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When was your last cold?


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Last: this week

Headcold? Yep

Sneezy? yes

Stuffy? yes

How often did you sneeze (average)? prob 1-2 every hour during the sneeziest part

We're you able to blow your nose? Constantly at the beginning. Not as much in the middle

Did it feel good to sneeze? Mostly till the end

Did someone take care of you? no

How long did it last? about a week

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Last: this past summer

Headcold? Yep

Sneezy? Hell yea

Stuffy? yes

How often did you sneeze (average)?

2-3 times every so often...

We're you able to blow your

nose? Every minute

Did it feel good to sneeze? It did but it left me feeling weak

Did someone take care of you? no

How long did it last? about a week

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Last: Last weekend

Headcold? Yep

Sneezy? yes

Stuffy? yes

How often did you sneeze (average)? Quite alot at the beggning, not so much in the middle, and alot when the cold was dying down

We're you able to blow your nose? Alot in the beginning, but not when I was stuffed up like crazy.

Did it feel good to sneeze? Yes ;;

Did someone take care of you? Nope!

How long did it last? About 5-6 days

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Last: A week and 3 days ago

Headcold? Yes, bad one.

Sneezy? Yes

Stuffy? Yes

How often did you sneeze (average)? 1-2 every hour first day, 2-4 every 15-20 minutes 2nd day, died down 3rd day and so on.

We're you able to blow your nose? Constantly. Trash bin overflowed.

Did it feel good to sneeze? Yes but not so good when you feel the constant urge wanting to hold back in public.

Did someone take care of you? Yes

How long did it last? About a week, 6 days.

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Last: late October

Headcold? yes

Sneezy? yes

Stuffy? yes after a couple of days

How often did you sneeze (average)? don't remember...maybe a couple sneezes per hour? More sneezes at the start of the cold than the end.

We're you able to blow your nose? Yes, my nose was running a lot at the start.

Did it feel good to sneeze? Mostly yes, but sometimes annoying.

Did someone take care of you? no

How long did it last? a week or so.

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Last: About 3 weeks ago.

Headcold? Yes.

Sneezy? Yes, but not enough. It's never enough!

Stuffy? Yes. Not terrible, though.

How often did you sneeze (average)? Maybe 8-10 times a day, up from one double every few days when I'm not sick. Usually doubles or triples during the cold. I held back some at work because I was embarrassed.

Were you able to blow your nose? Mostly. It didn't seem to work at night.

Did it feel good to sneeze? Of course.

Did someone take care of you? No :(

How long did it last? About a week.

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Last: Right now blushsmiley.gif

Headcold? Yeah

Sneezy? oh my god yeah

Stuffy?Not quite yet.

How often did you sneeze (average)? probably around 3-4 every 2-4 hours.

We're you able to blow your nose? Right now I can blow my nose. Give it a day or two and I won't be able too.

Did it feel good to sneeze? It does.

Did someone take care of you? Nope

How long did it last? Unknown as if right now.

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Last: Just getting over one

Headcold? Yes

Sneezy? Not as much as I'd have liked

Stuffy? Yes, very.

How often did you sneeze (average)? Once every couple hours

Were you able to blow your nose? A little bit. Sneezing made it easier to.

Did it feel good to sneeze? Yep

Did someone take care of you? Not really

How long did it last? A week or so.

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honestly, i really cant remember the last time i had a cold...or was even sick at all :P i know i didnt catch a cold last year, and this year nothing so far. i think the last time i was actually really sick was when i was in the hospital 2 years ago because i was literally about to die from asthma i didnt yet know i had. 1 week in a stupid boring hospital...i wanted to jump out the window LOL.

so no colds for me yet

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I've been trying to get a cold for like a year :( I'm so frustrated haha

Last: over a year ago

Headcold? Yeah, then turned into a chest cold

Sneezy? The first few days I was soooo sneezy

Stuffy? Completely

How often did you sneeze (average)? I could just stare at a light or rub my nose the tiniest bit and sneeze. I would try to hold them back cus I was around my bf, but it was still a few times every hour at least. After the first few days, it was only like half a dozen times a day tho.

We're you able to blow your nose? Yeah all the time. My boyfriend made fun of me for using up all the tissues xP I was so embarrassed haha

Did it feel good to sneeze? Yeah but I was also kind of embarrassed. Once it got worse and went into my chest, it sounded really gross and would throw me into a coughing fit and that embarrassed me sooo much haha.

