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A little Awkward RPG experience and a question...


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Hey! I'm an avid roleplayer in real life and I've had a little weird experience yesterday.

We were having our general adventure which spanned a few session already. My GM who is not aware of my fetish(es) in real life hit me with an illness which gave my character fever (and necrotizing skin) In real life, I really like reading stories with sick, weak and feverish people so it basically confronted me with one of my fetish in RPG life.

Not sure how I felt about it yet. It was awkward, probably more for me than the others. I mean, we're used to stay in character when we talk and kind of mime whatever happens in game. Contrarely to real life, I went directly to our physician (who in real life is cuuuute and single) and I proceeded to say 'Hurting... bad..... ' I guess the best 'fevered talk ' I could manage at the moment while flushing. Even joked about the strength of subconscious mind to cover my reaction... saying that just thinking about being feverish actually made me kind of feel hot. Hehe... he.... hum....

Luckily the experience concluded with a few more dice throw and my illness resolving.

But the awkwardness is still there. I mean, the experience of roleplaying something that hum... push my buttons the right way with people who don't know of my particular buttons... that was something. I guess it gave me a little rush too. Awkward and Exciting at the same time.

So my question... have any of you been forced to confront your fetish(es) in a RPG? How did you react? Did you evade? Were you completely fine?

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I role play about it with my sister all the time since we were little, so I like it when it is with her. If i was any other person i was role playing with i think i would die of embarrassement.... lol

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I've never done LARP before, but there's an event coming up in a few months near me that I'm prepping characters for, and I've actually thought about this happening! Since it's my first LARP, I'm designing my character to be basically me, personality-wise, with some of my fears and interests, and I'm actually going to put down that she's terrified of illnesses. This is because I'm kind of a germaphobe IRL and because I need an excuse to want to heal myself first all the time to a ridiculous level (haha), but I think it also plays into my love for hurt/comfort.

Generally, fevers and stuff don't turn me on, but I wonder how I'll feel if I have to RP being the recipient of a Disease spell? Hopefully it won't be as awkward as you felt, but I wonder. :)

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Since it's my first LARP, I'm designing my character to be basically me, personality-wise, with some of my fears and interests, and I'm actually going to put down that she's terrified of illnesses. This is because I'm kind of a germaphobe IRL and because I need an excuse to want to heal myself first all the time to a ridiculous level (haha), but I think it also plays into my love for hurt/comfort.
Have I known that something like this could happen, I would have done the same tonguesmiley.gif Will know for future RPG. I've read a few of the game resume yesterday, I know he already gave a player a cold. Would have been even more mortified if that had happened to me tonguesmiley.gifBut LARPing... it's a more immersive kind of rpg, right? I really can't imagine being expected to act ill just like he other players and.... fjksdkjga *brain meltdown* Edited by NorthernLady
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I don't think you'd necessarily have to act out sneezes and stuff, right? Maybe be a bit sniffly? To be honest, that'd start getting me hot and bothered, anyway, but it wouldn't be so bad. XD I'm not sure how many non-fetishists would go all-out acting a cold, even in a LARP... I guess I don't even know how weird that would be for a non-fetishist.

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No! I don't think I could! You are brave :) I used to fear acting at the thought of having to play a sneeze or something. Sorry if this is off topic, but who IS that extremely sexy man who is your profile picture?! renske.gif

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