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SPN Drabble Thread


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I've finally decided to venture into the world of drabbles and start a drabble thread!

This is the prompts list I'm going to be using (it's kinda long):

1. Dangerous Games 2. Mission 3. Midnight Whispers 4. Invitation from Hell

5. Attack 6. Raising Hell 7. Beauty 8. Stargazing 9. Soft Hair 10. Sacrifice

11. It's just love, right? 12. Shooting Star 13. Making History 14. Rhythm

15. The Scent of Blood 16. Dreaming 17. Dawn 18. Proof of Existence

19. Interlude 20. First Impressions 21. Consciousness 22. Tactics

23. Sympathy 24. Inside Your Heart 25. Christmas Eve 26. Legends 27. Ties

28. Communication Breakdown 29. Birthday 30. Children Laughing

31. With Only My Words 32. Cry Out 33. New Hope 34. Stardust 35. Pressure

36. Doll Eyes 37. We're OK 38. Hourglass 39. Soldier 40. Smoke

41. Good Luck, Goodbye 42. Pain 43. Clockwork 44. Distant Past 45. Duel

46. Secret Ambitions 47. Memorial 48. Flying 49. With Only That, I'm Happy

50. Curtain 51. Melting 52. Harmony 53. Light and Dark

54. What are you looking for? 55. Smile 56. Adolescence 57. Swimming

58. Irritation 59. Messenger 60. Final Fight 61. Holy Night 62. Riot

63. Wild 64. Invitation 65. Truth 66. Power Games 67. Uncertainty

68. Impatience 69. Eternity 70. The Labyrinth of the Mind 71. Circus

72. Abandoned 73. Rush 74. Peace 75. Stratosphere 76. Wind

77. The Smell of Summer 78. Dusk 79. Decision 80. Waltz 81. Strategy

82. Blackout 83. Battlefield 84. Fateful Encounter 85. Arrival 86. Secret

87. Journey 88. Reflection 89. The Future 90. Friendship 91. Purity 92. Joy

93. Shining 94. Touched Heartstrings 95. Desire 96. Marionette 97. Grasp

98. We'll Cross That Bridge Someday 99. I Don't Like Fairy Tales 100. Requiem

101. Softly 102. Expert 103. Break Out 104. Clown 105. The Last Day 106. Perplexed

107. Not Crying Yet 108. What Everyone's Thinking 109. Invasion 110. Memory

111. Sorrow 112. Violence 113. Relaxed 114. Time Goes On 115. Knock at the Door

116. Reversal 117. Target 118. Speed 119. Mediator 120. Mission Accomplished

Hopefully I'll manage to get through all 120!! tonguesmiley.gif

So these are the first two I've written! I probably won't stick to 100 words, but these ones worked well with that word limit.

Also, thank you to Puddin for being an awesome beta reader!! hug.gif

There will be more soon!

77 - The Smell of Summer

Word count: 100

Sam had always adored the myriad of scents that Summer brought with it.

There were the soft, enticing ones; mown grass, vanilla ice cream, sun-warm sand.

And then there were the vivid, intense ones; sea air, Summer rain, technicolour flowers.

It was the perfect season in his opinion. Always had been; always would be.

Knowing that it was just around the corner kept him going through the dark, bitter Winter.

Sam loved Summer, and its heavenly maelstrom of sensory bliss would never fail to lift his mood.

It was just a shame that his sinuses didn’t agree with him.


9 - Soft Hair

Word count: 100

He had to admit, despite all the complaining, Dean would be heartbroken if Sam ever cut his hair.

After a long, difficult hunt, he found it relaxed him to just sit and run his fingers through his brother’s dark, soft hair.

Sometimes, though, it could be bloody irritating.

Dean reached up and tried to brush the stray locks away, screwing up his face against the insistent urge that the fine hairs had ignited.


Sam shifted drowsily, tightening his hold around Dean.

Dammit, not again-


“Dean? You gettin’ sick or somethin’?” Sam’s impossibly sleepy voice slurred.

“Just shuddup, Sabby”.

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Where to you all take your prompts list? I'd love to do the same! I always start those monster fics that I can never finish...

