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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Secretive-y-ness About Visiting Forum?


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I am really careful about visiting the forum. I'm also paranoid that someone's going to dig through my computer, since I do that to my brother because I am positive he's not studying, he's on google+, and I want to catch him. And if my dad is ever updating my computer or fixing it or doing something, he won't find this. Probably. Unless I get lazy/sloppy.

1. I use a different window than the rest of my stuff. This way, I can quickly minimize the window and go back to whatever I was doing, watching netflix, chatting, etc.

2. I keep another tab open next to this one. Some random tumblr page, just to quickly switch to, as you can tell what window you're on when it's minimized.

3a. I use incognito. Chrome's special feature where none of your browsing history is kept. If I didn't I would have to pick through my history and specifically pick out all the ones sneeze related and delete those. If I cleared all my history, it would not only be kinda suspicious in my opinion, but when I wanna find an old site I visited, I wouldn't be able to find it.

3b. With incognito, you aren't automatically signed into youtube. You can look up whatever sneeze related stuff you want or click any sneeze related link without it being kept in your youtube history or showing up as "recommended for you" when other people are watching with you.

4. Any sneeze related google document I leave as "Untitled Document" (but with the D capitalized so I'm not confused tonguesmiley.gif) so if I'm at school, no one thinks anything of it except, oh it's just one of her many "Untitled documents."

4b. I use a really hard to read font when I type obs, stories, or fanfics (which probably wont be posted because I've written at a 5th grade level since 4th grade and haven't improved since) in case someone sees it. This works really well, as my friend got away with typing about k-pop and doctor who while we were supposed to be typing an essay for English in the library and the teacher was walking around looking at our work, and I suggested she does this when she didn't listen to me telling her to work tonguesmiley.gif

5. Different username. In case someone happens to look up my normal username and finds this, or someone here looks up this username and finds out a whole bunch about me.

wow sorry if that was so long...

If you didn't read that, different window, different tab, incognito, disguised file name and font, and different username.

What about you? I'm kind of curious...

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Im on my smartphone so no one sees this..plus i delete my history and search engines, etc...like you, I use a different name for this forum from the one I use for my livejournal, deviantart and fanfiction account.Any fiction, goes into my usb and goes with me. Sketches, stay near and with me at all times.

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Wow, you guys are smart. I clear my history and pray nobody touches my laptop

I used to do exactly this :lol:

I use Incognito when I'm on my laptop and always clear my history, just in case. I'm lucky my SO is really computer illiterate and still uses IE instead of Chrome, but I always delete just in case. I always empty the recycle bin and make sure I have no fetishy files saved on my computer.

Even after doing all this, I still feel sick every time he goes on my laptop, just in case he finds something that I missed.

With my phone, I have a screen lock, and also delete all my history every once in a while too, but the chances of anyone finding it on my phone are slim to none.

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laughing.gif I do all of that except the last one Edited by Not_Telling
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Since I am living on my own, I just delete history before someone visits me. If I had a girlfriend I would be more paranoid. But for nowbI don't see a reason to delete my browser history daily. I delete it ever 2 or 3 days. But it has happened me a few times, that I opened Safari in public on my iPad and the forum popped up :blush:

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Wow, I did all of those things when I was your age! I found the forum when I was 13 (about 7 and a half years ago... jeez, how time flies, right?) and I remember being soooo careful about hiding it! This was before anything like incognito even existed, so I just had to clear my history after each visit...

These days, I'm a lot more sloppy. I'll browse the forum on my phone during class, on the train, wherever, and on my computer in the library... I guess I figure that nobody is going to be using my computer, and even if they do, I doubt they'll be paying attention to my history. If they do say something, I can just tell them that it's something a friend showed me, or that I was using the site for research, or something. I guess I'm a lot less worried now!

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Yeah, as you get older, and especially once you move away from your parents, you realize that there's nobody left to really care about your kinks.

Like, even if my computer wasn't password-protected, I know that my roommates don't care enough to come in here and start snooping around. I don't poke around their stuff, and they don't poke around mine, simply because we aren't interested enough to put in the effort.

Given that, I can give myself a bit of slack on things like clearing my internet history.

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I don't live with my parents anymore and my boyfriend knows about the forum, so... :P

Before that though, when I was living at home, I actually didn't come on the forum very much (I was just a guest then). And this was before Firefox or Chrome or the concept of browsing incognito. So I would basically wait until a time when I was the only person in the house, which was rare, and then I'd delete all the browsing history after I'd visit. Kids these days can sneak around a lot easier! *shakes a cane*

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LOL I totally do all of that still with only slight variations even tho I'm positive no one will use my laptop without my permission. The font thing I haven't really thought of (it'sa good idea tho!) but I use small font that most normal people won't be able to read at a distance.

