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Anyone knit?


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Any flying needles out there keeping the hands occupied? Only really made simple things myself but considering some more daunting projects.

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*slowly raises hand*

Mainly scarfs so far, but I have recently acquired a few knitting looms on which I've practised making bags on and will probably soon have a go at comfy socks.

What kind of projects have you done?

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Mainly scarves also :P but on a really bulky pair of 24 inch circulars so I'm considering my first hat or getting a really large pair of circulars for a baby blanket.

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dont knit but i do crotchet....made tons of scarves, now im making a blanket for myself...finally something for me, since im always making other people things :P

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I know how to knit, but i dont like it too much, I think i hold the needles too hard and it hurts my fingers after couple hours.

I like crochetting much better and I have made couple things, I think my biggest effort was one doll that i made for my friend as birthday gift. It took 6hourse non-stop crochetting, but she liked it so it made me happy to make it and sacrifice the time. I did enjoy making it, but if she wouldnt have liked it, it would have felt a little wasted time.

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I tried learning to knit earlier this year, and I can do the basics (enough to make a scarf). But I crochet all the time, and have been doing it for about two years now. I like being able to make gifts for friends, and determined to make as many as possible this year as opposed to buying stuff (which turned out to be a lot more time consuming than I anticipated). But it's really satisfying to crochet and/or knit! And it's kind of cool finding out when other people do, too.

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Not knitting (two hookless needles intimidates me...!! I don't know why..) but I have crocheted blankets and stuffed animals! Yay for handmade goods :) !!

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I hear rumors that crocheting is much faster (or at least can be?) is there any truth to this? I have never crocheted myself.

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I hear rumors that crocheting is much faster (or at least can be?) is there any truth to this? I have never crocheted myself.

Atleast for what I feel, crochetting is faster, but it's probably because I'm not too good at knitting. I think it depends of how big the project is, but i still think crochetting would win maybe with tiny bit.

Atleast crochetting is easier to learn, I think since you dont have 2 needles and you dont have to worry so much of accidentally skipping a loop. I usually watch movies at same time and just feel with my fingers so there wont be holes in the finished crochet and I dont need to look at what i'm doing all the time, so i enjoy it very much. It's pretty relaxing and it feels great when you see it finished and you can just think "I made this."

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