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I'm sickly and bored and can't sleep. Felt like killing some time with some fetish-y roleplay.

. PM me and we can roleplay xD . Yeh . Ugh I won't sleep either.
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I'm sickly and bored and can't sleep. Felt like killing some time with some fetish-y roleplay.

. PM me and we can roleplay xD . Yeh . Ugh I won't sleep either.

Um... I don't really know how to do that... Can we just talk on here?
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I'm sickly and bored and can't sleep. Felt like killing some time with some fetish-y roleplay.

. PM me and we can roleplay xD . Yeh . Ugh I won't sleep either.

Um... I don't really know how to do that... Can we just talk on here?

. Sure sure :) . What fandom you aiming to roleplay or originals?. It's all your choice.
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I'm sickly and bored and can't sleep. Felt like killing some time with some fetish-y roleplay.

. PM me and we can roleplay xD . Yeh . Ugh I won't sleep either.

Um... I don't really know how to do that... Can we just talk on here?

. Sure sure :) . What fandom you aiming to roleplay or originals?. It's all your choice.

Oh! Um... I wanna try original maybe... Do you do furry stuff at all?
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I'm sickly and bored and can't sleep. Felt like killing some time with some fetish-y roleplay.

. PM me and we can roleplay xD . Yeh . Ugh I won't sleep either.

Um... I don't really know how to do that... Can we just talk on here?

. Sure sure :) . What fandom you aiming to roleplay or originals?. It's all your choice.

Oh! Um... I wanna try original maybe... Do you do furry stuff at all?

. I could try? . Something new is always good :) uh you post a part first in this thread and then ill see how to be a furry ;o haha.
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Okay! I think I'll use Ebony for this one.


Species: panther

Appearance: sleek body and jet black coat with piercing blue eyes.

Other info: doesn't get sick easily, but when she does it hits hard; bisexual, prefers females

Fetishes: sneezing (kiss interruption, inducing someone else, etc.) Bondage

You okay with 18+?

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Okay! I think I'll use Ebony for this one.


Species: panther

Appearance: sleek body and jet black coat with piercing blue eyes.

Other info: doesn't get sick easily, but when she does it hits hard; bisexual, prefers females

Fetishes: sneezing (kiss interruption, inducing someone else, etc.) Bondage

You okay with 18+?

. No thank you I'd rather not do 18+ I'll make one up . Uh . Name : Kai Species: Neko .(halfcat/half human.I think that's the right word ). Appearance : he's slim and more on the short side. Human face with black hair and green cat eyes. Black cat ears c: . Human body but can change into a full cat . Other info : allergies to Pollen and dust. Pansexual. Fetishes : sneezing.(inducing someone else). Lip biting ;o.
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Okay, cool. So, you asked me to start right? What should they're relationship be? Roommates? Idk. Romance?

. Romance :) . And yeh you start . Kai go :)
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Ebony sat perched on the railing of the upstairs balcony. Her crystal eyes shone with moonlight. She sighed.

"So bored..." she groaned, swinging her legs and looking at the ground below.

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Ebony sat perched on the railing of the upstairs balcony. Her crystal eyes shone with moonlight. She sighed.

"So bored..." she groaned, swinging her legs and looking at the ground below.

. Sorry sorry I didn't get to this sooner. ----------------------------------------- I sneaked up behind the feline and whispered a "boo!" . Hoping to get laughter out of her. Then I picked her up and sat her on a chair . I gazed into her crystal eyes with my green ones .
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The panther let out a mrrow of laughter as stared up at his emerald eyes. "You surprised me." She smirked and draped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to kiss her.

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The panther let out a mrrow of laughter as stared up at his emerald eyes. "You surprised me." She smirked and draped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to kiss her.

He kissed her softly and then pulled away.

He sneezed on the panther's shoulder "Hichu Hichieww" he let out high pitched girly like sneezes. and mumbled "Excuse be , Ebony".

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She purred in his ear. "Bless you, hun. You feeling okay?"

He mumbled a " *sniffle* yes of course dear" then coughed on his paw

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Her ears flicked at the sound. "You don't sound fine." she remarked, touching her nose to his forehead. "You have a bit of a fever too."

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:'( Do you just wanna stop then?

yee, my sincere apologies .

it's fine. I've abandoned plenty of roleplays with my friends (mostly cuz' they went on for DAYS!!!)
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