Another thing I do out of habit is that I use Safari for forum use whereas I use Chrome for everything else. This was before I discovered private browsing and I'd clear cache after each use. No one, and I mean no one, that I know irl uses Safari so they'd be even less likely to poke around.

I'm a lot less careful on my phone though and I will check the forum practically most public places if I'm out of line of sight.

Edited by snuffles
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With my browser I don't worry. The only one to use my PC apart from me is my boyfriend and he can't read English so no worries.

With YouTube however I do browse it through a privacy window in Firefox. I don't want sneeze related content coming up as recommended/related on my YouTube account because before I moved out a few years ago I was often logged into it on my parent's PC and Blu Ray player, unfortunately with password saved to browser memory, so I'm paranoid they might be able to log into it. I have changed password/created a new account since then but... I'm still paranoid!

Also, my bf does use YouTube on my PC so he'd be able to see sneezey thumbnails and/or read it and be like, "what's all this sneezing stuff...".

Before I turned 18 and got my own PC though, I did a lot of separate window/tab things to quickly switch windows since my mother has never heard of knocking.

Edited by cherry
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I've grown bold with age and am now on all the time in public if I can reasonably assume nobody's gonna look over my shoulder and have other windows with boring things open, like facebook. And even when I was on a shared family computer, I didn't clear my history or anything, I just used Internet Explorer instead of Firefox. Because who the heck's gonna use IE when other options are readily available?

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I have my own laptop and i close it when i'm not on it and it has a passkey lock sooooooo i'm good :D

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I clear my history and have a separate email account - whose google doc is where I do any fetishy writing - and am too afraid to go on at school, where they can see the sites we browse through the internet. For me, actually, it is not the fear of an individual person finding out - though there is that also - but more the idea of having it "attached" to whatever overall profile exists of me in the world. I recognize that's ridiculous, but I've heard too many people I know gripe about fetishes and urgh, I get nervous.

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I have my own personal laptop so I don't ever have to worry about anyone snooping around, knowing where I've been. I do use private browsing though, so it doesn't record the history anyway. The rest of my family uses a separate computer but none of them are really computer-literate enough to even know what internet cache is. The only time I ever worry about anyone finding out about me visiting this place is when somebody knocks on my door and I have to minimize an open window really quick. I've had a few close calls but nothing yet, luckily.

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I'm pretty secretive about it, but I'm not very good with hiding it!

Since I currently use someone else's computer right now, that makes it even more awkward...

Now whenever you type in "s" in the web address bar, the link to this site shows up. Oops! :lol:

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I'm pretty secretive about it, but I'm not very good with hiding it!

Since I currently use someone else's computer right now, that makes it even more awkward...

Now whenever you type in "s" in the web address bar, the link to this site shows up. Oops! heh.gif

Go to another site besides this one that starts with an s a whole bunch of times so that that one shows up instead

clear all history w/ sneezing

use incognito on google chrome (idk if any other browsers have this as I only use chrome)

problem solved :D

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I have always had my own computer, but now I am only roommates with my sister and she has her own computer, however, I use a different browser when visiting this site , I also have two different youtube accounts

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I do almost nothing except I used a different browser for fetish-related things. I have my own laptop so I'm not really concerned, but I've even forgotten to close fetish-related word docs while someone else uses my comp and I'm pretty sure nothing happened with that. I think I'm flirting with danger a little too hard. It's no wonder my sister caught me, lol.

Edited by The Cracked Egg
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I live by myself and have no significant other, so I am pretty lax. I use a totally separate browser (Safari) from my usual one (Chrome) so when I let people use my laptop, they use Chrome (it's the only one linked from the desktop). I used to throughly hide my .wavs etc on my computer when in college, but now that I'm older it's pretty rare anyone would get ahold of my laptop without me standing right there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Incognito is my savior. I think even if I was the only person using my computer I would still use it simply out of paranoia/habit. The only drawback for me is not being able to go back and find certain youtube videos- but I guess if I really wanted to I could always make a separate account.

I also have a password protected journal app on my computer to save fics and things that I find very useful. There are also ways of creating password protected folders for word documents and .wav files.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just have a password activated computer log-in (only I use the computer) but I have that added securitry I have a program that daily clears the history daily for me, and any sneeze fetish WAVS or videos I have on a portable Hard drive which is only accessible by another password.

Am I paranoid or what? hahaha

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