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A Cold for My Birthday


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So yesterday was my birthday (YAY!) and I got an icky, rotten cold as a present. Now I feel like this cold has been coming on for a week or so. My friend was sick, and I thought I was getting it then, but my sore throat disappeared after a day. Then I got the same sore throat a few days ago, but it was supppper mild. Like, barely even noticeable. PAUSE: JUST SNEEZED ALLLL OVER MY COMPUTER AND HANDSwho-let-rip-smiley.png continue.....

So 2 nights ago I was cleaning my room and I start sneezing A LOT. They were itchy and wet and felt like my allergies acting up. (I'm allergic to dust) Really sudden too, like -"HEHISHOOO! ISHOO! ISHOOO!" I probably sneezed 20 times or more...so I took my allergy meds and went to bed

Fast forward to my Bday!: I woke up all happy but kinda had a sore throat and runny nose. I figured it was because of the allergy attack the night before. WRONG. Anywayssssssss My best friend and I went to get massages. So we get there an everything is going good, then we turn over on our stomachs so they can massage our backs, and we put our faces in the holes in the table. So OF COURSE my nose starts running like crazy. Soon I'm sniffling every few seconds to keep it from dripping all over. THEN my nose starts itching like mad. wackosmiley.gif I can't squash my nose like I usually do to suppress the sneezes or stifle so basically I'm screwed. "hehSHOO! ISHOOO! HEISHOOO! eh-ISHOO!" Ugg I was blushing so bad I'm sure of it. My friend was giggling and I kept mumbling sorry and sniffing. There was spray and goop all over the floor. I was MORTIFIED to say the least. So the rest of the day was fun and regular. At night my runny nose got bad and it finally occurred to me that I could be getting sick.

This morning I woke up COMPLETELY bugged up with yellow mucus (ICKyucky.gif ) sore throat, swollen nodes, sneezing, coughing, the whole nine yards.It feels like there is crazy thick slime in my nose. For some reason I still went out with a friend this morning for a few hours to get food and shop. PAUSE: JUST SNEEZED A QUAD ALL OVER EVERYTHING AGAIN continue.... The whole time I was just miserable lol. I got home and got straight in my bed and now I'm pretty much the same except I've got a bit of a temp. (99.9/100.1).

So YEP. I'm sick for New years...YAY mesad2.gif

Ps sorry if these were lame obs I try...

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Aww u poor thing..and btw happy belated birthdau. I hope u feel better soon. Just take it easy, and rest up ok? :hug: I'm sorry you'll be sick for the new year but i hope u can enjoy it still.

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Aww u poor thing..and btw happy belated birthdau. I hope u feel better soon. Just take it easy, and rest up ok? hug.gif I'm sorry you'll be sick for the new year but i hope u can enjoy it still.

Aw thank you! You're so sweetsweatdrop.gif

Hopefully I can fall asleep soon with these sniffles and be a bit better tomorrow! I will update:)

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Anytime. ^_^ do u drink tea? Tea can become ur best friend in times of a cold. I know green tea is very good for u and chamomile tea relaxes you. Peppermint is great too. Feel better. :heart:

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Anytime. happy.png do u drink tea? Tea can become ur best friend in times of a cold. I know green tea is very good for u and chamomile tea relaxes you. Peppermint is great too. Feel better. heart.gif

I will be sure to try it!! thanks so much :)

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I wish I was there to comfort and take care of you, and bring you tomato soup and crackers and tissues of course

Awww, me too haha! that sounds amazing :)
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I wish I was there to comfort and take care of you, and bring you tomato soup and crackers and tissues of course


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