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Teen Wolf Fic (Sterek :3)


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Okay... I needed to post this. I just got into the fandom of teen wolf-though I haven't watched any episodes (they're not on until Monday *eye twitch*) But I've read some fanfics. I apologize for being vague but in all fairness I haven't seen the show so, cut a girl a break? *puppy dog face*

Plus you kick me, it'll be animal abuse. haha :D see what I did there?...no?...okay, never mind....

And I also feel there is not nearly enough teen wolf on here to fill my needs. Seriously...it hurts...hurts the heart *wipes away tear*

Anywhoooo, I'll get on with the story. hehe :3

Part 1

Stiles was walking back through the woods, with Derek at his side when he realized two things, one: his nose was starting to itch, two: his allergy medication must've worn off by now. Rubbing as his slightly curved nose, he tried to massage away the itch, but the only thing that suceeded in doing was attracting Derek's brooding gaze. He had been able to keep his allergies in check since he met Derek, besides the occasional sneeze, so the other werewolf didn't know about his condition, but he sure was about to. Stiles could feel the mostly harmless tickling turn into a burning itch inside his sensitive nostrils, making his breath catch.

"What's with you?" Derek inquired gruffly to the struggling teen.

"Noth-hih-nothing," Stiles stuttered out. Come on, all he needed to do was get back to his jeep, then he would gladly convulse in a sneezing fit. Just not in font of Derek.

Derek gave him a strange look, but Stiles ignored it, trying to subtly speed up his pace, simultaneously keeping his nose in check. His breath seemed to snag with every inhale through his burning sinuses until he was forced to breathe through his mouth if he didn't want to launch into a fit. Nose starting to run, Stiles sniffles warily, trying not to set off his allergies more. But that was clearly a mistake as he sucked in an invisible cloud of pollen into his inflamed nasal cavity. There was no way he could make it to his jeep in time, his breath was already starting to hitch, and his eyes filled with allergic tears. He halted in his steps, his nose taking control of his body.

"Hh...hihh...ish! Tissch! Chishh! Ishh! Ish! Tshh! Tisch! Ish! Ishh...nnh," his long fit ended in an exhausted sigh. God, he fucking hated sneezing. His cheeks heated up when he realized Derek had just witnessed his little outburst. "Snf. Snnf. Sorry about that.... I kind of have allergies..."

"Really?" Derek asked sarcastically and, did he just make a joke? "I couldn't tell."

Stiles didn't have time to debate on calling him out on acting like he actually had a sense of humor or not though. "Well, I gotta get home, so I'll see-hh-oh shit-" Stiles broke off with a curse, feeling another fit coming on. "Ishh! Ish! Ish! Hep'chish! CHishh!"

"Bless you."

Stiles wasn't sure if he heard right. Was that Derek...? Being polite...? No way. He must''ve heard wrong... the congestion settling in must've settled right into his brain or... ("Hih!)...oh not again. "Hh! Hihh...? Hh...hh...hih..." His breath kept on hitching, but nothing came out. It was stuck. Grrrreat. It was even more embarrassing when he needed to sneeze and couldn't. Eyes watering madly, he could barely make out Derek's form, which had moved in front of him. "Hhh...what arhh-are you dhih-doing?" Stiles stuttered out between pants.

"Helping," was his simple response.

How could he help- Stiles was distracted by the feeling of a finger pressing gingerly against the sides of his quivering nostrils, and immediately launches into a fit.

"Hih! Hih'ishh! ISh! ISH! TISH! TChish! ISH! ISH! ISH!"

It felt so good to get that out, but it also kind of exhausted him. Stiles wiped his nose on his wrist, sniffing. Then it dawned on him what had just happened. Derek had been standing directly in front of him, coaxing his sneezes out when this had happened, so that meant the moody werewolf was probably sneezed on quite a bit.

"Oh, god-I-I am so sorry," Stiles blurted mortified as he glanced up at Derek, his cheeks reddening.