Did someone take care of you? My boyfriend was there but he's not a caretaker.

How long did it last? 2 weeks

I want to get sick again so much :( I try all the time, so many people around me have been sick and I try so desperately to get their colds but I never do... xP so frustrating lol. But it will happen eventually...

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I did just submit a wav to Bondi's wav page and he updated it if anyone is interested. Feel free to message me if you like. If you don't... We'll then don't. Please be nice. Haven't done this in a while.

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I am writing this for my GF:

Last: Today

Headcold? Yeah

Sneezy? Somewhat

Stuffy? Completely..This is the worst!

How often did you sneeze (average)? About 4 times.

We're you able to blow your nose? Yeah

Did it feel good to sneeze? No.

Did someone take care of you? Yes

How long did it last? Don't know ....

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I did just submit a wav to Bondi's wav page and he updated it if anyone is interested. Feel free to message me if you like. If you don't... We'll then don't. Please be nice. Haven't done this in a while.

*Runs to hear it*

*Hears it*


That false one tho!!!! Just yes!!

Edited by Artygirl22
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I had like 7 colds/flu/illnesses in 2013 from my count. One definitely felt like flu with full chills and body aches. One was confirmed strep from a throat culture. Took antibiotics for it but since my body was rather weakened I caught a cold immediately after. Had gone back to the doctor to check on my strep and he confirmed it was just a cold, drink lots of OJ and things like that.

The others felt like they began as allergies with the whole stuffy drippy nose but moved down to my chest as a deep throaty cough and asthma. Probably bronchitis again but I hadn't checked those out. Not to many sneezes though. Just a slight fever and a cough that didn't go away for 3 weeks at a time.

This is probably why I'm a converted germaphobe. I don't need to get sick again.

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My GF has a bad cold now. She tried to broil some eggs and had to grab her hankercheif and sneeze because of her cold. She has a nasty sore throat as well. She feels terrible.

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Last: started about a week ago leading up to now

Headcold? Yes :(

Sneezy? very. I'ma really sneezy person in general but this cold is ridiculous

Stuffy? I have that stuffy/runny combo where you can't sniff but your nose just runs and runs....

How often did you sneeze (average)? At the beginning i'd say at LEAST once every 5 minutes

now I've just got these crazy long fits

We're you able to blow your nose? now its all i'm doing! but in the middle i could only wipe it and try to squish it to stop it from running.

Did it feel good to sneeze? For a while...but now mt nose is so raw and my sinuses are so achy so no.

Did someone take care of you? a haha good one......

How long did it last? Its been over a week and im still sick........

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Last: Early Octoberish (I forgot which I just remember missing a lot of school and it was the beginning of the year)

Headcold? Nope

Sneezy? Not really :(

Stuffy? yes

How often did you sneeze (average)? Probably 3-4 times a day :/

We're you able to blow your nose? Not really

Did it feel good to sneeze? Yes! Then I could breathe!

Did someone take care of you? Not really. I stayed home from school, but I was confined to my room so I wouldn't pass it on to my brother.

How long did it last? 5 days for most symptoms, coughing lasted 9 though

I mostly just had a super sore throat (which is why I stayed home for 4 days) where I couldn't eat anything but soup, popsicles, and icecream and some coughing/ congestion. I never get sneezy colds :/

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Last: currently

Headcold? Yep

Sneezy? kinda

Stuffy? yes

How often did you sneeze (average)? about 12 times throughtout the day

We're you able to blow your nose? one nostril is clogged the other is fine

Did it feel good to sneeze? always does

Did someone take care of you? nope

How long did it last? we shall see

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great....now that ive said i havent been sick in over a year, i now have a stupid cold and can barely breathe....lol really sucks too, especially since it feels like im suffocating when i try to sleep

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Last: About a month ago

Headcold? Yep

Sneezy? Yep

Stuffy? YEP xP

How often did you sneeze (average)? Ummm about 3-4 times per hour, or maybe about once every 20 minutes. (I suck at math, sry :D)

Were you able to blow your nose? Probably, but I didn't, because I hate blowing my nose lol

Did it feel good to sneeze? Oh, God, yes.

Did someone take care of you? Sorta :( my boyfriend and I texted b&f so it was nice to have him there in some capacity

How long did it last? About a week and a half or so.

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