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Okay, I was going to wait to post this one, but I just finished editing it and I'm impatient. tonguesmiley.gif

And thank you for the comments, guys, they mean a lot! hug.gif

NorthernLady - I'm not sure where everyone else gets the prompt lists (I've seen a lot of people using the same list, so I wanted to use a different one), but the one I'm using was sent to me by a friend who is also an author that I know through her writing courses. She sends me things like prompts and writing exercises a lot, and I just decided that I liked this list! Not sure she intended it for what I'm using it for though whistling.gif

(I should also say that the thing Cas is reading at the beginning I did not write, I borrowed it from Hans Christian Anderson tonguesmiley.gif)

99 - I Don't Like Fairy Tales

Word count: 241

“-and if the wind caught her long silvery white veil and anyone saw it, they thought it was a swan lifting its wings-”

Dean groaned and pulled the blanket further over his head.


The steady flow of words stopped abruptly.

“Yes Dean?”

“Just s-stobp r-reahhh-dig-hheh’hhrSHHhhh!-Ugh. Stobp readig the dabb fairytales”.

He reached out a hand to fumble for the tissues, eventually locating them and dragging the box under the bedding with him.

Castiel frowned at the Dean-sized lump in the duvet.

“But Dean, it’s the custom among humans to read to each other when they are sick” he said bemusedly.

Dean snuffled and groaned again, fighting his way out of the blanket and facing Castiel.

“Yeah, Cas, add it’s also the customb to let the sick persod sleebp” he mumbled hoarsely.

“I don’t understand-” Dean shook his head to quieten him quickly.

“Just let b-bme-hhheh’hhrttSHHuuh!-let bme sleebp, Cas”.

Thankfully he nodded, and Dean curled up again with a bit of a shiver, eyes drifting closed exhaustedly.

However, they snapped back open again as he felt a sudden warmth wrapping itself around his shoulders.

“Cas? What are you doig?”

“Keeping you warm. That is the custom when someone is sick”.

Dean considered kicking him out, but then again he was cold, and it was sort of comforting having Castiel there.

So instead he settled down with a sigh, hoping (perhaps futilely) that the angel would allow him to get some rest.

Edited by MaiMai
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All three of these drabbles are perfection <3<3 the 1st Dean one though :3 . And how cute Castiel is trying to comfort Dean awe. Yeh I'd like to read more :)

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I have a few more! ^_^

106 - Perplexed

Word count: 206


The first time it had happened, Dean had been hard-pressed to suppress a chuckle. Even Sam couldn’t resist a bit of a smile.

You could plunge a knife into his back and he wouldn’t even flinch. But give Castiel a simple sneeze, and he jumped as though he had been electrocuted.

He glanced sharply around for a few moments as if wondering whether the sound had originated from him, and then turned to Dean with wide, shocked eyes.

“What…what was that?”

He swallowed a laugh at Castiel’s expression, shoulders shaking slightly as he struggled to contain his amusement. Sam gave him a look, but had to bite his lip to keep from smirking.

“That was a, um, a sneeze. It’s normal; humans do it all the time” Dean explained matter-of-factly.

“A…sneeze?” Castiel repeated questioningly, looking bemused.

“ihh’sshYUUUuuu! hiih-hih’iihisSHUUuu!”

The angel jumped a mile once again, swinging round as though he expected to find the invader behind him. When he didn’t Castiel glanced warily at the two brothers, expression bordering on suspicion, as though it had been them that had caused it.

This time it was too much for Dean, and he was forced to sprint from the room, unable to restrain his mirth any longer.

49 - With Only That, I'm Happy

Word count: 100

“Dean! You’ve got less than thirty hours to live and you want to do this now?! We should be focusing on more important things! Like saving you!”

“C’mon, Sammy. I’m goin’ to hell; I should be allowed one last bit of fun”.

“Fine. I’m d­uhhh-doing ihhh-it-iiehh’sshCHhIEEeewwshh! hheh’tthhiSHIEWWww!- *sniff*-happy dnow?”

“What in the hell are you two idjits doin’?”

“Uh, nothin’, Bobby”.


“Right…well, we should be getting’ on the road soon if we want t’ have a chance at killin’ Lillith”.

“We’ll be out in a minute, Bobby”.

“I hate you, Deand”.

“Nah, you don’t”.



“I’m happy now”.

