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False Family Flu


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So yesterday I was with my dad and sisters at a family friend's house for New Years Eve and my mom texts me--she thinks she has the flu.

I get super weird when my family gets sick. Mainly because we're not the touchy feely close knit group of people. And probably because of this fetish. I'm not good at showing compassion for family members.

So I text her back with this awkward feeling inside of me--"OK...why are you telling me this?" was the text. And she didn't respond.

I don't know what it was.. I almost felt afraid when I got that text and I even had a hard time telling my dad as he was taking us home. I can usually talk about sickness and sneezing pretty well without showing any signs that I'm weirded out about it or signs that I have this fetish. But, I don't know. When it's family, I'm like NO THANK YOU.

I'm sure lots of you get where I'm coming from as I've read lots of posts about hating family sneezing and illnesses. Well I'm here to jump on the ship.

Today my mom is fine. No flu signs... and I'm secretly like, Thank GOD! She was cleaning and doing stuff around the house this morning. I assume she's fine.

Alright, I just had to get that off my chest. I can't really tell anyone.. so I put it here.

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Hmmmm...... I can understand that. I hate hate hate hate hate and even more hate when family members are sick. upset.gif And welcome on the ship!

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Same here, i hate to hear them sneeze i hate the idea of a family member getting sick i freak out it just doesn''t feel right

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Every time one of my family would start having a sneezing fit, I would just try to focus on whatever I'm doing and try not to cringe too obviously. Anything like that with parents... Ughh. I feel yah.

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Blah I know what you mean D: I hate it too. Sooo much. I end up just trying to ignore em haha.

Lately I've been getting kind of ticked off whenever I hear of someone getting sick, cus I actually want to be sick xP but I'm never sick... I've been trying for a year haha. And I'm really interested in the immune system and stuff, and it drives me CRAZY when people try to diagnose themselves and stuff. Like my boyfriend used to be pretty ignorant about this stuff until he met me haha, but he would get like water in his ear from the shower and start saying stuff like "it must be a sinus infection" and I'm like... Are you stupid?! Haha for some reason it just drives me CRAZY. People claiming they have the flu when they just have a bad cold, like if you're having nasal symptoms, it's probably not the flu... Or people claiming they have bronchitis or pneumonia or some other kind of infection when they have a cold for like 1 day haha. They're secondary infections, you wouldn't develop them until after the virus ran its course. Just like a cut doesn't get infected seconds after it happened xP

Uuuugh sorry none of that is really applicable to what you said but I just wanted to get it out haha. For some reason of just rubs me wrong when people exaggerate their illness and call it something they don't even have symptoms for xP

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Blah I know what you mean D: I hate it too. Sooo much. I end up just trying to ignore em haha.

Lately I've been getting kind of ticked off whenever I hear of someone getting sick, cus I actually want to be sick xP but I'm never sick... I've been trying for a year haha. And I'm really interested in the immune system and stuff, and it drives me CRAZY when people try to diagnose themselves and stuff. Like my boyfriend used to be pretty ignorant about this stuff until he met me haha, but he would get like water in his ear from the shower and start saying stuff like "it must be a sinus infection" and I'm like... Are you stupid?! Haha for some reason it just drives me CRAZY. People claiming they have the flu when they just have a bad cold, like if you're having nasal symptoms, it's probably not the flu... Or people claiming they have bronchitis or pneumonia or some other kind of infection when they have a cold for like 1 day haha. They're secondary infections, you wouldn't develop them until after the virus ran its course. Just like a cut doesn't get infected seconds after it happened xP

Uuuugh sorry none of that is really applicable to what you said but I just wanted to get it out haha. For some reason of just rubs me wrong when people exaggerate their illness and call it something they don't even have symptoms for xP

She claims it was the flu. She told me she was feverish and had chills, but only for a night.. Like a 24hr flu. weird... but none the less she jumps to conclusions a lot.

And I get what you're saying about people misdiagnosing themselves. I just say it's a bad cold until it gets so bad that I have to go to the doctor and they tell me what's wrong.

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Blah I know what you mean D: I hate it too. Sooo much. I end up just trying to ignore em haha.

Lately I've been getting kind of ticked off whenever I hear of someone getting sick, cus I actually want to be sick xP but I'm never sick... I've been trying for a year haha. And I'm really interested in the immune system and stuff, and it drives me CRAZY when people try to diagnose themselves and stuff. Like my boyfriend used to be pretty ignorant about this stuff until he met me haha, but he would get like water in his ear from the shower and start saying stuff like "it must be a sinus infection" and I'm like... Are you stupid?! Haha for some reason it just drives me CRAZY. People claiming they have the flu when they just have a bad cold, like if you're having nasal symptoms, it's probably not the flu... Or people claiming they have bronchitis or pneumonia or some other kind of infection when they have a cold for like 1 day haha. They're secondary infections, you wouldn't develop them until after the virus ran its course. Just like a cut doesn't get infected seconds after it happened xP

Uuuugh sorry none of that is really applicable to what you said but I just wanted to get it out haha. For some reason of just rubs me wrong when people exaggerate their illness and call it something they don't even have symptoms for xP

She claims it was the flu. She told me she was feverish and had chills, but only for a night.. Like a 24hr flu. weird... but none the less she jumps to conclusions a lot.

And I get what you're saying about people misdiagnosing themselves. I just say it's a bad cold until it gets so bad that I have to go to the doctor and they tell me what's wrong.

Haha sorry, I didn't mean for it to sound like I was discrediting your mothers flu :P my own mom alllllways jumps to that conclusion tho, so I grew up thinking most of my colds were the flu lol. And now I realize she is just a concerned mother that doesn't know the difference :P most times I don't correct people who so the misdiagnose thing unless its my boyfriend, it's not like I have any place or credentials to say that xP but it does bug me

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