"It's fine-"

"I really didn't mean to do that, I just couldn't help it and-wait. Did you just say 'it's fine'?" Stiles began babbling, but stopped when he comprehended what Derek had just said. And then he began nervously babbling again. "But I just sneezed ALL OVER YOU. How can that be fine? You should be disgusted. Heck, I'M disgusted. That was gross, and you're totally cool with it. I feel horrible, why haven't you punched me in the face yet? You-"

"I am going to punch you in the face if you don't shut up!" Derek growled, covering Stiles' mouth with a big hand.

Getting the message, Stiles nodded, an quickly shut up. Derek removed his hand from the younger boy's mouth.

"...Thank you," Stiles said quietly, still feeling embarrassed.


Jesus, this took me forever to write this cause freaking fireworks were going off -_- I kept jumping and then isnsjdb would happen -.- rrr.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed :) sneezy Stiles makes me happy :D

There will most likely be a lot more considering Teen Wolf is probably number one on my obsession chart at the moment ;) so comment and all that jazz :)

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I haven't seen this show either so idk about the characters or anything but this reads pretty well. I hope you continue. :)

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Wow Sterek Sterek Sterek Sterek ! ! . I've forgotten how much I love this shipping :):P . But yes uh continue . Maybe make tuff Derek have a kitten bring him down and Stiles laughing at him. Ehem if you want xD . It's because Derek will look weak. Yeh ehm yeh . Anyways I love this ! :)

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I haven't seen this show either so idk about the characters or anything but this reads pretty well. I hope you continue. :)

Promise me you'll at least look up pics of Stiles... he is so cuuuute :D hehe

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Promise me you'll at least look up pics of Stiles... he is so cuuuute hehe

Haha I did before I read it, he is cute, but I think that Derek is cuter in my opinion. Hopefully you don't hate me for that lol. Still for some reason I think that I could picture stiles sneezing more than I could picture Derek. Anyway thanks for sharing this fic because you've made me want to get into the show.

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Promise me you'll at least look up pics of Stiles... he is so cuuuute hehe

Haha I did before I read it, he is cute, but I think that Derek is cuter in my opinion. Hopefully you don't hate me for that lol. Still for some reason I think that I could picture stiles sneezing more than I could picture Derek. Anyway thanks for sharing this fic because you've made me want to get into the show.

Aw... I've ruined your life... I'm proud yet ashamed of this...I forgive you for liking Derek more but I will always be a Stiles girl <3 lol

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Haha its all good. Deep down no matter who I think is cuter out of all the fictional characters in the world I'll always be a supernatural fan above all anyway. Maybe I'll have a new temporary favorite after I watch this show, who knows maybe I'll convert to a Stiles fan haha.

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Haha its all good. Deep down no matter who I think is cuter out of all the fictional characters in the world I'll always be a supernatural fan above all anyway. Maybe I'll have a new temporary favorite after I watch this show, who knows maybe I'll convert to a Stiles fan haha.

YUSH! MUAHAHAHAHAHA :3 and you could maybe write a fic too! :D

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YUSH! MUAHAHAHAHAHA :3 and you could maybe write a fic too!

Haha, I probably will after I watch a season of the show, because sexy guys with muscles all sniffly and desperate as they suffer convulsing itchy sneezes? Yes please. I just with it happened more in really life lol. Still that's why we have a stories section on this site.

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YUSH! MUAHAHAHAHAHA :3 and you could maybe write a fic too!

Haha, I probably will after I watch a season of the show, because sexy guys with muscles all sniffly and desperate as they suffer convulsing itchy sneezes? Yes please. I just with it happened more in really life lol. Still that's why we have a stories section on this site.

Yeah, lol. :D You'll have to let me know when you write one :)

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THANK GOD FOR THIS STORY! Stiles is the most beautiful person in the world and there are not enough fics about him! So this fic was PERFECT!