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Awwwe cute. Castiel is just the definition of adorable ! <3 really Cas :3 . Awie. And the second Drabble I love too <3

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Sorry for the delay with this one! I'm glad you're enjoying them, guys! :D

22 - Tactics

Word count: 288

“Sammby, I told you, we dod’t dneed to stobp for tissues. I’mb fidne” Dean muttered frustratedly, scrubbing at his nose in direct contradiction to his words.

Sam sighed and rolled his eyes. Of course, he shouldn’t have expected it to be easy. He glanced across at his increasingly obviously sick brother, trying to think of a way to convince him. Then inspiration struck.

“I was just going to pick some up for myself; my allergies are starting to act up again” Sam said, sniffing towards the end of the sentence as if in irritation. It wasn’t entirely untrue. He’d been a little bit sniffly for the last few days, though he had a suspicion that it had more to do with Dean’s sloppiness when he was sick than allergies.

Dean nodded, though he still looked a little sceptical.

As he opened the car door Sam surreptitiously sneaked a glance at the glaring midsummer sun. If he was going to fool his brother, then he would have to do things properly.

“hheh’ttshiiEEEWww!-hhh’iihSHIEWWww! ehh-hehh’sshccCHEWWwwshh!”

“Jeez, you wered’t kiddig about that, were you?”

Sam smirked internally, mumbling something vague in consent before slamming the door shut behind him. He looked back as he walked away, watching Dean snapping forward with what was clearly a sneeze.

Minutes later he returned, several boxes of tissues in his arms.


“Bless you”.

Dean froze, not having noticed Sam rejoining him in the Impala.

Sam knew he was expecting him to say something, but he kept quiet.

After about an hour, and several rounds of painfully stifled sneezes from Dean, he finally leant over to Sam and asked.

“Hey, umb, you wouldd’t bmind if I stole sombe of those tissues, would you?”

“Not at all”.

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Awwwww this one is lovely. So adorable - the idea of having to conspire to look after Dean. And deliberately inducing photic sneezes: hot!

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Eee, I've been meaning to comment of these for a while now!

I love these so so much! MaiMai, your writing is so fluffy and wonderful ^_^

I love "I Don't Like Fairytales" and "Perplexed" but they're all so awesome!!

Can't wait to see more! :heart:

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Wowie is Dean cute or what?. And Sam you clever one blaming photic powers(powers? Haha) on allergies :P that was great . :) stubborn Dean.

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Just want to say thank you to everyone who's reading/commenting! Your feedback means a lot hug.gif

I'm really enjoying writing these, so I'm glad other people are enjoying them too! :D

58 - Irritation

Word count: 132

“uuhh’ttSHUUuhhh! hhr’yyYSHHHhhuhh!”

Sam clenched his fists, glancing up frustratedly.

“Dean! I get it, you’re bored, but would you stop?!”

“I can’t help it if I need to sneeze, Sammy” Dean replied. His expression was the picture of innocence, though his eyes sparkled with devilish amusement.

“Look, I know you’re faking it just to annoy me. So would you stop and let me get on with this?” Sam snapped back, gesturing to the heavy volume that lay open before him. Dean opened his mouth to retort, but closed it again and held up his hands in mock surrender at a spectacular bitch-glare from his brother.


“hhuh-hehh’hrsHhhhhh! uHhh’tHhhshhhhhhuh! hhHh’tssHHhhhhhhhuhh!”

Sam tore his gaze exasperatedly away from the text.

“Dean, I swear, if you start that up again-”



“That wasn’t fake…”


108 - What Everyone's Thinking

Word count: 154

Sam and Bobby exchanged an unconvinced glance as Dean pressed on with his plan.

“-so thedn we get id there add kill those sods-a’-bitches-”

“Dean, are you sure you’re in a condition to be hunting?” Sam cut him off. Dean huffed exasperatedly and folded his arms.

“Yes Sammby, I’m perfectly fidne to huuhhh­-hudt-hHuh’hrttTCHSHHhhh!”

Bobby raised his eyebrows.

“Yeah, y’ sure sound ‘perfectly fine’”.

The elder Winchester glared daggers at him. It was less than threatening, though, with the pathetic little sniffles that escaped from him every few seconds.

