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Grease: The movie


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Well, this is my first fic ever! About Kenickie from Grease (But I'm sure no one will object to Danny also feeling a little sneezy :))! The grammatical Errors in speech are my attempt to mimic there speech. I don't know a ton about writing fics, so here is my try! I chose this fandom because I dont think any one has ever written a sneeze fic about it before. Enjoy! (Also I wrote in a day, so It's not deep or anything)

Kenickie had been working on his beloved car “Grease Lightning” all evening. Something was wrong with the engine and no one could figure out what. He had gotten so wrapped up in figuring it out; he did not realize how chilly the garage had become. He didn’t even bother to comb his hair all night! Around 11:00 PM , his best friend Danny Zuko came in to check on him.

“Kenickie? Hey! Kenickie!”

“Huh?!” He dropped his wrench in shock, finely slipping out of his trance.

“Man you look awful! How long have you been here?”

“Only a few hours >sniff< I came by at about three or somthin’.”

“THREE? Man it’s almost midnight!”


“Look I know you love this car Kenick but..”

“Hey how was I gonna know how much time went buy? Rizzo‘s mad cause I can’t take her nowhere and I wanted to fix it by tonight. Damn these girls…” He seemed thoroughly exasperated.

“Tell me about it.” Danny went to go sit on the top of the seats of Grease Lightning.

“Problems with that, uh Sandy chick?” He ran his fingers through his messy hair.

“No.” Danny didn’t say anything more, and an awkward silence filed the garage. Until Kenickie began to build a sneeze, that is.


“Oh God.” Danny laughed half joking half genuinely concerned for the after effects of the massive sneeze.

“Ah-HAI-ICHOO!” Kenickie sneezed wetly and loudly all over the floor of the garage. The sneeze was so powerful it bent him at the waist.


Kenickie sniffed wetly and rubbed his nose vigorously with the side of his left wrist.

“Ugh >sniff< So what are ya gonna do?”

“About what?”

“What ‘da ya mean about what, Zuko! What’s goin’ on with you and Sandy?”

“Nothin’. That’s the problem.”

“Oh I get it.” Kenickie came and sat on the edge of the car door “She won’t go to bed, huh.”


“Well the best thing you can do, if you ask me…..”

“Nobody asked you.” Danny glared at his friend. The last thing he wanted was Kenickie giving him “advice.”

“Well fine then, figure it out yourself.” He grabbed some more hair grease and combed it in. Just then, he felt a very intense itch in the back of his nose. He immediately tried to stop it by rubbing his nose with his index finger. Danny looked over and frowned at Kenickies odd behavior.

“What’s wrong with you?” He asked with concern.

Kenickie looked up, very defensive. “My nose itches! Can’t a guy scratch around here?”

Danny shrugged. Then Kenickie turned away from Danny.


“Bless you. Are you cold or somthin’?” Danny was starting to get a bit concerned.

“Absolutely not.>sniff<” But Danny could feel the freezing temperature in the drafty garage, even with his leather jacket. “I’ve been workin’ here for hours and it’s really dusty!” He was almost shouting now.

“Okay okay.” Danny backed off. “But why don’t you go home and get some rest and I’ll try an fix the car?”

Kenickie sighed. “Alright. Thanks.” They shook hands. “Oh wait, do you got a tissue or somthin’for my nose>sniff<”

“Uh I got a hanky here.” Danny pulled it out of his front pocket.

“Great! See ya later.” He began to run out of the garage.

“Hey hold up a minute!” Danny yelled back.

“What now?”

“Where’s your jacket?”

“Its over here I’m puttin’ it on I’m putten’ it on.”

“It’s gonna rain any minute.”

“No big deal I’ll….Oh no!”

“Oh no? What’s oh no?”

“The door! Its jammed!”

“Jammed!?” Danny jumped off the seats and ran over to the door. He and Kenickie pushed and pulled on the door with no such luck.

“Oh no! Were trapped!”

“Well, maybe if we uh, take this crow bar and hit it on the door, we can bang our way outta here.”

“Worth a shot.”

So Danny and Kenickie took some crow bars and hit the door for a few minutes.

“That’s it.” Kenickie said, his voice clearly stuffed up. “It won’t budge it’s solid steel!”

“Kenick….” Danny was suddenly uneasy. “Do you know what day it is?”

“Ya it’s Friday. Why?”

“Cause that means no one will be here to work on the car until…”

“SUNDAY!” They shouted in unison.

“Great. I’m gonna miss my date with sandy, miss the next four meals and..”

“HAI-SHOO! UGH!” Kenickie blew his nose in the hanky as Danny eyed him. “ASH….. HI-CHOO!” he blew his nose again.

“….And catch a cold.”

“Hey! I don’t….”

“I know, You don’t have a cold.”

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Aww! Oh my gosh~! I love this movie, and I love the way you've written it!

Fantastic work, and the dialogue is really believable <3

I really enjoyed this <3 So cute!

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OMG GREASE!!!! It's so amazing!!! I love this movie! If you plan on continuing please do! I would love to read more of this!!!! :)

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I am rolling my eyes and giggling like an idiot at the same time >u< Grease was my life about three years ago, and it never struck me to write sneeze-fiction for it.

I love this!! Denial is something I would totally see coming from Kenickie, and I love his bromance with Danny. Keep it up! :wub:

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Aww! Oh my gosh~! I love this movie, and I love the way you've written it!

Fantastic work, and the dialogue is really believable <3

I really enjoyed this <3 So cute!

OMG GREASE!!!! It's so amazing!!! I love this movie! If you plan on continuing please do! I would love to read more of this!!!! smile.png

worshippy.gif GREASE!


I am rolling my eyes and giggling like an idiot at the same time >u< Grease was my life about three years ago, and it never struck me to write sneeze-fiction for it.

I love this!! Denial is something I would totally see coming from Kenickie, and I love his bromance with Danny. Keep it up! wub.png

Great I really like it smile.png

Aww thanks guys :) I to, love Kenickie! I will try to update it after exams! Its means a lot.

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  • 2 months later...

I love Grease! Danny and Kenickie have some pretty great chemistry going on too!

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