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How Often Do You Visit the Forum?


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Just curious... how often do people visit this forum? Every day? Other day? Week? multiple times a day? Whenever I'm on my laptop, I just kind of open this window and leave it in the background, checking it every so often.

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Usually multiple times a day, whenever I'm not doing anything else. But, since I feel uncomfortable visiting unless I feel reasonably certain that no one will ask me what I'm looking at, I usually don't visit at all when spending the day with friends.

Also, I like this question. I'm looking forward to seeing what others have to say, and how what they say compared with the perceptions I have of them. </stats!geek>

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I come on virtually every day (unless I have no access to WiFi).

I tend to check the forum several times a day from my phone. You'll know if I'm on my laptop because I'm usually in chat :P

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Whenever I'm on my laptop, I just kind of open this window and leave it in the background, checking it every so often.

^ this

So yes, aside from holidays, pretty much every day

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Once in the morning and once in the evening, usually. If there is an interesting discussion going on in a thread somewhere, I'll probably log on more times in a day, just to check if that thread has been updated. :P

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Whenever I'm on my laptop, I just kind of open this window and leave it in the background, checking it every so often.

^ this

So yes, aside from holidays, pretty much every day

Seconded. Or is that thirded?

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Every day, sometimes several times if there's a topic that I'm particularly interested in. I usually check my favourite subforums (general discussion, obs, fanfiction and drabbles), then I re-read loads of stories and when I'm done I check for new topics again. But most of the time I don't even log in, partly because I always use Private Mode and am too lazy to log in manually, and mostly because I never really know what to say and I don't wanna annoy anyone blush.png

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pretty much every day, multiple times a day---unless I'm out doing errands or something, then technology kind of slips through my hands. But I only check if I'm alone.

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Waaaaay more than I really should. You know how some people are obsessed with facebook and check it almost constantly? Yeah, that's me with this place. :lol:

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Every day...unless im going out. I have no life....:sweatdrop:

Edited by Artygirl22
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I go on pretty much every day, whenever I have some down time. There are some times when I won't go on for like a week at a time though (dark times...we don't speak of them ;))

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I try to check at least once daily (usually in the morning), though I do sometimes end up coming on multiple times throughout the day. Sometimes I'll slip into this mode where I won't check it at all, and other times I'll be spending hours on here. It all depends on my mood, I think. :P

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About everyday, I have a very empty schedule so what better way to spend my time then being on here? Lets just say its my guilty pleasure *winkity wink* plus I have no life...at all...kinda sad actually...haha ;)

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I check this place daily, but most of the times i'm just too frightened to post anything, so i just kinda check and leave...

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What I'm into kind of swings back and forth sometimes, so if I'm currently in a 'sneezy swing,' then multiple times a day. Especially if there are interesting topics or cool people around, which is almost always. If I'm into something else or just obsessed with something other than the internet for a while, then I can go for weeks without coming on.

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Too much tonguesmiley.gif, but it would be different if I actually come on here to post things instead of just checking around to find nothing's changed since I last looked.

Edited by Mercury
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I've picked up the habit of keeping myself logged about all day on the background, and once in a while check it. I suppose I *could* get a life but... Meh, too much effort.

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