“Are you sure you wouldn’t rather wait this one out?”

Dean scowled, muffling a spate of coughing into an elbow.

“Fidne. But if you two dneed bagck up, you call bme. Deal?”

The other two hunters nodded earnestly and he stalked off, snuffling congestedly.

“Like hell we will” Bobby muttered darkly under his breath as he and Sam loaded their weapons and prepared to venture out.

Edited by MaiMai
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Yeeees I love those drabbles :) . I like how cute the first one is. And how stubborn dean can be.

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Mai Mai, I'm sure glad I found this place haha...! You're an amazing writer and I have a feeling you could achieve your goal of 120 prompts, which is insane, but in an awesome way! ;) I was just wondering... um... you don't happen to take requests? Such as a sick Sammy with a worried Dean taking care of him? <3 Everything you've written so far was adorable and soo hot! Thank you for that!

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Mai Mai, I'm sure glad I found this place haha...! You're an amazing writer and I have a feeling you could achieve your goal of 120 prompts, which is insane, but in an awesome way! ;) I was just wondering... um... you don't happen to take requests? Such as a sick Sammy with a worried Dean taking care of him? <3 Everything you've written so far was adorable and soo hot! Thank you for that!

Aww thank you! I'm glad you like them!! (I will be updating soon, just got back to school and everything's pretty busy) I am more than willing to take requests - in fact, I'd be delighted to! :D

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I've finally gotten round to updating. :P Sorry for the wait!!

68 - Impatience

Word count: 139

“This is the duhhh-dumbest thing e-ever”.

“Dean, if you just be patient, it’ll happen on its own”. Dean glowered at Sam, sniffling and scowling irritably.

“I’m fed up of being p­uuhhhhh-patient”.

Sam rolled his eyes exasperatedly.

“Just look at a light or somethin’”. Dean complied, gazing up at the bright light above them. He blinked and snuffled a few times, then shook his head.


“Really? It always works for me”.

“Some people h-have it eehhh-easy” Dean muttered darkly.

With a sigh Sam returned to his laptop, tapping away at the keyboard. Dean was silent for so long that he forgot all about his brother’s current predicament.


Sam jumped, almost sending his laptop crashing to the floor.

“Dammit, Dean! You could have given me some warning!” he reprimanded him indignantly. Dean chuckled.

“Nah. That would ruin the surprise”.

64 - Invitation (Sick Sammy and worried/protective Dean - hope it's okay, Sophie<3 ^_^ )

Word count: 374

“Sammy? You alright?”

Sam almost cried at the sound of Dean’s voice. That was the sixth time he had pulled him back from the brink of sleep to ask that one question.

He opened his eyes blearily to find Dean watching him sympathetically. The amount of concern that weighed heavily in his expression almost broke Sam’s heart, and he couldn’t bring himself to yell at him.

“I’mb fide, Deadn. Just dneed to sleebp” he murmured hoarsely. Dean nodded and Sam closed his eyes again with a congested sigh.

A moment passed in silence, broken only by Sam’s snuffly breathing. And then-

“You sure you don’ want any more tea? Or meds?”

“I just wadt to sleebp” the younger Winchester repeated frustratedly.

There was silence again, for so long this time that Sam thought Dean might actually let him get to sleep.

But then a cool hand rested against his forehead, and Sam’s eyes snapped back open.



“If you dod’t bmove right dow I’b goig to sdeeze od you”.

Dean backed away quickly, gazing at Sam in horror.

“You wouldn’t”.

It wasn’t an empty threat, though. As if to demonstrate his point, Sam muffled a series of damp sneezes into a corner of the blanket.

“eeehh-ihhHSHEEeeWWww! hh-hEeh’ssSHIEWWwwssh! hehh’iisSHEHhhhshhh!”

“Bless y’. Weren’t kiddin’, were ya?” Sam fixed him with a tired glare.

“Dno. Cad I get sobe sleebp dow, please?” Dean nodded a little guiltily.

Sam tried to get to sleep, but knowing that Dean was sat there fretting about him kept him awake.

“Deadn, would it bmake you happier if you got id with bme?” Sam knew that he liked to be as close as possible to him when he was sick. It was some kind of protection thing for him. Dean hesitated and then nodded, glancing at him anxiously.

