best of you and we need to go home. They will understand” She told him. She kissed his nose and walked off to explain what happened and excuse them from the wedding. Jack felt terrible, partly because he messed up the reception but mostly because of his allergies. His nose was starting to get stuffed up and he needed to sneeze again. He stood still in the exit doorway of the hallway and waited. His mouth was slightly opened and his eyes were almost closed. “ehh…ahhh…EHHSHOOOO!! EHHSOOOO!! EHHSHHOOO!! EHH…EHHSSOOO!!!!” He sneezed in rapid secession. Brianna appeared beside him, grabbed his arm and took him outside. “Everyone says that it’s okay and Ellen’s mom said she was sorry for getting mad at you. Chris said that they can get pictures of you later on. They are fine with us leaving.” Brianna told him as they walked to the car. “Thank god!” He said very relieved. “Let me drive honey.” Brianna said and Jack willingly gave over the keys to his car. “Are you done sneezing yet?” Brianna asked with a smirk on her face. “A..almost! I have to sneeze o..once more but it *sniff* stuck!” He told her once they were in the car. She smiled and leaned over to reach him better. She began to massage the end of his nose. “O..oh almost th..there!” He said breathily. “Ahh..Move honey! I’m gonna ehh…EHHIISSHOOO! HISSHOOO!! Ehh….AHHISSOOOOO!!” He sneezed wetly. Brianna barely managed to move away to avoid him sneezing on her. She was in awe at how this allergy could knock him on his back so hard. His eyes had started to water and he was more congested now. “Why don’t you lay down and sleep? We will be home soon and you can take some meds and take a nap.” Brianna suggested and started up the car. Jack nodded and laid back the seat. “ I lobe you.” He said through a stuffed up nose. She smiled at him and said “I love you too honey.” He nodded at her and promptly fell asleep. They made it home and Jack slept the rest of the day.

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aw... poor jack :)

Maybe split it into more paragraphs? it's easier to read if it's split up, it's just all clumped together

Is there going to be more?

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aw... poor jack smile.png

Maybe split it into more paragraphs? it's easier to read if it's split up, it's just all clumped together

Is there going to be more?

Is there a way to edit that post? If there is I can fix it :) I didn't realize that the formatting I had done did not get transferred over :(

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