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Sneeze Fetish Forum

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Okay, you clicked on it, good job! :) So to my point...have you guys noticed how many guests are visting this website? I mean...holy flying fruitcakes... thats s lot of guests... could our kind be growing...? And what about the ones who have yet to find where they belong? :D its so exciting!

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Many of the people who become members here have spent a huge amount of time lurking (myself included) before building up the confidence to take an active part in the forum. And I mean some people literally lurk for YEARS before joining up. But yes, there is a large amount of guest traffic on the forum, and considering that apart from a few incidences there is not too much hate directed towards us, I think it shows that most of them are pretty open and cool about the fetish, whether they have it or not.

Are our kind growing... :D Well the population of the world certainly is, and also access to the internet for all people has increased exponentially meaning that there is much more chance that fetishists will stumble upon this place and realise they are not alone.

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A fair amount of members also browse the forum without logging on at times. If they're in a rush, don't expect to see anything they actually want to reply to, etc. So a certain number of guests at any given time are likely to be members who just aren't logged in.

Apart from that though, guest numbers have always been high here. *shrug* I assume most of it is fetishists who don't yet feel comfortable signing up for an account for one reason or another, though there is undoubtedly some "outsider" presence as well. I doubt our numbers are growing in any significant amount, but thanks to shifting attitudes about sexuality in younger generations there may well be more people these days who are comfortable pursuing their fetish.

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And I mean some people literally lurk for YEARS before joining up.

Years?! Really? What kind of person would lurk for years?

*stares at the ceiling uncomfortably* whistling.gif

I hope at the very least the number of people becoming comfortable with their enjoyment of sneezing is increasing! yes.gif

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Yeah I've been lurking since 2007 and I finally joined last summer. But where do you look to find how many guests are clicking on the site daily?

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Wow, I find it funny that a lot of us lurked for quite a long time before finally deciding to make accounts. I did too, for about three or four years - and then look at all of us now with all these posts. Such brave

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I have had this fettish since i was 7 but i have always thought that i am weird and one of a kind only recently smth like 3years ago had i found out where i belong to

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