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THANK GOD FOR THIS STORY! Stiles is the most beautiful person in the world and there are not enough fics about him! So this fic was PERFECT!

Firstly, thanks :D, Secondly YES! I LOVE STILES AND HAVENT FOUND ENOUGH FICS ABOUT HIM TO SATISFY MY HUNGER. I.need.more. lol :) he's too perfect to not love! :D THE FEELS! Lol XD

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Okey Dokey...excuse my dorkish-Ness, haha :D

In this story I guess I'm just focusing on Stiles, buuuut I may 'accidentally' slip a little Derek torture in here.... muhaha... *evil grin* so let's just see where this goes *slips into the shadows*

Oh, and let's just pretend Derek has some cabin in Prague or some shit, lol. You'll find out what I mean when you read it.

Part Dos!!! (Spanish is ruining my life :( )

Derek had insisted driving Stiles home after he launched into a five minute sneezing session. Stiles couldn't really complain because his eyes were watering so much he doubted he could drive without crashing. So they sat in his jeep in an awkward silence, only disturbed with Stiles' insistent sniffling. After a few agonizing minutes of silence, Stiles couldn't take it anymore and darted forward to click on the radio, only to be intercepted by Derek.

They both looked at each other, glaring and defiant. Derek, being a competitive little shit, as always, flicked Stiles' nose, intent on winning this staredown. Immediately the other boy broke down, eyebrows drawing together and eyelashes fluttering.

"You-hh-cheater-hhh," Stiles panted out, breath hitching. "Hihh! Hih'ISH! ISH'u! Heishh! Ishhiew! Tishhiew!"

He sneezed wetly into his hand, then slightly self consciously wiped it off on his jeans. Derek's eyes were focused back on the road. Stiles gave him a side glance, then looked at the radio button... it was so close... if he could just-

"-Don't even think about it."

"Urgh," Stiles grumbled.

"Don't be such a baby," Derek rolled his eyes.

"I'm not a baby," Stiles protested pouting.

Another silence fell over the two, and Stiles managed to slip off to sleep, which is pretty hard since Derek isn't exactly what you would call a good driver.

"Stiles? Stiiiiles? STILES!" Derek also wasn't very patient with people.

Stiles stirred in the passenger seat, groaning. Derek was such a douche, waking him up when he felt like shit and-

"Hh...Hih'Ishhiew! Chishh! Heh'Shiew! Ishh!"

"Stiles," his name was ground this time, and he knew he was in trouble.

When he peeked an eye open, he saw Derek giving him the stink eye while he wiped his face off with the bottom of his shirt. Stiles laughed to himself, 'serves him right for waking me up.' Stiles stretched his arms over his head, making baby dinosaur noises, and Derek couldn't stay mad at him. 'Stupid, ignorant, cute little asshole,' (and Derek did not just think Stiles was cute. Nope. Not at all.)

When Stiles straightened with a yawn, he looked around, with a confused stare. "Where are we?"

"Hurry up," Derek said, ignoring his question and marching towards a cabin.

It looked like they were in the middle of nowhere. Did Derek drive him out here to kill him where no one could hear him scream? And not only that but they were in a forest...that would not do his allergies any good.

"Hh...hh..." Stiles' breath hitched.

But before he could convulse in a sneezing fit, he was pulled out of his jeep by a very impatient Derek. He was dragged into the house, stumbling blindly and clumsily after Derek, breathing still unsteady. As soon as Derek stopped, his hand still latched onto Stiles' arm, Stiles' sneezed violently, turning away from Derek.


"Bless you," Derek commented.

"Snf-Snnf. Ugh, thangks," Stiles said sniffling, congestion making itself known in his speech. "Sorry I'b so gross."

"It's not your fault." And since when was Derek understanding?

"So... where-hih! Hih'ishh!-snf- where are we?" Stiles asked, sneezing again (man, he was getting tired of that).

