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Sneeze Fetish Forum

I Told....


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Just finished telling all my closest friends about the fetish. It feels good to get it off my chest, and they all took it really well :) Guess now I can offically say I have no secrets...I feel pretty good. Free in fact :D I just hope this never comes back to bite me in the ass lol.

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Awesome!! Tho ur braver then me!

I blame more of stupidity and sleep depriveness than bravery. Trust me, I'm a huge chicken lol. I did it over text anyways haha :) But I've bravery comes with experience... take slow steps, like eating cerial without milk O.O that takes real guts ;) haha :)

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Up side to this... if one of your friend has a crush on you, he'll know how to show it to you :)

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How do people live without secrets?? Haha...still, you're brave for telling your friends.

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