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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Boys or Girls?


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So I was just wondering do the number of girls outnumber the number of boys on this forum? Or vice versa? To me it seems as there is more girls but hey who knows xD. Plus there's a lot of gender undisclosed... but what do u guys think? More guys on this forum? More girls? Or equally distributed?

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I think there are more girls, but I'm not sure.

Seems to be more stories with girls sneezing than boys, too. Just saying. :P

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It seems like there's more women here because they engage more in discussions while there's a lot of men who browse the forum but rarely post anything or take part in the discussions. So when you take that into consideration, the gender ratio is actually pretty equally balanced, in my opinion.

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More girls comment, for sure. However, I'd wager that there are plenty of guys on the forum who don't have much to say.

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More girls comment, for sure. However, I'd wager that there are plenty of guys on the forum who don't have much to say.

Haha! Just like life sometimes :)

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More girls comment, for sure. However, I'd wager that there are plenty of guys on the forum who don't have much to say.

Haha! Just like life sometimes smile.png

I was thinking it. It's a stereotype, but it's not entirely inaccurate :)

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Well, there are almost twice as many members listing themselves as female, but this being the internet that is of course no guarantee of accuracy.

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theres probably lots of lurkers on here, but i see alot of female members posting...but who knows maybe there is the same amount of guys here, but they just post less

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More girls comment, for sure. However, I'd wager that there are plenty of guys on the forum who don't have much to say.

Hey! I resemble that remark! sweatdrop.gif

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