"My hideout," Derek shrugged, finally letting go of Stiles' arm (Stiles' wouldn't admit it, but he missed the warmth when Derek let go, and NO, he wasn't going soft!)

"Uh huh," Stiles looked around.

It wasn't a bad place. Nice furniture, though old fashioned, (another thing Stiles liked but didn't tell people) and small homey touches like landscape paintings and a bookshelf full of old, dusty books. He wandered over to the bookshelf, picking one up and blowing the dust off it. The dust puffed out in a cloud enveloping Stiles, and triggering more sneezing from his already inflamed nose.

"Ish! Tishh! Ishiew! Huh...ushhiew! Tishhiew! Ishhoo! Ishh! Heh'ieshh!"

"...idiot..." Derek mumbled under his breath, as he sat on the love seat.

"What was that?" Stiles challenged, putting the book back and going to stand in front of Derek, towering over him for once in his life.

"Nothing," Derek looked up at him, a mischievous look glinting in his dark eyes.

"Yep, s'what I thought," Stiles said.

Derek moved his knee forward in a direct frontal assault on Stiles' lower reigons, barely pulling back before it could make contact. The teen yelped, darting to cover his manhood from further threats. This was exactly what Derek had been waiting for and darted in. Stiles' face was at just the right place for Derek to reach easily. And wait...was Derek kissing him? At first Stiles was shocked...then pleased then shocked again because... he liked it.


Sorry for the PDA lol, but I thought it was cute and I cut it off before things got too serious so, forgive me?

:) Hope you liked it... and I've got a plan for later on how to involve Derek in torture time lol :D be patient young'uns, auntie Carebear will make it all better! ;) haha

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Oh happy happy day. Never shall there be enough Sterek.

I completely agree :)

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Awesome ! Awesome awesome I can't get enough of this story !. More more? :)

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Awesome ! Awesome awesome I can't get enough of this story !. More more? :)

Soon child, soon *pets siamese cat while sitting in leather chair* muahaha...MUAHAHAHAAHAHA! Okay, sorry bout that :)

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Awesome ! Awesome awesome I can't get enough of this story !. More more? :)

Soon child, soon *pets siamese cat while sitting in leather chair* muahaha...MUAHAHAHAAHAHA! Okay, sorry bout that :)

. Hahaha okay ill wait :)
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Awesome ! Awesome awesome I can't get enough of this story !. More more? :)

Soon child, soon *pets siamese cat while sitting in leather chair* muahaha...MUAHAHAHAAHAHA! Okay, sorry bout that :)

. Hahaha okay ill wait :)

Oh my gosh...I.just saw the newest Teen Wolf episode and *insert hyperventilating* I'm offically addicted... the obsession has begun *ominous music*

Have you seen it? O.O

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Awesome ! Awesome awesome I can't get enough of this story !. More more? :)

Soon child, soon *pets siamese cat while sitting in leather chair* muahaha...MUAHAHAHAAHAHA! Okay, sorry bout that :)

. Hahaha okay ill wait :)

Oh my gosh...I.just saw the newest Teen Wolf episode and *insert hyperventilating* I'm offically addicted... the obsession has begun *ominous music*

Have you seen it? O.O

. I've never actually watched teen wolf xD I read fics of shows/movies and things I've never seen/read/saw ect xD . But no I havnt xD . I watch adventure time s'about it and sometimes I get so obsessed with new Degrassi episodes ;o holy frick.
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OMG the new episode of Teen Wolf was amazing!! I cant tell you how many times I screamed!

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OMG the new episode of Teen Wolf was amazing!! I cant tell you how many times I screamed!

OMFG!!!!!!!! I KNOW RIGHT?!?!?!!!! :D AHHHHH! *starts hyperventilating* haha :)

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Omg, I just started watching the show and now this fic is even better !! Loving stiles right now.

Does this mean i have another person to fangirl with over Stiles' smexyness? :') *dies* HALLELUJAH!!!!! :D nobody understands how amazing he is...

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