“Okay, get id. But probise you’ll let bme sleebp”.

“Promise” Dean conceded, climbing in with Sam and wrapping his arms around his shoulders protectively.

Sam had to admit that the familiar, comforting embrace was soothing. Soon he was half-asleep in his brother’s arms.

“Sleep well, Sammy”.


“Sam? You okay?”


“UGH! Man, that was gross!”

“Told you I would. Dnow shut ub if you dod’t wadt it to happed agaid”.

“Okay, okay”.

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“If you dod’t bmove right dow I’b goig to sdeeze od you”.

Dean backed away quickly, gazing at Sam in horror.

“You wouldn’t”.

It wasn’t an empty threat, though. As if to demonstrate his point, Sam muffled a series of damp sneezes into a corner of the blanket.

“eeehh-ihhHSHEEeeWWww! hh-hEeh’ssSHIEWWwwssh! hehh’iisSHEHhhhshhh!”

“Bless y’. Weren’t kiddin’, were ya?” Sam fixed him with a tired glare.

“Dno. Cad I get sobe sleebp dow, please?” Dean nodded a little guiltily.

That was so wow. Almost sneezed on his brother. contagion contagion <3 when people sneeze on eachother. <3 just wow.

Sam had to admit that the familiar, comforting embrace was soothing. Soon he was half-asleep in his brother’s arms.

“Sleep well, Sammy”.


“Sam? You okay?”


“UGH! Man, that was gross!”

“Told you I would. Dnow shut ub if you dod’t wadt it to happed agaid”.

“Okay, okay”.

Hahaha poor dean. "Ugh! Man, that was gross!". Hahaha that made me laugh.

Sam rolled his eyes exasperatedly.

“Just look at a light or somethin’”. Dean complied, gazing up at the bright light above them. He blinked and snuffled a few times, then shook his head.


“Really? It always works for me”.

“Some people h-have it eehhh-easy” Dean muttered darkly.

Awwwwwwe Dean seems so vunurable ! :) <3

With a sigh Sam returned to his laptop, tapping away at the keyboard. Dean was silent for so long that he forgot all about his brother’s current predicament.


Sam jumped, almost sending his laptop crashing to the floor.

“Dammit, Dean! You could have given me some warning!” he reprimanded him indignantly. Dean chuckled.

“Nah. That would ruin the surprise”.

Hahahah that made me laugh to. ALL in all these are amazing drabbles yes. Perfection both <3
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Aww, thank you for all the comments and feedback everyone! :hug:

Hopefully I'll have time later to post some more, but I'll leave you with this for now ^_^

25 - Christmas Eve

Word count: 205

“You got a Christmas tree and everything?” Sam asked with a laugh.

“Gotta do it properly, Sammy” Dean replied with a grin, arranging the boughs.

It was a small tree, but it was more than they usually had. Hell, they’d hardly had anything resembling a Christmas in years.

Dean stood back to admire his work.

“So, what d’you think?”

“- ngkt!”


Realising that his brother was addressing him Sam looked up quickly.

“Great” he smiled, before turning away in the hopes of hiding another quick flurry of sneezing from Dean. The last slipped out only partially stifled, almost bending him double with a harsh “hheh’CHHSHhh!”

“Bless y’. You okay?” Dean asked with a frown. Then he glanced to the tree and back to his brother again, sighing.

“Oh God, Sammy, I’m so sorry. I forgot…” Sam shook his head quickly to silence him.

“It’s f-fine. Not your f-fault-hiih’YISHHHshheeww! eEhhh’tthssSHEEWww!”

Dean sighed.

“Guess I’d better take this back out, then” he said, sounding slightly dejected. Sam reached out a hand to stop him before he could move towards the tree.

“Dno…leave it” he insisted congestedly. Dean smiled and raised his eyebrows.

“You’re an idiot. Allergy meds?”

“Allergy bmeds” Sam agreed, sniffling and returning the smile.

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MaiMai...!! I officially love you for "Impatience"! (But also in general!^^) *tight hug* It turned out even better than I imagined! Loved it! I'm actually not in school today, because I'm sick and feel horrible. Well, finding your drabble made my day a lot better! (Also the fact that Sammy is suffering with me.. haha)

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