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The Perfect Sneeze


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I've seen a lot of threads related to people who want to see particular people sneeze. However, does anyone have an idea of the perfect sneeze? A sneeze that is, without question, the most attractive sneeze that could possibly come from someone? And if so, has anyone had the pleasure of witnessing it, whether via video/wav or in real life?

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I don't know if there is a perfect sneeze. It kind of depends on the person you want to see sneeze. Sometimes one kind of sneeze seems like a great idea for one person, but if you try it on someone else it doesn't seem just right. I dunno, that's just me.

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I don't know if there is a perfect sneeze. It kind of depends on the person you want to see sneeze. Sometimes one kind of sneeze seems like a great idea for one person, but if you try it on someone else it doesn't seem just right. I dunno, that's just me.

Yeah, I was thinking about that. But I kinda like when people have surprising sneezes...sneezes that don't "seem just right." I find it amusing when guys have these tiny, dainty sneezes and I find it really attractive when a small girl has a really powerful sneeze. But, yet again, that's personal preference, too.

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I don't think there is any such thing as a "perfect sneeze".

We all have our preferences, sure, but I like to see variation.

For example, I like harsh, unrestrained sneezes and also failed stifles, but they just wouldn't work on some people who I find attractive. It also works vice versa that I'm not massively keen on stifles, but on the right person they can be dribble-worthy.

I guess it depends on the person more than my preferences.

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I don't think there is any such thing as a "perfect sneeze".

We all have our preferences, sure, but I like to see variation.

For example, I like harsh, unrestrained sneezes and also failed stifles, but they just wouldn't work on some people who I find attractive. It also works vice versa that I'm not massively keen on stifles, but on the right person they can be dribble-worthy.

I guess it depends on the person more than my preferences.

Well, I know there's not *the* perfect sneeze. I was just wondering if people had their own personal favourite sneeze. (I probably wasn't very clear about that in the original post.)

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There couldn't really be a sneeze that EVERYONE would find extremely attractive. However,perhaps there could be a sneeze that most or all people(who have the fetish or not) or like or at least be somewhat attracted to? I don't know just a thought.

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I think this is an opion question.

It's completely an opinion question. It was meant to be an opinion question. Unfortunately, that didn't come across quite clearly (which is why I shouldn't post when I'm tired and whatever proofing skills I might have are reduced). No, I'm fully and completely aware that everyone has a different opinion as to what "the perfect sneeze" might be. People like stifles, loud sneezes, dainty sneezes, high-pitched sneezes, powerful sneezes, and every possible kind of sneeze you could think of. The purpose of this post was to ask what people thought was "the perfect sneeze." In their opinion.

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There couldn't really be a sneeze that EVERYONE would find extremely attractive. However,perhaps there could be a sneeze that most or all people(who have the fetish or not) or like or at least be somewhat attracted to? I don't know just a thought.

Oh, of course not. (I really wish I could edit this thread...this was supposed to be asking everyone their opinions what they thought was the best sneeze, not divining *the* perfect sneeze.)

*If* that sneeze existed (and I highly doubt it does), it would probably be the sneeze considered "normal." Not loud or soft, not nasal, not anything that could possibly distinguish it from the most basic, stereotypical "achoo." But then, a lot of people (myself included) like those things which I listed before, which brings us back to pure opinion.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For me, I like small, breathy sneezes and sneezes with spray. Also, I like stifles. I'd like to see anyone who could spray sneeze softly :/ Idk if that's too crazy or what...

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Today, for me, it's this one. I'm in love with this one:


I'm a fan of hers, too :)

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For me, I like small, breathy sneezes and sneezes with spray. Also, I like stifles. I'd like to see anyone who could spray sneeze softly :/ Idk if that's too crazy or what...

No, I've seen a soft, breathy spray. It was incredible. :)

Like...there were 5 of them in a row, it hit the sunlight just the right way...it was great. If a tiny water sprite ever sneezed, it would look and sound just like that. xD

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I don't think I could decide on one type of sneeze that is my perfect sneeze. One thing I like about sneezes is variety- different types of sneezes like stifles, loud sneezes, from sneezes that actually sound like "ah-choo" to ones that are almost unspellable. Sneezes can be very individual, which is one of the great things about them. As people have said it also depends on who the sneezer is; sometimes one type of sneeze seems to particularly suit a person.

However, though I appreciate variety of sneezes, I do have a favourite type of sneeze: I like female sneezes which are powerful and loud, but still have enough 'voice' in them to sound feminine. I tend to think of these as real 'womanly' sneezes, and they've been my favourite for quite a while.

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My perfect sneeze is "heh-xgt-choo" I like restraint and shyness in sneezing, but I also like the choo of a sneeze. Lucky for me that's how my bf sneezes.. But I've only heard one in the 4 months we've been dating. :/

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Approximately: the more attractive, petite and feminine the woman; the more violent, wet and nasal the sneeze.

The further these two criteria are pushed, the closer to perfection it gets.

I have to admit I've always been searching for the perfect sneeze - or something that's very close to it. Have I ever heard/seen it ? Well I've witnessed some damn, damn good ones, I mean really good. Heavy heavy sneezes from gorgeous women - there's nothing quite like it!

Edited by haymaker
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I would have to say the bigger and breathier the build-up the better. A shuddering breath before the eventual release is, to me, an integral part of my perfect sneeze. If it ends up being stifled? Omg. That's my idea of heaven! ;)

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